Maybe it was the next swing, or maybe a few others that she parried, but at some point she found herself falling into the dirt.
Gula launched a tree at the flame Myrmidon before punching it square into the chest. He followed up with an uppercut and tried to pull off its mask.
The snake-like flam body it had for feet wrapped around Gula's, allowing the thing to slice its blade into his arm. Blood spouted out along with a few vined the latched onto the scimitar.
A tree flung over, hitting the myrmidon in the back of the head. Gula headbutted the creature back before using his latched arm to slam it into the dirt.
Vanessa stared at Gula's evil smile that stretched to his ears, showing off his fangs. The man began stomping the fire creature with his nasty feet until he pulled the sword in his arm away from it.