
Sofia POV,

Half an hour later,

"Annyeong halmoeni ....", I greeted as I walked towards the patio where breakfast had been prepared

"Annyeong, how was your sleep, Sofia?", my grandmother asked me to sit down

"I slept well, Grandma, how about you?" I asked, sitting down and sipping the tea in front of me

We were at the backyard for breakfast. In the middle of the backyard is a medium-sized patio. If it was a sunny day, she would definitely move the dining room to this place, like today for example.

"I sleep well too ... By the way, where is Yoongi?", asked grandma while looking at the house

"He'll be here in a minute... ah, there he is", I said as I watched Yoongi walk briskly across the garden to the patio

"Annyeong halmoeni, sorry I'm late", he said while bowing in front of my grandmother

"Gwaenchana ... sorry you have to wake up early because of me", my grandmother said

"Ani. We always wake up this early, Grandma," Yoongi answered when he sat down with us at the dinner table

"Let's eat ...", said my grandmother while inviting us to eat

"Ye. Thank you for the food", Yoongi and I said

Our breakfast menu this morning was warm white rice, gyeran jim (steamed egg), bean sprout salad, scallion kimchi, and galbitang (beef rib soup).

"How was your internship, Sofia?", asked Grandma while chewing her food

"Everything went well, halmoeni. My internship will end at the end of this month", I replied

"Thank God, after that what are you going to do?", asked the grandmother curiously

"Umm I will go back to college, report the results of my internship and the final project. Then if everything goes well I will finish my studies at the end of this year", I said seriously

"You will graduate at the end of this year?", Yoongi asked raising an eyebrow

"Yes", I nodded my head

"Do you have any idea what you will do after graduation, Sofia? Are you going to work as a stylist again or maybe try something new?", asked my grandmother again

"Actually working as a stylist is really fun, it's just that sometimes it feels very tiring. I think I'll start my own brand after I go back to college. There are some ideas I want to try ...", I replied while playing with the chopsticks in my hand

"Arasso... Do you need my help?", asked Grandma suddenly

"Ah, ani. I've save my salary and bonus during my internship at Bighit. You know grandma, they gave us a lot of bonuses ...", I said cheerfully while pretending to whisper to her

"Jinjja? That's awesome ... but if you need help don't hesitate to contact me, I'll be happy to help you, Sofia", said Grandma looking at me warmly

"Ne", I replied curtly and put a spoonful of soup in my mouth

"How about you, Yoongi~aah? It seems you are very busy traveling around the world ... I always see news about BTS when I watch television", said Grandma smiling kindly at Yoongi

"Ye, we're really busy, halmoeni. We're doing a world tour and some promotions for our new album", Yoongi replied with shining eyes

"Don't you guys have a day off?", asked Grandma again

"Of course we have, If it's just to rest for a day or two like this. But if it's more than that it's so impossible. Our schedule has been arranged for a whole year, so it's a bit difficult to get a long holiday", he replied

"Jinjja? So you already know what your job is for this one year?", asked the grandmother wide-eyed

"Ne", Yoongi answered smiling

"Woah daebak! Even during chuseok you still work?", asked her, full of curiosity

"Ah, ani. Usually we will also get three to seven days off during Chuseok (Full moon day or harvest season celebration). But for this year, the company gave us a fairly long holiday, which is for one month", he replied while showing his charming gummy smile

"Jinjja? One month?", I asked surprised

"Ye. The company hasn't published it yet so please don't tell anyone," Yoongi said while leaning towards me

"Oh, arasso", I answered nodding

"I hope you can use your long holiday to rest and spend time with your family, Yoongi~aah", said Grandma smiling

"Ye, halmoeni. I'm planning to visit my parents in Daegu with Sofia", he said looking at me

"Eh? Jinjja? With me?", I asked surprised

"Yeah, of course", Yoongi said looking at me gently and smiled

"Aigooo...", said grandma looking at us both happily

Then we continued our breakfast while talking about the little things that were happening around us.

Until finally Grandma said, "Uh, Sofia~aah, Yoongi~aah... Actually I want to talk about something important with you ...", Grandma said suddenly became serious

"Umm about what halmoeni ?", I asked while chewing my food

"I know, right now you guys are really enjoying your life and work. But have you ever thought that maybe one day being an idol isn't an option anymore when you reach a certain age? ... And building a brand won't always be easy, right? ...", she said slowly

"What do you want to talk, halmoeni?", I asked confused

"Well, I'm not young anymore, at any time I could leave this world. But I can ensure you that my company will always grow and develop even after I'm gone. Therefore, I want both of you to be my heirs", said Grandma staring both of us with a smile on her face

Yoongi stared at Grandma silently, as if he was digesting her words. While I put down my spoon and lowered my face, I couldn't believe that what my mother was worried about was actually happening right now.

"And when the time comes, when you can no longer live the life you are now, or you are bored with your job.... I want you to take over my company. I will make sure that my team will help and guide you, of course", she continued

I fiddled with the edge of the tablecloth in my lap in a huff, not saying anything.

"Umm halmoeni, thank you for your trust in me. I am very honored of course. However, I feel that I will be in the music industry for quite a long time. Indeed I will not be an idol forever ... but I think I will continue my career in music, maybe as a songwriter, producer or whatever," said Yoongi firmly

"But think about it Yoongi~aah... music won't give you a stable income. Are you sure that in your old age you'll still be famous and rich? And building a brand from scratch takes a lot of money and effort, what if it fails? You're just wasting your time ...", said Grandma seriously looking at us alternately

"Wow!", I said can't believe what I just heard. "Did you really mean what you said, halmoeni?", I asked annoyed

Yoongi reached out and squeezed my hand gently.

"Do you think only your work is the best? Yoongi oppa loves music very much. He did the job he dreamed of since childhood and did it really hard to become this big. Then did you think he would easily let it all go just because a position that you offered?", I said full of emotion

"Sobi...", Yoongi said, holding my hand

"Even though our jobs didn't make as much money as you makes every day, we're still happy, because we're doing what we love ... Just like my dad used to do .... maybe if Grandma didn't force him to take over the company you will never lose your son ...", I said again

I saw my grandmother clenched her hands which were on the table, her eyes filled with tears.

"Halmoeni, please forgive us ... Sofia, you can't talk like that to your grandmother. Halmoeni, we will think about it, we need time to talk about this", Yoongi said looking at me and grandmother in turn

"Arasso. Think about my offer ... I'm doing this for your future. I don't want my family to suffer, life depends on salary every month. Think about your future childrens, what kind of life will you give to them ?! ...", said grandma with teary eyes

I felt my tears fall down my cheeks.

"Finish your breakfast, I'm going to the office now. Lee will take you to the airport this afternoon ...", said grandma stood up from her chair and left the two of us

Yoongi didn't say anything, he just stared at her who walked away. While I stared at the bowl in front of me blankly, trying my best to contain my emotions. I feel so humiliated, how could grandma say those things to us?

"Sobi...", he said while looking at me

"Mianhae, yeobo. Sorry you have to hear that from my grandmother", I said while wiping my tears that had fallen earlier

"Gwaenchana...", he said while stroking my back

"You must feel hurt by grandma's words, right? She underestimated us! she didn't know all the hardships you've been through. Gosh! I'm so annoyed... jinjja... she even underestimated my dream! Why is she doing this again?", I said angrily while clenching my hands in my lap

"Surely your grandmother has a reason why she's doing this, Sobi, calm down. ... only a donkey fell into the same hole twice ... ", Yoongi said calming me while holding my hand gently

"I've lost my appetite?!", I mumbled annoyed

"Let's just go back to our room," said Yoongi, pulling my hand to follow him up

"For what ?", I asked impatiently

"We think about our plans for today", he said again with a smile

"Okay ... ", I answered slowly as I stood up lazily

Yoongi leads me across the garden and back into the house. He quickened his pace as he climbed the stairs to our room. He then closed the door behind us and asked me to sit on the bed with him.

"What do you want to do? We have free time until this afternoon", he said removing his hand from mine

"I don't know, I'm not in a good mood today", I replied sullenly

"Oh, come on Sobi. We still have a lot of time today. What do you usually do when you're staying here?", he asked as he lay down on the bed

"Usually I take a walk in the garden or read all day in the library. But sometimes my grandmother takes me on horseback riding and play on the beach ...", I answered while looking up at the ceiling

"Horse? Woah, jinjja?", he asked fascinated

"Yes", I answered nonchalantly

"Do you want to ride a hoarse ? But to be honest I never did that haha", he chuckled

"Ani. I said that I didn't want to do anything", I replied lying down next to him

"Ummm so you just want to laze in the room all day? There are many things we can do in the room, of course...", he said turning his face to me with a mischievous grin

"Huh?", I said looking at him and furrowing my forehead. "Ya! You dirty brain !!", I yelled as I stood up

"What? Who has a dirty brain? There are many things we can do in this room, right? ... for example ... chatting or, umm or watching movies ... or playing games! Waah you pervert .... tsk tsk tsk", he answered sitting up while holding back amused

"Ani... I think uh... I thought ...", I stammered

"Sobi, gosh your face is so funny ..." he said while chuckling until his shoulders shook

"Ani, I'm not ...", I mumbled in embarrassment, I felt my face heat up

"Come here", he said still chuckling as he pulled my hand towards him

"Aigoo ... what were you thinking about, Sobi~aah?", he asked still smiling amused

"It's nothing...", I replied nervously as our faces got closer

Yoongi sat on the bed, spread his legs and pulling me closer and closer until we only less than 30 cm apart.

"You have a naughty brain, huh?", he asked slowly showing his gummy smile

"Ani...", I answered, almost in a whisper

My heart was beating wildly, I could smell the musk and vanilla from his body.

"What were you thinking then, Sobi?", he whispered as he brought his face closer to mine until our noses almost touched. "...this...?".

I swallowed my saliva.

He released his grip and ran his fingers along my hand, up my arm until they finally stopped on my neck. I closed my eyes, suppressing the tingling feeling that had gathered in my stomach.

When finally Yoongi's lips brush against mine, I feel my legs shaking, so I have to hold on to him so I don't fall.

His kiss sent a tingling sensation in every limb of my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. His hand held the back of my head, while the other held my back.

He pulled me closer as I kissed him back. His hands seemed to be everywhere, stroking my neck, then on my back and a moment later on my waist. My body was burning under his touch.

"Shit! Sobi, you're driving me crazy", he mumbled between our kisses

He deepens the kiss, crushing my lips with an intoxicating intensity. His tongue gently parted my lips and immediately slipped into my mouth. Moving aimlessly as if to feel every corner of it.

I can't think right now, everything feels scary but also fun. I wasn't ready to go any further than this, but on the other hand, my body refused to stop.

His hand then moved, hesitantly caressed my stomach and slowly rose to gently touch my chest. A low moan was heard between our kisses.

When our tongues finally met, I tucked my fingers through his thick, silky hair. He generously allowed me to explore the warmth of his mouth.

And then, my whole body felt like it was electrocuted when I felt his warm hand slip under my dress, caress my legs and up to the center of my body, then I feel his thumb pressing gently on my feminine area.

I gasped and broke our kiss.

I looked at Yoongi carefully. His lips were puffy and there were lipstick stains at the corners of his lips, her face was flushed, his hair was a mess, and his eyes . . . they were filled with desire and made them look much darker.

"Yeobo...", I called, gripping his shirt so I wouldn't fall off

"Mmmhh?", he muttered looking at me eagerly

"I, I...", I said lost for words

"Wae?", he whispered, caressing my face gently

I lowered my face, suppressing the conflicting desires in my head. Part of me wanted to make out with him, but another part of me was worried about what might happen.

"Are you in doubt?", Yoongi asks, pulling me back from my thoughts

I looked at him.

"I ... I'm just scared", I whispered as I swallowed hard. "I've never done it ...", I said looking down shyly

Silence for a while.

"Nado (me too)", Yoongi answered hoarsely

"Huh?", I mumbled, lifting my face and looking into his eyes

"This is my first time too ...", he said. "Maybe we should slow it down a bit. I'll wait for you until you're ready, and I'll prepare myself for you too", he said quietly

"Yeobo, mianhae...", I whispered

"Gwaenchana ... mianhae", he replied while kissing my cheek

I hugged him, inhaled deeply his scent while calming my heart which had been beating wildly. We hugged for a while.

"Sobi~aah, let's go on a date?", he suddenly said

"Huh?", I said as I let go of my arms

"Let's go on a date ... we still have time until this afternoon ...", he said smiling

"Now? Jinjja??", I asked in disbelief

"Yeah. Let's go to the beach", he asked, sitting me on his lap

"But it's summer now. Will you be okay? Don't you hate hot weather?", I said

He laughed showing his gummy smile.

"You know me so well, Sobi," he said

"Let's just go to the aquarium, yeobo. It's right in front of Haeundae beach, and there are many restaurants and cafes along the beach too ...", I said

"Ok. Let's get ready. I'll rent a car and driver for us", Yoongi said while turning on his cell phone

"I'm going to change my clothes", I said as I stood up from his lap and headed for my suitcase where it was

Yoongi is busy doing something with his phone while I change clothes and do my makeup. I wore a peach knee-length chiffon dress with floral print. Then I tied my hair into a ponytail and applied light make up on my face.

"Sobi...", Yoongi said when he saw me coming out of the bathroom

"Huh?", I muttered looking at him

He smiled and walked over to me. "You're so beautiful ...", he said smiling widely while scratching the back of his ear

"Jinjja? Gomawo", I said blushing

"Uh, a car will pick us up in 15 minutes. We'll be heading straight to the airport after we're done dating, so pack up now, okay?", he said

"Ye", I said

5 minutes later all our luggage was ready and lined up near the entrance of the room.

" I'll text Grandma and Uncle Lee to let them know we're leaving now," I said while typing something on my phone

"You didn't call your grandma?", Yoongi asked

"Ani. I think she's still mad at me too", I said shrugging my shoulders

"You should apologize to your grandmother, Sobi", he said

"I don't know ... I think she went too far earlier", I said sullenly remembering our conversation earlier

"But still you have to apologize. We can talk about this later if there are no more emotions between grandma and you...", said Yoongi

"Yes", I answered slowly

Yoongi came over to me and patted my head. "Don't be sad, cheer up!", he said smiling at me

* ring ring

I looked at my phone and saw Uncle Lee's name on the screen.

"Yeoboseyo", I answered

"Ye, uncle. Ye. My husband and I are leaving now. No, we're going for a walk to Haeundae. Gwaenchana uncle, we've already rented a car. Gwaencaha ... you must be busy. Ye ... ye, I've texted grandma earlier. Ye, thank you for helping us, uncle. Ye, see you again", I said ending my conversation

"From uncle Lee ... he was surprised to know we are leaving now. He even offered to drive us, but I said that we had rented a car", I explained to Yoongi who just nodded his head

"Yeobo! Are you going to dress like this?", I asked looking him up and down

"Huh? Ye. Wae?", he said looking at himself

"People will recognize you immediately if you dress like this, yeobo", I said biting my lip

"Then what should I do?", he asked

"Wait a minute ... may I open your bag?", I asked

"Ye", he said while shrugging his shoulders

I opened his bag, looked at all the clothes he was carrying and sighed. He only brought 3 short-sleeved shirts (1 plain white, 1 black and 1 gray with stripes), 2 jeans, a black bucket hat, a white baseball cap and some underwear.

"Jinjja ...", I muttered

"Wae?", he asked confused

I sighed again and grabbed a pair of jeans, a gray striped t-shirt and a white baseball cap.

"Wear this", I said handing the clothes into his hands

"Arasso", he said as he accepted the clothes from me and walked towards the bathroom

Then I opened my suitcase and took out a light gray cardigan.

"Done", he said after coming out of the bathroom

"Put this on", I said as I put the cardigan on him

"Is this yours?", he asked

"Yeah. But I rarely use this because it's so big", I answered

This cardigan looks just right on his body, although it can't be buttoned, of course. The sleeves were even too short for him. I furrowed my brows and I pulled the cardigan's sleeves up to Yoongi's elbow.

"May I take your earrings off?", I asked

"Ye", he answered

Then I took off all the earrings he was wearing and put them in Yoongi's pants pocket. I adjusted his hat, put the mask on to cover his face and took a few steps back.

"Yeah, I guess you don't look like Suga now", I said looking at him with satisfaction

"Jinjja?", he asked while looking at his reflection in the mirror

"Well, not bad," he said. "Kajja ...". he said smiling at me while holding out his hand

"Ye", I answered, took his hand and smiled back

Yoongi drags the bag and suitcase in one hand and holds my hand in the other. We headed to the first floor and got into the car that was waiting for us.

During the trip I couldn't stop smiling. I never thought that a day like this would come. Marrying Yoongi is indeed a miracle, but being able to date like a normal couple is a very rare opportunity for us.

The journey from my grandmother's house to Haeundae beach takes approximately 30 minutes. Arriving there, the turquoise sea water and fine white sand immediately greeted us. It is now summer, many tourists have visited this beach. Rows of red umbrellas filled several corners of the beach.

"We'll be back at 2 pm. You can rest and have lunch while waiting for us to come back", Yoongi said as he handed 50 thousand won to our driver

"Ye. Kamsahamnida", said the young man with a big smile on his face

"Kajja", he said as he took my hand and walked towards the Aquarium was

The place we will visit today is Sea Life Busan Aquarium. Located on Haeundae beach. It's 10.15 am, and there is a queue of visitors in front of the entrance.

"Are you sure? Seems like a lot of people visit this place", I said to Yoongi

"Gwaenchana", he replied

After buying tickets we went downstairs and started touring the place. It turned out that the visitors inside the Aquarium were not as crowded as we imagined, quite quiet in fact. So we freely look around and take photos.

We spent almost two hours walking around, watching shows in the Aquarium area and several times entering underwater tunnels. So far, none of the visitors have recognized Yoongi. Because as much as possible we try not to attract attention and mingle with other visitors.

"Did you enjoy the aquarium, Sobi?", he asked when we were sitting in a restaurant not far from the Aquarium

"Ye. I really enjoyed it", I replied with a big smile looking at him

"Nado", Yoongi answered showing his gummy smile

Right now, we are at an Indian restaurant called Namaste Haeundae. This restaurant has a unique ambiance and beautiful decor. We sat across from each other in a corner that was rarely visited by visitors. This restaurant is not too crowded so we can enjoy our time here comfortably.

"Woah mashigetta", said Yoongi nodding his head while chewing a piece of Tandoori chicken

"Jinjja?", I said while dipping Naan (flat bread made from wheat) into the bowl of curry sauce.

"Ne. Try it", he said while giving a piece of chicken to my plate

"It's delicious too", I said while chewing on the naan I was holding. "Try this", I said while shoving Naan and curry sauce into his mouth

"Yuuumm ", he chuckled as he chewed his food

"Wae? Is there something funny?", I asked

"Ani. I just never thought that I would be in an Indian restaurant in Busan while being fed by my wife", I said smiling broadly while scratching the back of his head

I didn't say anything, just smiled back and lowered my face. I never thought that our relationship would be like this. I like him so much, in fact every little thing he does or says makes me like him even more.

We spent our lunch chatting and joking. Enjoying every second that we spent today, because we don't know when we will be able to enjoy days like this when we return to Seoul.

My internship will end soon which means my time with Yoongi will also be much reduced. He will continue his tour while I will return to college and spend time alone at home.

"Let's go home", he said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took a sip of the ice americano in the other hand

"Ye", I answered while licking an ice cream in my hand

"Are you happy today, Sobi?", he asked

We were walking to where our car was parked.

"Ye. Gomawo, yeobo", I replied looking at him and smiling

"I'm very happy too. We should date again after returning to Seoul", he said smiling

"Ne. Anyway, what do you want to do on our next date, yeobo? Do you want to do something?", I asked him

"Me? Ummm I want to watch movies at the cinema and walk around the mall", he said showing off his gummy smile

"Is that all?", I asked

"Yeah. Maybe for some people doing a date by watching movies and taking walks are some ordinary things. But for me it's very difficult to do", he said lowering his hand from my shoulder and instead wrapped his arm around my waist

"Yeah, it must be hard," I mumbled. "Arasso. We'll see a movie on our next date!", I said cheerfully

"Ye! ... ah, that's the car", Yoongi chuckled, pointing to a white car parked not far from where we were

"Jankanman", Yoongi said stopping me when I was about to open the car door

"Huh? Wae?", I asked confused

"You have ice cream on your face", he said

"Jinjja?", I said raising my hand to wipe my face but Yoongi stopped me

"Let me do it", he said while looking down at me

I furrowed my brows and was surprised when his lips touched the corners of mine. He brushed off the ice cream stain with his tongue and passionately kiss my lips.

The bitter taste of coffee and the sweetness of ice cream blended into his kiss. An immersive and addictive taste.

"Yeobo, what if someone saw us?", I whispered when he broke the kiss

"There's no one here except us and our driver is in the car," he chuckled. "Kajja", he said again after giving a peck and opening the car door for me

"Ye", I answered, getting in the car

We just sat in silence for the rest of the way to the airport. Sitting close to each other holding hands, enjoying the remaining time before returning to our daily routines.

Yoongi will go straight to the dorm as soon as we get to Seoul, because there is an interview schedule tonight. As for me, I'll just go back home and think back to what we did today.