Chapter 1: Re directing the investigation

Detective Noah POV:

Colours collided in my vision as I tried to focus on my surroundings. When things slowly started to settle , I started to make out my furniture and the silhouette of a person in the corner. Even though the room was dark , I could make out the figure to be Clara miller or probably a killer , stirring something?

The poetry pointed towards her to be the murderer. But the women who was killed. Who killed her?

At this I had mixed emotions of confusion but soon after noticing my position, horror engulfed me. Chains constraining me in my own room and it confirmed Clara miller to be a part of all of these killings.

Those papers , poems , killings all pointed towards her as the murderer but it would all be futile with me being constrained in my own room.

I thought of every possible lie she could say to cover up the truth, mold it to perfection cloaking my death as some sort of accident and going on with her life but she didn’t do or say anything yet.

But I better knew it wasn’t sympathy or pity but because she would be known if she killed me. Either way she was cornerd with my death a question.

We stared at eachother intensily , as I tried to figure out her intentions.

The once silence was cut of by someone knocking the door. Knowing my state , she got up to the door and brought back a parcel. A parcel I hadn’t asked for but it was initiated towards me.

She opened it in bewilderment , tearing all the wrapping paper to come across a letter enveloped in silk.She stared deeply at it before reading it aloud:

“Your foot is on the right track

But once you start there is not turning back

Trust, betrayel you’ll face all

Ready to bring you to your fall”


My once suspicion of Clara being the killer was brought to doubt when the letter consisted of those verses. Was there someone else or was it all her dirty games.

What was the letter addressing?

Right track?

Was it my suspicion of Clara being the killer?

Even if this letter was written by Clara, why would she send it to me. Was it already posted? But how would she know that I would have found all of the verses in her dustbin. Was it all planned?

Is it her games?

These questions started to create a doubt in me if there is another person.

These doubts or mostly questions were cut of from a cough by Clara who I had apparently not been hearing when she was talking.

She had unlocked me from those chains which confused me.

I wasn’t killed neither was I constrained. I could just report her but I was sure there was really something unexpected to come.

Think about everything from the verses , poems and killings I was sure there was someone else.

But there was something to fix to stop all of this ,it was to remove the imprudence of the town.

And only one idea remains in my empty brain to invite Doctor and detective Ema Travis of the once existent town Rxnwood

What is wrong with Clara miller?

Am I the only one who thinks detective Noah is thinking like a child?

Was Clara miller really that bad?

Why “M” ?