
Min Yoongi POV,

Two days later,

"How is Sofia doing, oemma?", I asked on the phone

"Still the same, Yoongi~aah. What happened to Sofia? Poor Sofia ...", my mother answered sadly

"We have to keep praying for her. The doctors have done their best ...", I replied, sighing while looking at the 4-story building in front of me

"Ye. By the way, grandma Han just arrived. Where are you, Yoongi~aah?", asked my mother while blowing her nose

"I'm still in the Daegu Metropolitan library. After this, I'm going to meet someone. Please take care of Sofia, oemma... I'll be going to the hospital as soon as my business is done", I replied lowering my face

"Ne. Be careful", my mother answered before hanging up the phone

I sighed and put my phone in my trouser pocket. Sofia had been unconscious for two days. That morning I saw her crying, her body shaking, hard to breathe, and she kept muttering the same words over and over, before finally passing out in my arms with blood coming out of her nose.

"It's all my fault. Everything happened because of me".

I don't know what those words mean, does it have something to do with her memory? Has she remembered everything?? I don't know, I can't be sure because until now she is still unconscious.

Doctors said that she had a brain aneurysm, which is a disorder of the blood vessels of the brain that occurs when the blood vessels widen or bulge due to the weakening of the vessel walls at some point.

Fortunately for Sofia's case, her blood vessels only dilated, without any distension so that the risk of blood vessels bursting and causing a stroke could be avoided.

"For now, we don't know for sure what caused the weakening of the blood vessels to occur. It could be because Sofia had a brain trauma in the past, or maybe it was because she suddenly had high blood pressure. For now, we can only continue to give her medicine to lower her blood pressure. Her vital organs are in good condition, it's just that.... we can't say for sure when Sofia will conscious. I'm sorry … ", said the doctor who treated her yesterday

I bit my lip, trying to suppress my guilt. Why did I leave her alone then?! I should have known she wasn't doing well at that time. She must have been overwhelmed by everything that was going on. I must have depressed her with the school visits, the photos, and the stories about our childhood. I should have taken it slowly ... no! Maybe I should never have done it, I thought.

* ring ring

I reached into my trouser pocket and saw my uncle's name on the screen.

"Yeobosseyo, ahjusshi?", I answered

"Yoongi~aah, I've met detective Choi. We're going to Ryu Cafe now", my uncle said

"Arasso. See you later, uncle", I replied, ending our conversation

Then I started the engine of my car and drove to the place my uncle had mentioned earlier.

My uncle, Min okjung is my father's younger brother. He works as a police officer in the Jung-gu district, Daegu city. Yesterday, I contacted him to inquire about the accident that happened to Sofia and Uncle Han 13 years ago. He said he knew the detective who was investigating the case. Therefore, I asked for his help to bring me to meet him to discuss the case.

Well, this morning I spent almost 3 hours at the Daegu metropolitan library gathering news about the accident. There are only a few news that covers the case, but I feel that something is missing in the news that is written, but I don't know what.

The accident occurred at the Sinchaen-ro crossroads, around five o'clock in the afternoon. According to the newspaper I was reading, it was a sunny afternoon and the roads were not too busy, but something caused the car to lose control and hit a tree and a road fence, even though the news said it was due to the driver's negligence.

I shook my head, as I remember uncle Han is a good driver, he is always careful and puts safety first when driving. Even when I heard the news of the accident, my family and I were so shocked, my father had to ask several times to make sure that this was the Han Soojin we knew.

The memory of the accident day is still fresh in my mind. Sofia and I still spend our time together, come home from school together, chat and joke together. But it turned out to be the last time I could talk to her because after that she was in a coma and Aunt Jen forbade me to see her until they finally left Daegu and never came back.


13 years ago, the day the accident happened,

"Joonki~aah! Yoongi~aah! Something has happened. Mom and dad are going to the hospital", my mother called out in a frantic voice

"Huh? To the hospital? What happened, oemma?", asked my brother with a confused face

I arrived at the living room and looked at my mother who was sobbing, while my father —with a pale face— was having a serious conversation with someone on the phone.

"Oemma, what's wrong?", I asked looking at them alternately

"Uncle Han and Sofia had an accident. They were seriously injured. I and your father are going to the hospital now", my mother said in a trembling voice

Joonki and I were shocked to hear the news.

"Ani! I want to come! Oemma, I want to come with you, I have to see Sofia", I said to my mother

"You can't. We don't even know how the situation is," my mother replied as she walked back and forth taking her bag and jacket

"We want to come. We will wait quietly. We promise we won't bother you," said my brother while trailing behind my mother

"Appa! We want to come with you. Please appa!", I said to my father who had hung up the phone

"Okay, let's hurry. We don't have time", my father replied hastily

"But yeobo ...", said my mother

"Gwaenchana. They can wait in the hospital lobby", my father replied quickly while wearing his trousers

Soon we were crammed into a taxi to the Daegu city general hospital. My mother kept moving her feet, while my father just stared at the highway in front of him blankly.

Arriving at the hospital, my parents immediately walked quickly to the Emergency Unit, while constantly shouting orders at us.

"The main lobby is in the building, wait for us there. Don't go anywhere!", said my father

"Joonki~aah, take care of your brother, we will meet you as soon as we know the condition of uncle Han and Sofia. Yoongi~ah, listen to your brother! Don't go anywhere alone, arasso?!", said my mother as she walked quickly

"Ye, oomma", we answered at the same time

Then my mom and dad jogged into the Emergency Room while my brother and I walked in opposite directions to the hospital lobby.

"Do you think they're okay, hyung?", I asked my brother quietly

"I don't know... I hope they're okay", he answered without taking his eyes off the ER door

An hour, two hours had passed, but there was still no sign from my parents. As time went on I felt more and more anxious, until I couldn't sit still.

Three hours after our arrival, I saw my father walking out of an elevator.

"Appa?!", I called

My brother and I immediately ran to him.

"How are they, appa?", asked Joonki

He didn't answer, just sighed slowly and asked us to sit on the chairs near the information desk.

"Is Sofia okay? What's going on, appa? Please tell me", I asked

"They had an accident and were seriously injured. Sofia just finished surgery and is still critical, while uncle Han, he... He died...", said my father in a trembling voice and teary eyes

"What?!", I screamed in horror

"Oh my God ...", said my brother covering his face

"What about Aunt Jen?", I asked hoarsely

"Aunt Jen wasn't in the car with them. But she's devastated right now. She's passed out a few times," my father said rubbing his face

"Poor Aunt Jen... will Sofia be okay, appa?", I asked sobbing

"I don't know... the doctor said the wound is quite serious, we can only pray, hoping Sofia to open her eyes again", my father said quietly

"Sobi...", I mumbled while covering my face with my hands

"Appa will take care of Uncle Han's funeral. You go to the 3rd floor, your mother and aunt Jen are in the intensive care waiting room. Accompany them … Appa will meet you after jangraeshikjang (funeral room) is ready …", my father said patting us both on the shoulder

"Ye, appa", replied Joonki

After my father left, my brother and I still didn't move an inch. We were too shocked to receive the news. Why Uncle Han? Why a good person like him have to leave so soon? the thoughts kept running through my head.

"Yoongi~aah, kajja", my brother asked after he wiped the tears from his face

I stood up and walked after him with my face still filled with tears. We took the elevator to the third floor and turned left into the patient family waiting room.

"Oemma! Aunt Jen!", I called when I saw the two women I know sitting side by side with gloomy faces

"Yoongi~aah, Joonki~aah", my mother replied

"Aunt Jen, we are so sorry ...", said my brother while holding back tears

Aunt Jen raised her head and held out her hand to both of us. We immediately jumped into her arms and cried.

"Mianhae ...", I muttered

"Ssshhhh … gwaenchana ... gwaenchana....", Aunt Jen mumbled to both of us

She kept patting Joonki and me on the back.

"Will Sofia be okay?", I asked letting go of my arms

"... I don't know Yoongi~aah, I don't know... I hope she'll be fine, but... I don't know... I can only hope for the best for her ...", sobbed aunt Jen looking at me

Those eyes usually sparkle and full of love, but this time there was a deep sadness radiating from her blue eyes. I sobbed and sat in the chair across from my mother, cupping my hands, praying that Sofia would open her eyes soon.

"Where is Sofia's room, oemma?", asked my brother

"In the hallway on the left, room 315. But sorry you are underage so you are not allowed to meet her in person. You can only see her from the window", this time my mother answered

We sat in silence for a few moments, each absorbed in our thoughts.

* ring ring

"Ye?", answered my mother. "Now? Arasso. We're going down now, ye", my mother said before hanging up the phone

"Jeni~aah, my husband said that you are needed downstairs. There are some documents that you need to sign for the funeral," my mother said to aunt Jen

"Arasso...", she said

She slowly stood up but fell back into her seat.

My brother and I both stood up and walked over to Aunt Jen.

"Let me help, aunty", said Joonki

"Gomawo", she mumbled

"Yoongi~aah, wait here for a moment. We will go downstairs. Don't go anywhere, arasso?", said my mother

I nodded my head. Staring at Aunt Jen who was walking slowly with the help of my mother and brother on her right and left. I sighed, angry and sad mixed into one. Why do people as good as they have to go through this?! How unfair, I thought as I gripped the handle of the chair I was sitting on.

I want to meet Sofia, my mom said that it's okay if I see her from the outside right?. I stood and looked around the waiting room, then walked out of the room into the hallway to the left. There seemed to be no one at the nurse's desk, so I slowly walked towards room 315.

My heart was beating fast, worried that someone would stop me. But so far there was no one along the hall. I looked left and right, looking at the numbers on the door.

"305, 306...", I mumbled surveying the doors to my right and left

When I arrived at door 310, I saw someone dressed in black come out of a room. When we passed, he raised his hand and lowered his hat so that it covered his eyes. There is a small number eight tattoo on his wrist.

I turned my gaze back to the doors to my right and left. 314 .... Then I stood transfixed staring at the door to my left. I turned my head to look at the hallway I had passed, looking for the man in black who was now nowhere to be seen.

I'm sure he just came out of this room, who is he?, I thought. Ah, maybe he's one of Aunt Jen's or Uncle Han's relatives, I thought.

Then I approached the door of room 315 and looked into the room through the window in the door. Nothing is seen. I looked down the hall to my right and left, making sure no one was looking at me before I opened the door very slowly.

"Sobi... oh my God, Sobi...", I whispered

I walked slowly over to Sofia who was lying motionless. Many medical devices stuck to her body, her head was wrapped in a large bandage, her hands were in a cast and almost her entire body was covered in bruises and cuts.

I wept bitterly looking at her. How could this happen? What if she doesn't survive and leaves me?

"Sobi... wake up... it's me", I called between my sobs

Sofia remained silent for a moment.

"Sofia, it's Yoongi, wake up! Please wake up Sobi...", I said getting louder

"Sobi, please ... don't leave me, please wake up Sobi ...", This time I shook her body, trying to make her open her eyes

"Who are you?", came a voice from the front door

I squealed and turned around in surprise to see the middle-aged woman in white standing at the door.

"Mianhamnida, I ... I just want to see her ... I ...", I stammered while sobbing loudly

"You can't be here. You can see her from the outside. Are you her family? I know you must be worried seeing your sister lying like this. But you can't be here. I'm sorry...", said the nurse kindly while approaching me

"Mianhamnida, she is my best friend... I just want to see her. Jinjja Mianhamnida", I sobbed down

Then she took me back to the waiting room and said, "Don't be sad, pray that your friend can get through her critical period and recover soon".

"Can she recover?", I asked in a choked voice

"Yes, of course. Moreover, she seems to be a strong girl, I'm sure she can get through it," replied the nurse with a friendly smile

"Yes, kamsahamnida", I answered slowly

After the nurse calmed me down, I stared blankly at the floor at my feet. Praying with all my heart that Sofia could open her eyes again. I don't want to lose her, please listen to my plea, God, I thought.



* Kling

The sound of a bell rang when I opened the door of Ryu Cafe. Inside, this cafe looks deserted, there are only three tables filled with visitors. I directed my gaze around this cafe, looking for the whereabouts of uncle Okjung and his friends.

"Uncle annyeong", I greeted when I arrived at the corner table beside the window

"Ah, Yoongi~aah, you've arrived. Let's have a seat... this is detective Choi Jaehyun ssi. And this is my nephew Min Yoongi", my uncle said introducing us both

Detective Choi is a man in his early 50s who is quite handsome, tall, and well built. There were some wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled.

"Nice to meet you, detective", I said bowing to him

"Nice to meet you too. Your uncle told me a lot about you", Detective Choi bowed too

"Jinjja? I hope he doesn't overdo it", I replied with a smile

"Ani. I'm just telling the truth", said my uncle chuckling

"Mr. Choi, please keep this a secret from anyone… I, uh I…", I stammered

"Don't worry Yoongi ssi, you can count on me. You are my best friend's favorite niece, your secret is safe with me", he smiled at me

"Kamsahamnida, jinjja kamsahamnida", I replied nodding my head

"How is Sofia doing, Yoongi~aah?", asked my uncle with a serious face

"There hasn't been a change, uncle, she's still unconscious," I replied, lowering my face

"I'm sorry for what happened to your wife," Detective Choi said sympathetically

"Kamsahamnida. Uh, so... did you bring the report, detective?", I asked hopefully

"Yes. This is the report that my team and I wrote", he said while taking out a file from his bag

"I have read the news about this accident in the archives of the Daegu city newspaper. They think the accident occurred due to the negligence of the driver. Is that true detective?", I asked as I accepted the report

"Ye. We have asked several witnesses at the crime scene, they all said that the car Han Soojin ssi was driving lost control and crashed into a tree and guardrail", Detective Choi said with a serious face

I nodded my head while reading the report.

"Is there anything suspicious?", I asked without taking my eyes off the report

"Ummm actually...", the answer was cut off by the ringing of my phone

"Ah, Mianhamnida, detective. I have to pick it up, it's from my mother", I said apologetically

"Gwaenchana ...", he answered letting me answer the phone

"Ye, oemma?", I answered

"Yoongi~aah, Sofia has conscious. Oh, thank goodness!!", my mother sobbed

"Jinjja?? Thank God. How is she, oemma?", I said smiling looking at the two policemen in front of me

"The doctor is examining her right now. Come here right away, I think Sofia wants you to be here with you", my mother said

"Ye, I'll be going to the hospital as soon as I'm done", I said again

"Arasso. See you later", my mother said closing our conversation

"Sofia just woke up... oh thank goodness...", I said unable to hide my happiness

"Jinjja? Thank goodness...", said uncle Min while rubbing his chest

"Thank God, Yoongi~aah ... did she regain her memory? Because honestly, she was the key witness to the accident. She was in the car at the time, so she must know what happened ...", said detective Choi looking at me

"Ye, but I don't know if she has regained her memory or not. The doctors are currently examining her," I answered quietly

"In the past, we couldn't ask for information from her because of the injuries and trauma she suffered. Well, even if she testifies now, maybe it will not change anything. Because this case was considered finished 13 years ago", he said again

I frowned as I read the caption under a photo of the crime scene.

"Detective, it says here that the brake cable of the car was cut. Is this intentional or ...?", I asked looking at him

"Ah, yes ... I was going to tell you earlier. That actually there are some oddities in this case, one of them is the car brake cable was found cut, although not completely broken. The forensic team who examined the car said this could be intentional or not. If you look at the condition of the car when the accident happened, it might have cut when the car rolled over and hit a sharp object. But if you look more closely, this cut is too clean if it was an accident," he said, showing a picture of a cut brake cable

"Do you mean this cut happened on purpose?", I asked wide-eyed

"Yeah, but there's no fingerprints or anything on the cable", he replied curtly with a sigh

Then he pulled out another report and showed me a photo in the parking lot.

"This is a cut from CCTV footage of a mall in downtown Daegu. You see a suspicious-looking person standing next to the victim's car?", he said

I immediately brought my face closer to the black and white photo.

"Did he do it? Who is this man?", I asked curiously

"Unfortunately, Yoongi ssi, until now we don't know any information about this man, well or the woman? We don't know. Because no witnesses have seen him or her. And the camera angle and image quality of this CCTV camera is not good, so we can't confirm whether he was involved in the accident or not...", he said shaking his head

"It was very suspicious at first because before the accident the victim and his family went to visit this mall. But later the police decided that the man or woman did not seem to have anything to do with the accident. It could be that he accidentally stood next to the victim's car...", continued detective Choi

I clenched my fists, thinking hard, I think I've seen people dressed like this...

"What's wrong, Yoongi~aah?", asked my uncle

"Ani, ani...", I said after realizing something

Could this be the man I saw in the hospital at that time? But if so, why was he there? If he wanted to kill the Han family, why didn't he do anything to Sofia at that time??. My head was throbbing thinking about this, what exactly happened….

"Jaehyun~aah, what is this thing?", asked my uncle suddenly pointing at a photo

"Huh? Oh, according to the victim's wife, it was a gift they just bought for Sofia's best friend", Detective Choi replied

"A gift?", I asked, pulling the report towards me

"Ye. It's a snow globe with a miniature piano inside. You can still see the shape of the piano, even though it's broken," Detective Choi pointed to the broken snow globe

I turned my face to look at the two policemen in front of me. A memory of my chat with Sofia before the accident occurred in my head.

"Oppa, what do you want right now?", Sofia asked with sparkling eyes

"I don't want anything", I answered quickly

"Jinjja?", she asked again

"Umm, honestly I want to have a piano like your father's. But I think it's very expensive. I'll work part-time when I grow up so I can buy my piano", I said hopefully

"Piano huh... arasso", I replied with a smile

"Oppa, this afternoon I will go to the city center. Then you come to my house okay... I have something to give you. My father will also come home early today", said Sofia excitedly.

"Giving something? What?", I asked nonchalantly while kicking the pebbles at my feet

"Your birthday present", Sofia replied happily

Could this be the gift Sofia was referring to?? My head thought quickly, trying to understand what was really going on.

"Is it true, Uncle Han wasn't wearing his seatbelt at that time, detective?", I asked, I felt my throat dry

"Yes. He was not wearing his seat belt, so he ... he was thrown out of the car when the accident happened. And because nothing unusual was found on his seat belt, the forensics concluded that he took off or did not wear his seat belt properly", answered detective Choi

"It's all my fault, everything happened because of me".

Is this what Sofia meant? Does that mean she has remembered the accident?? She felt guilty about something, could the accident have something to do with this snow globe??

I felt my heart beating fast, I widened my eyes at the two confused detectives in front of me.

* ring ring

I was surprised to hear my cell phone ringing. I looked at the cellphone lying on the table, my mother's name was on the screen.

"Ye, oemma?", I answered

"Yoongi~aah, Sofia's gone! I don't know where she went... aigoo, I left her for a while to meet the nurse, and Grandma Han was on the toilet. When we got back to the room she was gone! Ottoeke, Yoongi~aah?! How is this??", shouted my mother frantically while sobbing loudly

"WHAT?!", I screamed as I stood up from my seat

"Oemma, calm down. She can't be far away. Ask the security guards, nurses, and everyone there to look for her. I'm going to the hospital now", I said quickly

"Has something happened?", asked my uncle confused

"Uncle, detective, I have to go back to the hospital now. I... Sobi... Sofia is missing. I have to go now. Detective thanks for your help. Can I bring a copy of this report?", I asked as I put on my jacket and got ready to leave

"Missing? Aigoo... do you need our help?", asked my uncle worriedly

"Gwaenchana, I don't think she will be far from the hospital. She is still weak at this time. Gomawo, uncle", I replied and turned my gaze to detective Choi

"Ye. You can bring it. Call us if you need anything else", Detective Choi answered standing up from his seat

"Ye. I'm leaving now. Kamsahamnida", I answered bowing and running out to my car

"Damn!!", I cursed while starting my car engine

She must have regained her memory, maybe she felt guilty for what happened to Uncle Han? If so, surely Sofia will do something to pay for her guilt... no, please don't, please don't let her do anything dangerous, I thought over and over again on the way to the Hospital.


Meanwhile at the hospital,

Han Sofia POV,

I walked slowly up the cold stairs. I ignored my feet which started to hurt and continued to walk. Right now my heart hurts so much, it hurts more than any pain I've ever experienced.

The accident happened because of me. It was me who was careless that caused my father's death...

When I woke up earlier, a guilt filled me. I can't live like this! My father had to lose his life while I lived.

I sobbed as I opened the door in front of me. The summer breeze hit my face. I hugged my body tightly due to the cold feeling that suddenly engulfed me.

I don't deserve to live... it's all my fault. I have to pay for it...

I continued walking towards the edge of the guardrail. My body trembled as I tried to climb up the high fence.

I sobbed loudly as I stared at the cars passing by below me. I have to do this... mianhae appa! Mianhae oemma! One by one the faces of my parents appeared in my mind.

I'll be following you in a moment... please forgive me, I want to see you soon, I sobbed.

Then Yoongi's face popped into my mind...

"Yeobo, mianhae... Mianhae...", I muttered between my tears

I close my eyes and I step my feet towards the end of life...


Hi ARMY...sorry for the late update 😭🙏 .

Last week I just got my first shot of the covid vaccine and it turned out that the side effects made me feel unwell.

But, I'm fine now. Don't be afraid to get vaccinated

stay safe and stay gold,
