The two coins exploded, emitting a toxic gas that rapidly spreaded. Faith threw out a card, shouting, "Contain". The smoke compressed itself into a small ball that floated to the ceiling.
Vanessa twitched, dropping her rapier and smacking her own face. Faith threw a card on her, calling, "Basuna". Its effects weren't immediate. Vanessa continued losing her vision and twitching as Jeff fired his gun back at the little guy.
Each shot struck the leprechaun, only for another to appear. They were illusions, leaving his bullets to strike through the shop's many fixtures. The bullets spewed through, leaving Jeff wide open for a magical spark, striking his hips.
Faith took advantage of the exposure and threw a card at the leprechaun, "dispel".
The illusions vanquished, leaving him exposed. Vanessa sliced her fire enchanted rapier at the leprechaun, only to be countered with a blast of lightning. She created a small magical shield with her rapier's handguard that deflected the blast.