An Embarrassing Loss

Nana ran to help Vanessa up, "Alright, so giant stone slabs don't work".

Jaivva was right behind her, "Yeah, we need to stick to poking and jabbing. In Steven's case chopping".

"I only have a few arrows left," Hakken held up her bow.

Nana peaked outside, "He has the building swarmed. We need to time an attack to get out".

Vanessa stumbled in front of the open door, "How many-"?

Nana pulled her back, "Most animals see shapes better than color. They can still see you in here. So stay back. Hakken, do you think you can snipe what's out there"?

Hakken laid herself at an angle on the ground to avoid being seen, "I can see two. The rain's too heavy though".

Steven whispered in, "Shoot the further one and I'll take out the other so that everybody can bypass it".

"Sounds like a plan," whispered Nana, "Are you going to be okay? I know you're still not good at stealth".

"I'm good in close range," Steven kneeled down.