Breakfast | 2 |

Hailey's POV

"W-What do you mean?" I asked Robert.

"Hailey, don't play dumb on me, you seriously wouldn't like the consequences. Tell me what does Max have that I don't? Power? Money? What?"

"I-I... F-firstly I don't like Max t-that way and secondly, I wouldn't c-cheat on my husband no matter how many times he does" I spoke as I remembered the scene of him being with that girl.

"What are you coming at?" he asked.

"N-nothing," I said.

"Hailey... I will have to take strict action on Max now" he said.

I got up abruptly.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Or you have a choice..." he said. I looked at him to find any trace that he's just playing with me, but none could be seen.

Like he can ever play with anyone.

"What?" I asked him.

"Lay down," he said. I looked at him with fear.

He wouldn't do anything bad, r-right?

I laid down slowly and his hand reached my back. Suddenly the pain hit me.

"Ahh" I yelled slowly. He removed his hand.