Earlier that Friday, before Vanessa crossed paths with Logan in the hall, Dani sat well suited in the studio's jam-packed lobby alongside Jaivva, Logan, and Jeff. The studio always got packed in February with people who enjoyed the thoughtful themes bringing them closer to loved ones. Jaivva was singing, bragging about how she gets to protect big boy Jeff from assassins.
Jeff sat, rubbing his head, "Dani, why don't you go in already"?
"I have to go in later for something," she answered.
"For what"?
She was a bit taken, "Don't worry about it".
Just as Jeff was about to bicker back, Logan cut him off, "I freaking hate when the studio gets crowded with all these non-players. It reminds me of the old days when it was always like this".
"Really?" asked Jaivva, "What happened"?
Logan scratched his grey hair, "Well, it use to be flooded with a lot of players. But a lot of them were crappy. Lot's of hazing and people getting jumped. Especially with the middle schoolers".