After tolerating Pattie's lecture on how useless Vanessa and Jaivva were, as well as how dumb the rest of her team was acting, the girls all returned to their positions in a line throughout the town. And though Vanessa and Jaivva were to return to their original intended spots, away from the action, they snuck around to where they thought was the best position.
They waited, stretching their legs and shoulders until the announcer called for the next round. Mimi for one was ready to get this going so she could hopefully make some money for her and her son.
It wasn't long after that she spotted a pro running down the road, towards her.
She shot twice, sending the pro running, "Contact"!
Mimi chased after him into an alley, reloading her shotgun. The pro ran around a corner while Mimi continued to shout his location.