Getting Married ??

The next day,

I walked down the sidewalk in Jung-Gu district, downtown Seoul. I looked around looking for the address listed on the business card my grandmother gave me yesterday.

"Here it is!", I said quietly as I walked towards an office building in front of me

I entered the lobby and asking about the lawyer's office to the clerk on duty at the information desk.

"Use this, you can go straight to the 10th floor via the elevator", said the officer kindly while giving me a visitor card

"Ye. Kamsahamnida (thank you)", I said

I walked towards the elevator and went up to the tenth floor as explained by the clerk earlier. When the elevator arrived at the floor I was going to, I got out and found a reception desk directly opposite the lift I had been on.

"Annyeong, I have an appointment with Kang Wonjae nim (designation to address someone formally / respectfully) this afternoon", I said after approaching the reception desk earlier

"Your name, please", Asked the female officer kindly

"Han Sofia ...", I replied

"Ye, you have been awaited at meeting room number 2. You can enter through the door and meeting room number 2 is on your left", explained the officer

"Arasso (I get it) kamsahamnida", I said to her

When I was about to enter meeting room number 2 I saw my grandmother walking towards me accompanied by her personal assistant, Lee Chunhee, a middle-aged man who is very skilled and loyal.

"Halmoeni", I called smiling at my grandmother

"Sofia you have arrived ...", replied my grandmother smiling at me

"Come on in ... looks like my lawyer has been waiting for us", said my grandmother when she arrived at the place where I stood

"Kajja (come on/let's go) ", she continued, inviting me to enter the room

I frowned when I saw that there were 4 people I didn't know sitting in the meeting room. Three men and one woman. What do they have to do with my father's will? I thought confusedly.

"Ah, Han Sanhee nim and her granddaughter have arrived", said a middle-aged man who I know as my grandmother's lawyer

The four people in the room simultaneously stood up and bowed to my grandmother.

"Annyeong, sorry we came late", said my grandmother talk to the four people

"Ani, we just arrived too," replied the middle-aged woman who had arrived first

"Madam, this is Mr. and Mrs. Min and he is Mr. Choi, their lawyer", said my grandmother's personal assistant introducing them

"Nice to meet you madam. Ah, is this Sofia? Aigoo (OMG) you have grown up, you look very beautiful like your mother," said the woman named Min who approached me

"Uh, annyyeong. I'm Han Sofia", I said bowing to them

"You must not remember me, my husband and I were friends of your father and mother in Daegu", the woman continued with a smile

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Sofia. You must be missing them alot", said Mr. Min with a sympathetic face

"Ye, kamsahamnida", I replied

"You're so beautiful, your hair is so pretty. I'm sure Yoongi will be very happy to see you again", said Mrs. Min, looking at me like staring at her own daughter

I didn't answer what Mrs. Min said earlier. To be honest I still feel confused and awkward about this situation. I do not recognize this couple in front of me. Is it true that they are friends of my parents? My mom did tell me that we lived a few months in Daegu, but I don't remember it at all. And who is Yoongi? I didn't feel like I had a friend named Yoongi before.

We ended up sitting around the conference table, my grandmother's lawyer standing at the end of the table and making sure everyone involved was present.

"I'm sorry my son is still on the way. I think he will arrive soon", said Mr. Min to all of us

"Halmoeni, what does Appa's will have to do with these people?", I whispered to my grandmother

"You'll find out in a minute Sofia dear", Said my grandmother while stroking my hair

"Okay", I replied

I looked at the people around me in confusion. Why are these people involved? Did my father also promise them something?, I thought.

"If you don't mind, I'll start the agenda today", my grandmother's lawyer told us all

I saw everyone nod their heads.

"We have gathered here to read Mr. Han Soojin's will that left us 12 years ago. Today, there are representatives of the Han family and the Min family, both of whom have made agreements in the past as stated in Mr. Han's will", said my grandmother's lawyer with a serious face

Everyone present nodded their heads except me who was looking at them with frowning. I really don't understand about this conversation.

I felt that my father must have left a very complicated will. Is it possible that my father left something related to these two families? Surely Hyuna and Jiwoo would be hysterical if their theory came true, I thought while trying to suppress the smile on my face.

"I will start reading Mr. Han's will," said my grandmother's lawyer, wearing his reading glasses and opening a large folder containing a paper in his hand

I saw my grandmother sitting up straighter and looking forward with a more serious face.

"Daegu, March 14, 2006,

Dear Sofia, my dear daughter ..

Appa knows you will be surprised if you read this letter. Two days ago, Appa and Uncle Min talked about you and Yoongi. We saw that you are very close to him, you have even said that you will become Yoongi's bride when you grow up, very adorable ", said my grandmother's lawyer looking at me briefly before continuing the contents of the will

Everyone smiled at me. I didn't say anything ... my head was busy thinking, what is my father talking about ?, This must be a joke, I thought.

"Yoongi also said to us that you are his sunshine. He always laughs and looks happy when he is with you. Therefore, appa, oemma, uncle and aunt Min agreed to arrange a marriage for you and Yoongi. We hope this arrangement will make you happy. In the future we hope that you can spend your days loving each other until death do you part. I hope you are happy hearing this news.


Han Soojin "

I widened my eyes and gaped. What is this ??, I thought. I could not believe that the contents of my father's long-hidden will actually contained my marriage arrangement. I saw everyone in the room smiling and nodding their heads.

"WHAT ?! Is this a joke?", I asked my grandmother's lawyer

"Sofia!", scolds my grandmother

"I don't understand, I never remember knowing Min's family. How can my father set me up with a man I don't even know," I said frustratedly looking at them all

"Sofia~aah, maybe you don't remember and have forgotten us. You were a kid at that time. After your father's death you experienced trauma", said Mr. Min looking at me sympathetically

"But, but that's not true, right? I mean this marriage arrangement is crazy! Haha this doesn't make sense", I said laughing expecting that this was just a joke made by his father and friend

"It is not a joke Sofia, your father and Mr. Min signed this letter and stamped it. So you could say this will is a valid letter that has legal force", replied my grandmother's lawyer

"But what if I and the man named Yoongi refuse this match? It can be canceled, right?", I asked a little emotionally

"If one family agrees but the other refuses, then the family who agrees can sue the refusing family to court. Because this letter is a valid letter and has been approved by both families", explained my grandmother's lawyer

"Sofia~aah, your dad really thinks about your happiness, I don't think this is a bad thing," my grandmother said softly

"Not a bad thing? Grandma, I don't even know who my future husband is, how can you say this isn't a bad thing ?!", I said almost crying

"Does your son agree?", Asked my grandmother to the Min family

"Ye, my son has known about this arrangement for a long time. We think the will has been lost plus Han Soojin's wife has left this country for a long time. But I can assure you that Yoongi will be happy to marry Sofia", replied Mrs. Min smiling

Oh my God, this must not be true, why is this happening to me, I massage my forehead and bowing my face holding back tears.

"Ah, that's my son", Mrs. Min said right after the meeting room door was opened

I covered my face not wanting to see that man.

"Yoongi~aah Uncle Han's will has been found", said Mr. Min to his son

"Jinjja? Ah, annyeong, I am Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you, halmoeni", a deep male voice greeted us

"Nice to meet you, you are very handsome. I hope you can make my granddaughter happy", said my grandmother

"This is my granddaughter, Han Sofia, I heard you were very close", said my grandmother, tapping my shoulder so I greeted the man who had just come

"Sobi, is that you?", Asked the man walking over to me

"Sobi? What?? What did he call me??", I said softly, disbelieving this situation

I sighed in frustration and brushed the hair that covered my face. I lifted my face slowly and faced the man who was standing beside me.

I blinked many times, making sure that the man I saw was not just my imagination.

"YOU ?!", I screamed, taking a few steps backwards

"He is the second son of the Min family, Min Yoongi, or people also know him as SUGA, a member of Bangtan Sonyeondan," said Min's family lawyer to me

I widened my eyes in disbelief. Standing in front of me is Suga, my favorite idol ...


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Stay safe and stay gold, ARMY

Borahae 💜💜💜