Biggest Shock

Robert’s POV

I was shocked to see… no, I was way too shocked to see what was written. Was he kidding?

But this entire letter is serious.

“So, let’s get to the point.

I know who Nicholson is.

He made a mistake; I saw his face. So, I will be killed soon. I can’t contact you, but I know you will read this letter.

I saw his face.

Nicholson is Alex.

Alex Cameron.

Hailey’s brother.

You don’t believe me, right?

Hell, I would have loved to see your reaction if I told you this face to face. But circumstances….

Anyways, you know now.

He doesn’t know you know, so you are one step ahead.

Go and kill him.

I didn’t disappoint you, did I?

Haha, Thanks Robert, for everything you did for me. I really owe you.




Alex Cameron?

No, he can’t be!

Thank you, Max.

You finally led me to victory at last.

Finally, because of you, I am one step ahead of him.

Hope you are in a better place now, Max.

You don’t owe me anything.