Chick Is Lookin' Manly

"Howdy," Jaivva mocked in a country accent.

Hakken mimicked Mickey Mouse's voice, "Well I'll be Jaivva. This may not be a steamboat. But it's one hell of an air ride"!

Jaivva and Iku burst out laughing at Hakken's skill of voice-changing skills. They requested their favorite cartoons and anime for her to act out while driving the airboat. Jeff for one was still thinking about how they could've made so much money easily. It was here that he realized the potential his team had in this game.

"Oh my God Hakken!" yelled Jaivva, "You look like such a babe up there, driving that boat".

Hakken flipped her hair with Iku cheering that she wished more men looked like her. They both agreed that when they went to American Senior High they thought it was going to be filled with a bunch of boy band-looking guys. Instead, they have been utterly disappointed in finding mostly wannabe thugs and snobbish kids.