"So yeah," said Jaivva, "I did not think we would need camping gear".
Iku against a tree, "Weren't you hear in August for that survival theme"?
Jeff sucked his teeth "Yeah, that's my fault. She wasn't here by the way. She came in September. had the car, and didn't think we would need camping gear. Sorry".
Jaivva pointed at the fire Iku made, "At least we got a fire. And salad".
"Good salad," added Iku, smiling over at her little bowl.
Jeff stared out into the dark forest, "What was the deal with August? I was so confused by it".
Jaivva answered, "I know I heard Logan say y'all were dead or something".
"Really?" asked Jeff.
Iku nodded, looking for a faint presence felt in the forest. For a second she thought she saw somebody.
"What's going on?" asked Jaivva.
"I think the forest is haunted," she answered.
Jaivva got up, "Oh hell no... Nah ah. Not again"!
"You're alright?" asked Jeff, getting up himself.