The Blue Falls

The race track was big and dull. The smoothened road wrapped around and through giant mundane fixtures. It seemed pretty straight forward. Dezzy thumb smacked her phone in search of the right car for their race. It was a water theme called, The Blue Falls. A go-kart road out with a winged kitty driving. The fluffy cat flapped its wings a flew away.

"Let's go and win this thing," said Dezzy, "Now remember, all you have to do is stay strapped to your tiny seat in the back and rotate around to shoot things. Oh, and if you get scared, just rotate the other way".

Seeing that Vanessa shrugged off the track as a joke, Dezzy reminded her to take these two races seriously. Vanessa nodded her head and sat in her seat. The gun was quite different than any other she'd used in the past. It felt like wielding a giant toy or perhaps some doom machine built in a garage. Dezzy hopped into her seat which was a bit lower to allow the gunner to shoo towards the front.