V dropped Vanessa from a foot above land before he dropped himself a few feet away. He rolled in the dirt, taking the pain as though it was first nature.
The lady ran up with her red heels clacking on small rocks, "What the hell? We ask you for help and you try to kill us"?
V rose up, bowing his hands, "E! Look, we don't need to fight. We just need to find the shrine".
E jabbed her finger towards Vanessa, cursing her two attempts to kill them.
At first, Vanessa didn't mind until E shouted, "She's just like that boy Logan"!
Her heart sank anticipating what they could've done to him. Unfortunately, no clear language was given. Vanessa knew she had to plan her next course of action carefully. The man was clearly strong in close combat and can tank pretty well. The woman can absorb wind as well as launch wind and fire attacks.