This Bridge Is Bullshit

Vanessa guided Miyu and Alice through the stadium to get their gear, change over, and find the entrance to the party room. She even took the time to explain how the game works and told a few stories of her own since starting in late July.

Both girls were amazed, and grateful, that she took the time to explain everything to them. They were overwhelmed by the knowledge instilled. What made it worse was when Vanessa informed them that there were many other players that knew more about the game than her.

The three girls stood outside the door to the party, excited to see what that silver haired boy had planned. They took a deep breath, anticipating the wonders they were walking into before letting Vanessa grip the door handle.

It was more crazy for Miyu and Alice. They did a little research to know the stadium was a magical place, figuratively speaking. And given the stories they were just told made it worse.

Upon opening the doors to the game floor, a breeze brushed back against the girls. Even Vanessa was a little scared.

A vast blue sky with little clouds were in front of them. It appeared as though they were at a the top of a mountain with a tiny wooden bridge that connected to a different mountain. The smiles on Alice and Miyu's faces were frozen, waiting for Vanessa to go in.

Instead, Vanessa turned back, "This is bullshit".

The bridge didn't appear to be secured. It consistently waved with no sign of earth below. If they had fallen from what appeared to be a death trap, there is no telling where they would land, nor how long they would be falling.

There was a tiny voice telling Vanessa to be brave and walk across to not disappoint the girls behind her. But the voice saying that Logan was an asshole for making this was much louder.

"Soooo, are you going in?" asked Andres, causing Vanessa to jump, "And who are the kids".

Miyu spoke up with her squeeky accent, "I remember you. You were with the El Chales team".

Andres smiled as Alice began complimenting how well they did. He was fairly humble towards the two girls, stating how they could've done better, but is happy with his earnings.

Just as Miyu tried to find out how much he made, Andres looked over, smiling, "Maaan, I ain't even trying to say all of that. Are yall finna go in or just stay out here? I'm trying to brag this in Logan's face".

Vanessa was serious when she held her hand straight at the bridge, "Look, is breaking".

The smile Andres shot back at Vanessa was crooked in every sense, "Seriously? You're letting that stop you? Wait till I tell Logan".

Her eyes widened as Andres began walking across the bridge. Though it shaked and rattled, not a single step broke from Andres' massive sized body. It gave the girls a little bit of a faith that the bridge was trustworthy.

They each stepped on, expecting to fall to their demise. But the bridge held out throughout every second they counted, stepping across one wooden plank at a time.

Fresh scent of clouds drenched their faces along the way. It made the walk feel longer. Seeing Andres casually walking further ahead gave Vanessa the courage to do the same. After all, it's not like she was going to actually die if she did fall.

However, seeing Vanessa speed up didn't instill the same courage to Miyu and Alice. Both of which agreed that they would be on that level a different day, but not today.

There were small wooden buildings, tents, and platforms seen within the other mountain. All appeared to held in midair with various ropes. Torches were lit along the more sturdy bridges within this city. As Vanessa got closer, she could tell there were stone platforms and bridges that held up some of the tents and buildings.

It was a nice display of surrealism that well represented the stadium. It excited Vanessa to know that this would be many player's first experience. But looking at the many small bridges, leading to that center mountain, she realized that many were intimidated and leaving due to the fear of falling. Come to think of it, it was something Logan would've likely done out of spite.