Chapter Two

I did the laundry before looking over the bills and putting all the mail in respective pack member rooms. I wanted to start lunch but I needed more ingredients. For that I needed to ask the alpha. I didn't want to buy but that was worse was having tasteless food trust me I tried that once.

I walked over to his office but inside I heard he was having a conversation. I moved closer to eavesdrop. Using my enchanted hearing which was better than that of a normal werewolf I tried to understand what they were saying. What? Can't blame a girl for wanting some tea.

"...ow she is still healing from the pregnancy but I need a release." That was Joey. He was the lead warrior in the pack.

"Look. I don't know how to help you. Go sleep with Bethany." Bethany was the pack slut.

Why would Joey cheat on his mate like that? Only wanting her for his urges then running to the hills for release when she just went through hell carrying his babies.

" We both know Bethany will tell. Just help me tell my wife I went on a mission for you. Just a few days. I will be back." he pleaded.

Piece of shit. He is cheating on his mate. I got the phone off the wall and quickly dialed Josie (Joey's mate) she picked up after the first ring.

"Hello? Josie speaking." I quickly went near the door and held the phone out.

" Fine. I'll tell Josie you're going on some mission. But how will you get to LA?"

"I'll take one of the pack cars."

"Fine you can go. But... if anyone finds out I let you go to LA to go to strip clubs behind your mate's back I will deny everything got it?"

"Yes sir. Thank you sir. " I heard shuffling and I put the phone to my ear.

There was only the sound of faint breathing. I guess she was in shock. I hung up and dashed far from the office using my speed and began walking back. It's time like these when I'm happy I found a spray that hides your scent in the secret gym. Thank God for small miracles.

As I passed Joey in the hall he pushed me against the wall and punched me in the stomach. Thanks to my six pack it didn't hurt but I fake wheezed anyway. He laughed and went away. I stood up straight once he was out of sight and went to the alpha's office. I knocked and heard 'come in' then opened the door. Alpha Rogers looked up at me and sneered.

"What the fuck do you want bitch?" He asked.

Fan fact, I'm mute. When I was four, I found out that if you made any sound they just beat you more and harder. So I haven't uttered a word since. Kind of a 'I still have something you can't take from me bitches' protest. I put the list of groceries on the desk. And he looked at it thoroughly to make sure I didn't steal anything.

"Take the red truck." I nodded got the money and walked out. Before I closed the door. I heard him say " I hope you know the consequences for your mistakes. " I nodded. I knew all too well.

I got the red truck and went to buy groceries. I also double checked if my escape tomorrow would go smoothly. Don't worry I'll soon let you in on my plan.

'I really hope our mate comes with us. I want love. This loneliness is fine but still maddening.' Winter said and I nodded in agreement.

I reached the house and cooked lunch. Then cleaned up and went to my room. I got my phone out from under my mattress and set an alarm so I could be early for making dinner. I went into the gym and worked out. When time came I made dinner. Everyone sat down, they ate and I cleaned up. I managed to steal an apple to eat in my room. It was my first meal in three days.

I did the homework for the pack kids. Which was a lot but I managed to finish at eleven o'clock. I made sure all the answers were wrong. You know, just as a goodbye present.

I packed all the stuff that mattered which was only a picture of my mum and me a few days before the attack. I miss her so much. The back of my eyes burned but I knew the tears wouldn't fall. I hadn't cried since I was five. I think I cried enough in two years of torture to last a lifetime.

'Tomorrow will be better.' Winter said.

'Will it really?' I asked.

She didn't answer. If she did it would be a lie. I didn't put on the scent masking perfume last night so my mate could find me. The plan was in session and it was foolproof. I was getting out of here. With those thoughts on my mind I went to sleep.