A Patch Of Dirt In The Sea

Far out, on A Patch of Dirt In The Sea, the griffin landed and bowed for Mina and Vanessa to walk down on.

Mina spun to face her griffin, "I am definitely getting you as a pet".

Vanessa kicked through the dirt, "How does that work? Having animals as weapons in the game"?

"Well," Mina bounced her eyes from the sky to Vanessa, "Logan and that lady that was here were telling me that I would basically have them in my inventory and can select them in place of weapons when I play," she fiddled her fingers, "But not in all themes. Also, I will have to basically raise and level them up. Kinda like Pokemon. Soooo, I don't know".

"Hmmm," Vanessa nodded, "He's smart, that one Logan".

"Yeah," Mina looked away and smiled, "You really like him though".

Vanessa thought hard before answering, "Nooo. I used to like him. But no more. He's not my type. I like Killua from Hunter X Hunter".