I Will Help You

Jeff set the boat on land. There wasn't any port on the map. So it wasn't like it was a big deal. Problem was that his map sucked. It didn't have many places on it. It ended in the current daylight region. Unfortunately, everything important was further elsewhere.

Instead of asking Vanessa for help, he walked out to meet her onshore. First he ranted about the wackiness of Wonderland. Nothing made sense in this place. Soon after, he remembered the money he made for transporting the animals and helping them dry off.

Vanessa laughed, "Yes, is smart idea to make the animals to run in circle for the Caucus Race like in the story".

Jeff cocked his head, "Huh"?

Vanessa hopped, Like Alice in Wonderland... The bird make them all..." she shook her head, "Is nothing. What is your cosplay"?

Jeff smiled, "It's a damn dodo bird. But the thing looks ugly on me so I only wear the suit".