New House Rules

Min Yoongi POV,

I drove my car slowly when I entered the UN Village area. I have called Sofia several times but there is no answer from her. This morning my members and I just arrived in Seoul after attending last night's MAMA awards ceremony in Hong Kong.

This afternoon until tomorrow we don't have any schedules, so I decided to stay at my new house. The company gave us one day off before starting to practice for Christmas and New Year events on several television stations.

The members choose to rest in the dorm or visit their friends or family. So do I, I told the company that I was going to meet my parents who came to Seoul, even though I was actually going to meet Sofia at our new house.

"Where is she?", I said with a sigh while trying to call Sofia for the umpteenth time

When there is still no answer, I turn off my cellphone. Is she in college? Or at work ??, I thought.

Arriving in front of the gray house I pushed the button on the garage door to open and parked my car in the yard.

"So quite ... is she not home?", I asked myself

I got out of the car and took my suitcase from the trunk. Then walked towards the entrance while dragging my suitcase. I pressed the passcode on the doorknob and pushed the door open.

"Sobi? Where are you? I'm home ...", I came into the foyer and closed the door behind me

The first floor seems so quiet, but from a distance I can smell the something delicious from the kitchen.

"Sobi ?? Sofia ??", I called again while walking toward the kitchen

There's no one here, but I feel relieved when I see the oven is on, it indicates that Sofia is home. Is she in the bedroom? Is she sleeping ??, I thought.

Then I lift my suitcase and climb the stairs to the second floor. I turned right and opened the door to the master bedroom, there was no one. I put my suitcase in the corner and was surprised to hear a voice from the bathroom.

I frowned and chuckled at Sofia's singing voice from the bathroom. It turned out that she was taking a shower, so she didn't answer my phone. I looked around the bedroom and nodded my head, smiling with satisfaction at the interior of this room. Surely Sofia's grandma has worked hard to make this house beautiful and comfortable to live in.

I dragged my suitcase towards the walk-in closet across the room and took out a plain white t-shirt from the suitcase. After the interview this afternoon, I haven't had time to change my clothes.

I then took off my shirt and was about to put on my clean shirt when I saw Sofia walk in with only the white towel wrapped around her.

"Kyaaaaa !!", she screamed as we stood facing each other

I just widened my eyes to see her running back into the bathroom. After realizing what had just happened, I quickly put on my shirt and walked over to the bathroom door.

"Sobi, I'll be waiting for you downstairs, we have something to talk about", I said quickly in embarrassment

I then walked out of the room, went down to the first floor and sat on the sofa in the living room. I scratched the back of my ear recalling what I had just seen. Gosh, why wasn't she dressed? Of course she wasn't dressed, she just finished taking a shower, right? ... But why doesn't she wear her clothes in the bathroom ?? Because that's what the walk-in closet is for, you pick your clothes and put them there ... I shook my head trying to shake off the arguments in my head.

This is the first time I have seen a woman's body in person. It's not that I haven't seen a naked woman or anything, I've seen it, of course, in the adult films I've seen before. But seeing it in person like that and at a very close distance, made my heart flutter wildly.

I know Sobi is still wearing a towel, but it can't cover her curves and smooth white skin.

"Aigo! Stop it, stop it!" I said, patting my cheek, trying to get rid of Sofia's image.

"Oppa !! Why did you come without telling me ??", came Sofia's voice from the stairs

I struggled to swallow my saliva before answering her question.

"I have called you many times but you did not answer", I replied quickly

"How did you get in?? Why don't you ring the bell?", She asked again, walking towards me with a face still flushed

"Huh? How do I get in? This is my house, of course I can enter as I like", I replied looking away, trying not to make eye contact with her

"Why don't you knock on the door first before you enter my room?", she asked while sullenly standing in front of me while put her hand on her waist

"We haven't decided which room is yours and which room is mine, you can't determine that without discussing it with me ...", I said again

"What ??", She asked again

"Sit down ... I have said that this is my house so you have to follow the rules that I made, right?", I said impatiently

"Ye ... I remember that. But I arrived here first and my stuff was already in the main room", she replied while sitting on the sofa in the living room

"Haha that's not how it works ...", I chuckled

Sofia didn't answer what I said, she just looked at me in annoyance.

"Wae? Why are you looking at me like that? ...", I asked looking at her

She looks very beautiful, her face is shining, her big caramel eyes sparkling, her lips are full of reddish color, her hair is golden red and half wet, she wears a baby pink t-shirt and white shorts. I avert my gaze when I feel my face hot.

"We just met again Sobi, why are we fighting? ... You should welcome me and ask how I'm doing ...", I said with a deep breath

"I do not like small talk, oppa ... and you have not apologized for the incident earlier ..", she replied quickly

"Alright, I'm sorry ... btw, I'm hungry, we'll discuss this again after dinner, okay ?," I said, leaving her and walking toward the kitchen

I peeked at the oven, trying to get a better look at what was inside.

"I made lasagna ... I think it will be ready soon", Sofia spoke behind me

"Wow, smells good ..", I mumbled, making my stomach growl even more

"I thought you didn't come today," said Sofia, sitting on a chair behind the table

"We just finished filming an interview this afternoon, so I came a little late. Wow, you seem good at cooking?", I said sitting on the high chair

"Not really, I don't really know how to cook Korean food," she replied, combing her hair with her fingers

"Cooking Korean food is not that hard ...", I said looking at her

"Jinjja? I know that you're good at cooking, oppa. Actually, I've always been curious about the taste of your cooking ...", she said

"Haha, how do you know I'm good at cooking ?", I chuckled

"I'm an ARMY, oppa", she replied, turning her chair to face me

"You're an ARMY? Haha you must really like me then", I said smiling broadly

"Not really ... you sometimes look cold and annoying, you know that right? I like V. Kim Taehyung is my bias", she replied with a big smile and sparkling eyes

"Waah, jinja ?? You married me but you like V ?? I can't believe this ...", I said, widened my eyes at her

"Yee", she replied smiling


The sound of the oven tinkling distracted me from her smile. I deliberately took a look at the oven to cover my nervousness.

"It's done, let's eat. I hope your food is delicious, I'm so hungry", I said still looking at the oven

"Ye", she replied as she walked toward the oven

She pulled out a pan of lasagna that looked very tasty and placed it on the table. She then took 2 plates and gave a plate of lasagna to me.

"Whoa, mashigetta (looks delicious) ... thanks for the food", I said before putting a spoonful full of hot lasagna into my mouth

"Be careful! It's still hot", she said looking at me in shock

"Gwaenchana ... hah it's a little hot, hah .. but delicious, hah ...", I replied while occasionally chewing and yawning

Sofia burst out laughing when she saw me. Without realizing it, I also laughed with her.

"Wae?", I asked, still laughing with her

"You look so funny, oppa ... haha ​​aigooo", she said laughing while covering her mouth

"I'm very hungry, mian haha ​​...", I said trying to stop my laughter

We were gasping for breath from laughing. Then we continued eating again. This time we ate in silence, enjoyed our meal, although occasionally we looked at each other and smiled remembering what had happened earlier.

Within 5 minutes, I have finished my first portion and is currently starting to eat my second portion.

"Ah! I forgot! I have to tell you about the rules I have made", I said as I walked quickly to the study room and returned to the kitchen carrying a notebook and pen

"I thought you had forgotten .." Sofia replied, chewing her food

I put a spoonful of lasagna in my mouth and started writing down the rules of this house.

"First, you must obey all the rules I have made", I wrote

"What kind of rule is this? Why does it look like coercion ??", she replied, frowning

"Ya! (Hey!) We already agreed at that time, do you remember ?!", I replied looking at her

"Okay. But you must not take advantage of this, arasso?", she said

"Hey Sobi, I'm not that kind of person ...", I said pretending to be offended

"Okay", she replied as she chewed her food

"Good. second, the master bedroom is mine", I said as I wrote it down

"Ani! I take it first, after all my stuff was already in there ," Sofia protested

"No, no. This is my house, you have to follow my rules, remember?", I said shaking my head

"Anii~ it would be troublesome if I had to move my clothes and belongings, right?", said Sofia, didn't want to lose

"All right, we can sleep together in that room then ..." I said while bribing another spoonful of lasagna

"Huh ??", asked Sofia, widened her eyes

"You make this complicated. You move your things or we sleep in the same room. The choice is yours ..." I replied after swallowing my food

"Jinjja? Wow, you're so sneaky ...", she said, looking at me irritably. "Arasso, arasso ... I'll move then", she replied irritably

"Good. Rule number 3, don't bother me when I'm in the studio", I said

"Ye", she replied indifferently

"Fourth, you have to call or text me at least once a day when we are apart ...", I said again while writing it in a book

"Wae ?? What if I don't want to?", she said

"You have to, remember the first rule earlier ??", I said, pointing to the rules I wrote earlier

"Waah jinjja ... I really feel a bad feeling about this rule .. you have acted arbitrarily to me", she said incredulously

"I take it as approval from you ...", I chuckled. "Fifth, if I call or send a message to you, you must immediately respond", I wrote again

"Huh ?? You think I'm your assistant?", she said angrily, turning her chair towards me

"Is it difficult to respond to me? I don't want you to reject my call agan ...", I said eagerly

"Ye, ye arasso ...", she replied

"Sixth ... when I call you you must come immediately and if I ask you for help, you must be willing to do it", I said while trying to hide my smile

"Waaaahh ... you're really too much, oppa", she said, shaking head

"Remember the first rule, okay ...", I said, looking at her who looked displeased with my rule

"Seventh, you may not invite anyone into this house without my permission ", I said again

"Anyone?", She asked

"Ye. You can't invite your friends, your lecturers, or anyone to this house, without my permission ... except for your grandmother, of course", I explained

"Okay ..", she replied briefly as she put away her empty plate

"And last, I want you to call me 'yeobo'* not oppa", I said while showing her my gummy smile

* yeobo: means darling, baby, honey etc. an affectionate nickname that is more often used by married couples

"Huh ?? Jinjja ?? Waah you are so ...", she stammered with surprise

"Wae? That is a common nickname, right? We are husband and wife, so the nickname is natural ..." I replied while shrugging my shoulders

"Ani~, I don't want to! I don't want to call you that," she replied, looked so pissed off

"You have to ..", I replied, turning my body towards her

"Ani!! No! Never !!", she replied, widened her eyes at me

"Ye! Yes! You have to !!", I said not to be outdone, leaning my body towards her

"Ahjussi (uncle), I'll just call you ahjussi", she said irritably

"Huh? Ahjussi? You think I'm old ?? I'm only 3 years older than you, waah you are really ....", I said unable to find any more words

"I know, but ahjussi suits you", she replied again as she stand from her chair

"Ani, yeobo! ... just try calling me yeobo ...", I said persistently

"Ye ahjussi ...", she replied teasing me

"Yeobo, not ahjussi, waah jinjja ...", I said frustratedly looking at her chuckling seeing me annoyed

"I'll move my things first, ahjussi, annyeong", she said as she ran away to the 2nd floor, leaving me annoyed

"Waah jinjja ... I might get high blood pressure if I have to deal with her every day", I said, shaking my head looking at the stairs

I shook my head and looked at the rules I wrote in the book. I smiled as I reread the rules earlier and and stuck the rules to the refrigerator.

Then I finished my food and headed for my studio. I am very satisfied with the interior of this house, what I asked for was all well provided. Grandma must have hired a professional decorating this house, I thought.

An hour later I went into my room to rest, I saw that all of Sofia's clothes and belongings had been removed. I feel very tired today ... after I lay down on the bed, I immediately fell asleep.


Stay safe and stay gold ARMY 💜💜💜