Chapter 80

Gautam's POV

" Hello!! Kshitij ?? "

" Hi, Gautam... How are you?? "

" I am good, how are Noopur and Kabeer? "

" Good... You tell me, how about Maurvi and the little ones? "

" They are good but I need your help," I said.

" Yes, tell me. "

" I need an arms license and a gun. "

" WHAT??? Why ?? "

" I need them to keep them safe. "

" What happened?? Why are you saying that?? "

" Boys have started calling my daughter on phone... "

" What ??? "

" Yesterday some boy called up, he wanted to talk to Gauravi. "

" So?? "

" So??? So?? Do I need to spell it out?? "

" Yeah !!! What is the problem with that ?? "

" Are you crazy??? Boys would be calling and would try to be extra friendly with them. I need to stop it right here. "

" Are you serious?? You are kidding right?? "

" What yaar!!! I am serious. What is so funny about it?? "

" For god's sake Gautam, Gauravi is just 4 years old. "

" So, how does that matter?? I need to protect her. "