Chapter 14

Gautam's POV

I was thinking about her most of the times. She looked amazing on my birthday. She made it so interesting.

Her mid night surprise was awesome and the next day in the morning she made special brunch for me. Then she came for my birthday party. I swear I could not move my eyes away from her.

Her acting skills bowled be out. She was so good that I was shocked. Then her being hit by her cute laughter fit and me kissing her cheeks.

I loved Vikram as he teased her a lot about wiping the cake off my face. She turned in to a cute tomato again. She is really sweet.

I loved having her around me. But what if she likes someone else? What if she thinks I am too old for her? What if our parents have a problem?


I saw Vikram and Sandhya and started walking towards them, but he was quite upset..

I wanted to have Lunch so I asked him to come but he refused as he was irritated with something, so I asked Sandhya.

I told Sandhya to bring her lunch box because I wanted to have lunch

" So you are having lunch with me and Sandhya or you want to keep on sulking? What is your problem? Why are you behaving like that? " I asked him.

" That Punit was trying to be very friendly with her. I even stopped her from helping him but she has to oblige everyone. She doesn't ever listen to me. She doesn't even know, that the sister for which she is supposed to make the diet chart, does not even exist. I am getting annoyed and why do you want to have lunch with her? Go and have lunch with your girlfriend Maurvi. She is so sweet... " He said and I was smiling.

" So you want to say, that Sandhya is not sweet? " I teased him.

" Ughh, I am just saying that go and have lunch with your girlfriend. "

" But I want to have lunch with your girlfriend... " I said and then burst out laughing as I knew that he liked the way I called Sandhya as his girlfriend, he tried to hide his smile but I saw it.

" You stupid I was having lunch with both of you because she won't have lunch with you alone but she won't be able to say no to me. That's why I invited her for lunch. Now stop sulking and come with me, idiot. "

He smiled at me and I just shook my head.

Sandhya brought hot food to our table. " So did you make all this Sandhya? "

She hesitated for a minute and nodded.

I ate every thing it was awesome so I said, " Can I kiss your hand please? "

Before she could say anything Vikram said NO too quickly and kicked me under the table. But I kept looking at her with a smile on my face.

" Well, go and kiss Maurvi's hand.. "

He said shooting glared at me but I was being thick skinned as I love teasing him.

" Yes, she is an extremely good cook."

" So do you cook everyday? " I asked.

" Yes, more or less but today I had to, as my aunt and uncle have gone to Jodhpur to my parents place. " She said and Vikram smiled at that.

" Hey can I have more of these? " I asked her.

" Ofcourse sir, by all means... Take as much as you want. I made for every one." She said.

" Gautam..."

" What sir?? "

" My name is Gautam. Please call me that. Sir is fine for this irritating sulking man. Call him sir if you want but not me. Understood? "

" Ok. "

" Sandhya, I need to tell you something. Stay away from Puneet. He was just flirting with you. He doesn't even have a sister. "

" What ?? Seriously?? That is so irritating. I would have wasted at least half an hour in making that diet chart. " She looked angry.

" Hmmm that is why Vikram was telling him to leave you alone. " I said and she nodded.

" Well thanks Sandhya. The food was awesome, loved it so much. Isn't it Vikram? I thanked her and went to my cabin. I had a few appointments today.

Maurvi's POV

It has been three days since his birthday and he was behaving very nicely. My heart was falling very badly for him.

Prachi was sure now that we are really having an affair. Which means that she believed me that I had no feelings for Naman. She started talking about him but I told her that I don't want to talk about him. I hate that man. She is looking a bit troubled. I went to my computer center like always but did not talk to him. Every time I used to go to computer center I got more angry on him. Prachi seemed to talk less with him now.

One day she called up and said, " My cousins are here and we are planning to go to see movie. Would you come.?"

I said, " Yes I would. "

I reached there and when we were buying tickets, I saw Naman with Six other guys with him.

He came towards us and said ," Oh so you have come to watch movie ? "

I was annoyed to see him but I didn't say anything as otherwise Prachi would have felt bad.

" Yes, what about you? " Prachi asked.

" Ya we wanted to watch this movie but the problem is we don't have money. " Wow seven men came to a cinema hall but they don't have a single rupee in their pockets. Why were they here then? To see the posters of the movie?

Prachi asked me ," Maurvi do you have money? "

"No "

" Please yaar, don't be so difficult. I know you have it. Please give it to me. "

" Listen I am not going to pay a single rupee for them. I have money for my ticket and snacks. "

" Ok, give money for my ticket, can you do that? "

She brought tickets for everyone and asked everyone what would they like to have for snacks.

She was doing it for him. I looked at him he was smirking at me.

I got so annoyed at him as he was having fun at her expense that I came back from there. I was almost frustrated with the fact that he was taking advantage of her.

I parked my car in my driveway when Gautam came out.

" What happened? You had gone for movie with Prachi? Why are you back so soon? Are you not well? "

" I don't want to talk about her or this whole thing. I am so angry. I am not going to talk to her. " I was almost in tears.

" At least tell me what happened?"

" No please, let's not talk about it. I am frustrated with her. I just want to go and sleep."

" Wait, I will let you go but you tell me what happened? You are almost in tears for god's sake. Please tell me Maurvi. "

" It seems that she has gone mad. I have heard that love is blind but she had become deaf and dumb as well. Their behaviour is irritating me so much that I came back."

" Ok, now tell me exactly what they did? Maurvi, I can help you and her but only if I know everything please tell me. I want to understand the whole situation then only I will be able to come out with a good solution. "