Chapter Eighteen

I woke up to an unbearable heat in my centre. I whimpered. The heat slowly and painfully spread across my body. I was gasping for breath. When the heat consumed my whole body, it disappeared completely. What? Then it came back like a train, hitting my whole body. I let out a scream. What is this? I gasped for breath as the heat burned more.

I looked down to see my skin had a faint red glow. What the hell? I heard someone speaking to me but it was like I was underwater. I couldn't hear anything and I was in too much pain to decipher the words. I felt something ice cold touch my arm. A hiss was heard as the cold object touched my skin. I sighed at the small relief.

Then all the heat disappeared.

"Gemma? Gemma, babe, speak to me." I heard Conner say.

"It hurts." Was all I could say.

"It's okay. I'll help you wait here." He said before going away. The ice cold thing on my arm disappeared and I whimpered.