Chapter 11: The Oblivious Truth

Drones. These modified artificial intelligent objects were the first thing Livingstone’s subconscious mind registered as he laid his eyes on a number of them through the air-sealant window in his guest room. They scanned and roamed within the city and its outskirts as though they owned it; and were worthy to be called ‘Masters of The City’. He looked ahead of him to find some civilians like himself also absorbing the shock of waking up to see drones first thing in the morning, in their district. He looked on and he spotted a little guy with his index finger raised in the direction of a drone. He watched the little guy tug on the trousers of a man, whom he assumed was the father. The little guy’s chubby face was etched with pure fascination as he watched the drones. He kept moving to the other side of the window to capture their view in his long-term memory.

Livingstone smiled to himself. He well aware that he was no different from that little guy when he was about his age. He also used to tug on the pants of his father whenever something new or delightful caught his eyes, and his father never disappointed him when it came to giving him all the attention he needed and wanted. Though his father tried his best to fill in the space he rented out to his mother, that space was still void. Void of his mother’s true love and affection.

He cocked his head to the side, ran both hands through his hair and sighed.

He walked over to the closet and had a smile plastered on his face when he realized that he still had some belongings in there. Minutes after dithering over what to wear, he found the right outfit: a plain white short sleeve T-shirt with the imprinted words ‘I’m Forever going to be King’ paired a midnight blue twill chinos.

He trudged to the bathroom, issued out a command which automatically led to the flicking on of the spotlights and began to brush his teeth to free it from all plaques and debris. He placed the brush in its holder once he done working on his teeth and squeezed a little amount of a mint candy cream in his mouth. It served as a mouth refresher.

Placing his thumb in position against his middle finger, he snapped his fingers and that was the only command need to have the doors to the bath open in its glory. Coming downstairs with his bag after dressing up, he joined the Suzukis.

Breakfast with the Suzuki family could always be compared to another festive family get-together. They dined and ate like royalties and this was not a surprise at all. Most families in district A13 dined this way as compared to families back in his district, B2. Affluence and good status were a sign of prosperity in this district.

He looked across the table to find the parents of both girls chatting animatedly. Mr Suzuki sliced a piece of whole-grain toast and placed it in his mouth. He turned his head to his side after chewing the meal and said something to Mrs Suzuki. Her eyes crinkled immediately with excitement. She had a broad smile plastered on her face as she touched the arm of her spouse. She placed a hand over her mouth to stifled a laugh and hit him lightly on the shoulder. On the other hand, Colai relished in her playfulness and savoured every moment of it. Her childishness knew no bounds and Livingstone knew that his mere presence in the family’s midst was to blame for the outcome of her behavior. She kept running around the table in circles and no body tried to stop her. Well, except for Iko. The poor drioid trailed behind her tracks like a buffoon, but who was he to complain. In his eyes, he saw a little girl who needed to be fed and not a troublemaker.

Livingstone took a sip of his homemade apple juice as he watched the scene unfold before him with amusement. He caught Yue tapping furiously on her Tap-pad from his peripheral vision and paid little heed to her. Her breakfast was still untouched.

“Ma! Yue got a job at the Reike Institute of Music as a violin teacher,” Colai announced with glee in between squeals when Iko caught her in his arms. The drioid was crouched down in an uncomfortable position with the little girl in his grasp. She squirmed like a fish in his arms. Yue froze suddenly, her finger meters away from tapping the screen of Tap-pad as she whipped her head in the direction of her little sister. We all watched her for a reaction and her jaws twitched.

Colai had an alarmed look on her face that screamed ‘I’m busted’.

“What the hell Colai!! That was supposed to be our little secret! You promised not to say a word, you…you little human dynamo!” Yue shrilled, and lunged for her the moment she squirmed free from Iko’s grasp. And that was the beginning of their cat-and-mouse chase as Yue chased her poor sister in circles around the dining table.

Everyone knew that the little girl found it difficult clamping her mouth when it came to secrets yet Yue somehow considered her trustworthy.

A throaty laugh made its way out of Livingstone’s lips as he watched them. It sounded like music in the air. It was soon joined by the hearty laughter of the couple in unison.

Soon, laughter tinkled through the room.


The weather wasn’t so welcoming when Stone made it back to his district. It was as though the weather had a mind of its own. The once bright sun was now masked under a gloomy cloud and the atmosphere was growing chill. It smelt of an upcoming rain. He trudged to the doorsteps of his home, and raised his wrist so it could be scanned and gained entry.

Minutes later, he stood in the hall of his home.

The hall had no light illuminating it and the thick silence engulfing it could be compared to the same silence observed within a graveyard. He relished in the silence and smirked. To him, this silence only meant one thing: His aunt, Una was back in her district. He snapped his fingers and all twelve lights flicked on. He trudged toward the staircase and stopped suddenly when hushed voices made its way to his eardrum through the open air. He cocked his head in the direction where the voices were more pronounced and descended the stairs to check things out for himself. He shuffled across the hall to the corridor.

“You know very well that you two my family. Hence, I’ve every reason to continue to stay here. Remember, that just because my sister left doesn’t mean that I would be leaving you two anytime soon. We are family, and family sticks together.” he heard his aunt say. He knew that voice so well, he just could not believe his ears. He moved furtively toward the wall and concealed himself behind it. Then he began to eavesdrop on the conversation.

“I wish Iris thought like you before she disappeared from our lives, leaving behind a six-year-old son and a husband.” he heard his father say in a dead cold voice. His words held no emotion.

“I really don’t want to sound as though I’m defending her but we both know that though Iris and I were never related by blood, she was, and still is my sister. And every fiber in me keeps telling me that Iris would just not forsake her family like that,” Aunt Una’s voice was low and modulated as she spoke her mind.

“So, what are you trying to imply? That your beloved sister was murdered or kidnapped and that the only explanation we’ve got as to how she vanished from the surface of the earth suddenly without any trace?” his father’s orotund voice rose a little above octave.

“Don’t put words in my mouth Elijah Ecker Latimore. Besides, how can you assume that?”

“I have every right to assume anything I please, Unayel. Because we both know that if Iris had ever been kidnapped, her kidnappers would have called in for a ransom. And if she had been murdered instead, then it would have speculated all over the media that a body had been found, but since none of that occurred, there’s only one explanation for that – that your sister is still out there, alive and healthy.”

“You never searched for her like a real husband would, so how can you be certain when you lack proof”

“I have all the time in the world to raise a son, Unayel but not the time to search for a wife who disappeared on her will. There are many things worth searching for than her.”

He heard his aunt express her disbelief with an insolent scoff. “Now, I know where Livingstone got his stubbornness from. It hurts me to know that you allowed his heart to be filled with hate for his own mother. He would’ve never ended up like this if you had simply listened to me and allowed me to nurture him as my own.”

“And why would I do that? So, you can disappear with my son? I’m not stupid, Una,” his father expressed. “Like you rightly said, Iris may not be related to you by blood but that doesn’t change the fact that you two are still sisters. I would never risk the chance of you taking my only son away from me.”

Having heard enough, Livingstone moved a foot forward to take his leave. However, luck wasn’t on his side this time around. His side collided with an antique handcrafted porcelain vase: an object which was now considered a relic in his era. It fell without a second thought, producing a cracking sound. He stood erect and dumbfounded.

The approaching footsteps of two adults was long overlooked in his thoughts.

“Stone, what happened here?” he looked up to meet the questioning eyes of his aunt. Her voice was low and light. She spared a look at the broken antique and looked back at him.

“Son, you’re back… what did you hear?” his father questioned. Unbeknownst to him, that question was a lifesaver. Answering his father’s question first would mean, buying himself more time to navigate his aunt’s interrogation. He whipped his head in his direction to meet his candid green eyes and stayed silent.

“Just enough to know that the focus of your topic was on my mother and as usual, she was the main reason behind your arguments.” he answered coolly.

Silence. He was met with silence as both adults looked at him.

“Most adults argue all the time, if not all. Technically, your father and I are also not exempted from doing same,” his aunt was the first to speak. “Anyway, I would be up steps in my room. If any of you happen to need anything, you obviously know where to find me. And make sure to clean that up, Livingstone.”

Livingstone locked his gaze on her the entire time as she spoke until she was out of sight. He turned his head to face his father and scrutinized him. He wasn’t looking for a flaw per se. He just felt the need to so. His father was not always around. Hence, he had to cherish and make every second with him worthwhile. To him, his father was his everything. He took notice of the visible streaks of silver-white hair that neatly lined his brown hair. A soft, bold look was achieved from this contrast. He shared the same height with his father and though most of his genetic makeup did not come from him, he was still good-looking in his eyes. His father took a few steps to stand before him, tucked his hands in the slash pockets of his navy grey trench coat and cast his eyes on his face. Watching him grow up each day always reminded him of her. Everything about his face with the exception of his eyes were hers, and it was hard having to have her stare back at him through the face of their son. To him, it was torture and he did not deserve it.

“How much of everything did you hear?” Livingstone detected a smile in his calm voice.

“Everything dad. I heard everything.”

“Well, you can’t blame me for raising my opinions on topics concerning your mother. We both know how her sister is. She always forces me to relive the past. It is-”

“You still love her, don’t you?” he chimed in, watching the swift change in his father’s composure intently.

“And who exactly are you referring to?” his father cleared his throat and brushed a nonexistent object from his earlobe. He looked elsewhere but at him and looked back at Livingstone.

“My mother,” Livingstone smiled to himself and continued to watch him. “You still love her, don’t you?”

“Well, why don’t you tell me what you think.”