Uncle Lee’s Confessions

Han Sofia POV,

"Uncle... May I ask you something?", I asked slowly

"Yeah, say it, Sofia", replied uncle Lee smiling warmly

"Is the man that your daughter loves is my father?", I asked still looking at him

He didn't answer right away, his eyes blinked a few times and he struggled to hide his feelings in front of me.

"How did you know that?", he asked trying to be calm

"That... I, I saw your photo in Grandma's office earlier. My father was seen embracing a beautiful black-haired woman standing beside him. And ... and Grandma said that she was your daughter, my father's best friend since childhood", I replied stammered

He sighed and gripped the steering wheel tightly. Then suddenly he pulled over to the side, gritted his jaw, and stared at me with a look of agony.

"Yes, that man is your father. Mina is too naive to love him. For years she loved him, but your father never saw her as a woman. Your father was a selfish man who never thought about other people's feelings. Not only Mina's feelings but also his parents' feelings!!", said uncle Lee hatefully

I was too shocked by the reaction he showed.

"But uncle ...", I mumbled softly, my body shaking and snuggled up to the car door

"Your father is a selfish little bastard! And your mother is a damn woman!! You should know that! You are the one who caused my daughter to suffer!", he growled with a red face

I'm so scared right now. I've never seen Uncle Lee lose control like this, he looks really scary.

I held my breath, my instincts told me to get away from him. I held the car door handle with trembling hands. But before I could open the door, there was a loud click. And he locked me in the car.

What should I do now, I thought frantically.

"Your father and mother have paid for their deeds to Mina. And you ... you must also pay for it ...", he said in a deep, threatening voice

Then he took a small penknife out of his trouser pocket and put it around my neck. I widened my eyes when I felt a cold blade against my skin.

"Wha … what do you mean uncle?…", I stammered

He didn't answer, he just smirked at me. He slowly drove the car again.

"You're stupid, Sofia. Do you still think that the accident was caused by you?", he asked in an extended tone

"Huh? What do you mean? Why did you do this to me? And ... and where are we going?", I asked panicked when I realized he was taking the opposite road to my grandmother's house

"I'll finish everything ... and don't try to fight or I won't hesitate to hurt you", he threatened as he pulled the knife away from my neck

I sighed, my eyes still glued to the sharp knife in his hand. I don't know what's going on right now, why is he acting like this to me?

"Uncle... what's the matter? Why are you like this?", I asked quietly as I sat up straight again

"Shut up! You talk a lot like your mother", he said angrily

I bit my lip anxiously and held on tightly to the chair I was sitting on. The car we were in was moving fast, farther and farther north toward the hills on the other side of town.

15 minutes passed and the road in front of us began to climb. Over and over again I glanced at the cell phone that was ringing in my bag which was lying at my feet.

"Just shut up! Don't try to pick it up!", he growled as he turned his face to me

I looked at the road outside, we were already in the hills, further away from my grandmother's house. I felt panic take over me.

"Uncle, can we have a good talk about this? Please...", I begged

"We will discuss it with my family", he answered simply without looking at me

"What?", I mumbled

His family? Aren't they dead? My heart beats faster. The car we were in turned right. "Daegu City Public Cemetery" is the name on the signboard.

Oh my god did he want to kill and bury me here? I thought frantically. My cell phone keeps ringing non-stop. Are Yoongi and grandma looking for us? How do we get them to know where we are?.

"Why are we here, uncle? I want to go home... I want to meet my husband...", I said trembling

He continued to drive into the cemetery area. I squeezed my hand tightly, looking at the rows of white tombstones that lay on my right and left.

"Get out!", he said after parking his car and pointing the knife he had been holding at me

He unlocked the car and walked out towards my side. I nervously opened the car door and headed out. The cool wind hit my face and hair that was already wet with sweat.

"Follow me," he said again, grabbing my left arm and dragging me forward

"Don't try to run or scream", he said while pressing the tip of the knife against my ribs

We walked between the gravestones, getting further and further away from where Uncle Lee had parked his car. I held back my tears as I continued to pay attention to the situation around me. Why is no one here? I thought.

We went down a few steps and walked over to two white tombstones with white lilies on them.

"We're here", he said as he pushed me down to my knees between the two gravestones

"Say hello to my wife and daughter!", he said as he forcibly bowed my head towards the two gravestones in front of me

I lowered my head, gripping the green grass tightly, trying my best to hold back my tears.

"You brought me this far just for this?", I asked while looking at the two tombstones belonging to Lee Mina and Kim Eunhyi in front of me

"I brought you here so you can give your last bow to my family before I kill you", he said hatefully

"Wae? Why do you want to kill me? I don't understand... have I done something wrong to you?", I asked looking at him

"Don't you understand, Sofia?? It was your family that caused my family to crumble!! Your father left Mina and married that damn woman! He left his own family for that bitch!", he shouted

"Uncle, my father has the right to love anyone! It's not our fault that my father loves my mother, right?! After all, it was my grandparents who kicked them out! They didn't leave of their own!!", I argued with a trembling voice and stood up slowly

"Shut up! I don't need your answer!", he snapped, widening his eyes at me

"I won't stay silent if you keep talking about my parents like that!", I answered firmly

"SHUT UP !", yelled Uncle Lee pushing me until I almost fell again

"I have great respect for your grandparents, Sofia. They are good people, even though your grandfather has a bad temper", he snorted as he walked over to his daughter's gravestone

"They helped me when I was in difficult circumstances, let us live with them, and gave us work. Your father should be grateful, his parents took good care of him. They took care of all his needs and even built a company for him and his children. But what did he do to them? He always argues and fights against their wishes. Your grandparents didn't ask for much, they just wanted him to take over their company, but instead, he chose to become a poor musician!", he said while playing a knife in his hand

"And Mina … she was always there for Soojin. She always accompanies him, supports him. Even after he was kicked out by your grandparents, Mina begged them to forgive your father and take him back... but you know what? Your father is too arrogant and stubborn, he doesn't want to go back to his family", said Uncle Lee with teary eyes and a red face

"I know my father is not a perfect human being. He just wanted to live the life he dreams of. He loved music and his dream was to become a musician. Having dreams is not a crime, uncle. Maybe if my grandma and grandpa didn't force their will my dad wouldn't do that …," I said as I took a step towards him

"But look at the consequences of his actions! Mina committed suicide, my wife died because of the loss of Mina. Your grandfather got sick and your grandmother was exhausted from having to take care of the company alone. You see how selfish your father is!", he said taking a few steps towards me angrily

"Why did you blame everything that happened to my father?! He deserved to live happily with the people he loves!", I screamed

"Yes... He deserved to be happy, but what about us? We also want to be happy... I always imagined, if your father didn't marry your mother … maybe Mina would live happily with Soojin, get married and have children. But your father.. he chose that woman over Mina! Your grandfather was right, that damn woman made him so selfish and stubborn like that!", he said

"Don't say things like that about my mother!! You told me that your daughter was so narrow-minded that she ended her life! Don't blame your disappointment on my mother!!", I screamed as I pushed Uncle Lee's body and beat him

"Your mother is a bitch! I don't know what your father saw in that red-haired witch that he chose her over Mina", he snorted while holding my punch with both hands

"SHUT UP!!", I shouted while hitting his hand so hard that the knife he was holding slipped out of his grip

"Stop it!", he said sharply as he pushed my body to the ground. "I'm sick of seeing you! You are living happily while my family is falling apart! I even allowed myself to commit a crime because of you. You and your mother should have died in that accident, not your father!!", he shouted while clutching his hair

"What??", I muttered quietly looking at Uncle Lee carefully

"Yes, you and your mother should be the ones who died, not your father. I didn't know why your father was driving at that time ... my plans fell apart because of that damn woman!", he said looking at me hatefully

"What do you mean??", I whispered confused

"At that time your grandfather was seriously ill. When your grandmother took him to America for treatment, I planned something so that your father returned to his parents. I know he will never leave you and your mother. Therefore I want to make both of you leave him...", he said while chuckling

"You? You planned the accident?", I said while frowning

"Yeah. I've been watching you all week, observing your habits. And that day when you went to the shopping mall, I carried out my plan, I cut the brake lines of your mother's car. Hoping that you both died at the end of the day. But sometimes fate played tricks on us ....", he said again while walking back and forth in front of me

"What? But ... but I was the one who caused the accident ... my father died because of me ...", I said standing up slowly while looking at him intently

"Hahaha ani, aniya. Even without your carelessness, your father would still lose control of the car! Hahaha, I'm sorry you're filled with guilt for something that wasn't your fault. Ah, I shouldn't have stopped you from suicide that time ...", he laughed

I backed away and froze. So the accident was on purpose? What is this truth that Yoongi is looking for? I thought.

"I didn't say anything to your grandparents about my actions, haha ​​they might kill me … ah, ani ... I think they will bury me alive if they find out the truth", he continued while looking at me sharply

"But why did you help me when I want to jump? You said that I have to live...", my words were cut off by him

"Gosh! It would be too easy to let you die like that", he sneered. "Your father died in an accident, while your mother died because of the medicine I gave her. And I will kill you as I wish … maybe I can disguise it like a kidnapping or a car crash or fall off a cliff?... well, I don't know, we can decide about it later ...", he said nonchalantly while shrugging his shoulders

"What?! You're crazy!! And what do you mean about my mother's medicine?... how...?", I whispered questioningly with teary eyes

"I hate the fact that both of you went back to Korea and reconnected with the Han family", he continued as he folded his arms across his chest

"Your grandmother has no heir, all her shares should have gone to the directors in her company and her assets will go to me, their best friend, according to your grandfather's will. But you came back… I guess Sanhee didn't like the contents of her husband's will so she looked for you and begged your mom to come back", he said annoyed

My head hurts hearing all his words, this is too much, this can't be true, I thought.

"Your mother knew this, I think she's just pretending she didn't want you to be the heir. Deep inside her heart, she wants to control the entire Han family's wealth", said uncle Lee with disdain

"Ani! My mother never wanted the wealth. We returned to Korea because she wanted me to know my father's family", I replied firmly

"Oh come on Sofia... how could she not be interested in this wealth? She just made it complicated. She's always arguing with your grandmother about your appointment as heir, about your marriage, and everything else. I'm so sick of it! She hasn't changed, Sofia. Your mother is still as annoying as ever," he said angrily

"She just wanted to protect me, uncle...", I sobbed

"Yeah, yeah … whatever you want to say. But I'm sick of her. So when she was having digestive problems, an idea came into my head. I bought herbal medicine and replaced one of the capsules with ricin. Oh, how smart I am... ", he chuckled

"You poisoned my mother??", I screamed

I felt my legs go weak so I had to hold on to the gravestone near me. In the distance I heard a voice calling my name, I was silent ... maybe it was just my hallucination.

"Yes, it's that easy. I gave the herbal medicine to your mother, saying that the medicine was sent from your grandmother. Simple but brilliant!. No one will suspect me. No one knows when she will take the poison capsule. Your mother is like playing Russian Roulette every day...", he chuckles like crazy

This is enough, I thought.

"Why did you do this, uncle??", I shouted

Then without thinking I jump at his body until he fell on Mina's tombstone. I kept attacking him, hitting, clawing, and grabbing every part of his body that I could reach.

"Stop it! You damn woman! I will kill you just like I killed your mother!", he growled

I screamed as one of his hands grabbed my neck. My hands pounded against his chest and clawed at the hands that were wrapped around my neck. I glanced at the knife lying between the tombstones.

I can't breathe, the grip of his fingers is getting stronger. My hand slowly groped the ground, looking for the knife's whereabouts. When I felt the cold blade touch my fingers, I gripped the front of Uncle Lee's coat tightly and held the knife high above our heads.

"Let go of me!", I screamed

He widened his eyes at the knife in my hand and slowly lowered his hand from my neck. His face was red and his breath was ragged.

"Why did you do that to them??!", I shouted while sobbing

"I will kill you! I will kill you like you killed my parents!!", I screamed

And with trembling hands, I took steps to stab the knife into Uncle Lee's body...

"Stop it, Sobi!", came a scream from behind me

I stood still, my hands stopped in the air. I felt my tears fall down the front of my clothes.

"Sobi, calm down...", Yoongi said approaching me

I turned my face to the side, Yoongi walked towards us slowly. His face was filled with worry.

"Yeobo... he killed them... he killed appa and oemma", I sobbed

"I know... but you're much better than him, Sobi. Don't do anything stupid... he will be responsible for all his actions, Sobi, I promise...", said Yoongi who was now standing only a few steps from my place

"I thought of you as my uncle, you were always kind to me, but... but you turned out to be worse than any criminal. You are hiding under my grandmother's trust after you killed her son and daughter-in-law. You are such a jerk! You have to be responsible for everything you did for my family!", I said while gripping the knife tighter

In the distance, I heard someone calling my name.

"Kill me, just kill me … I'd rather die than Sanhee knowing what I did to her family... kill me ...", he whispered looking into my eyes full of hatred

"Sobi, don't listen to him. Give me the knife, come on Sobi... please give me the knife", Yoongi said in a hoarse voice

"Oh my God, there they are", my grandmother shouted in the distance

I sobbed and lowered my hand slowly when suddenly Uncle Lee's hand grabbed mine and pulled it until the knife touched his neck.

"Ani! Ani! Let go!", I screamed, trying my best to hold Uncle Lee's hand and keep the knife away from his neck

"Sobi!", Yoongi shouted running up to me

We struggled to snatch the knife from each other's hands. I felt my body being pushed so hard that I fell on the grass. Meanwhile, in front of me, Yoongi and Uncle Lee are still wrestling over the knife.

"Andwee!!", I screamed when I saw Uncle Lee hit Yoongi in the face so that he also fell into the grass

"Chunhee~aah... what happened? Why are you doing this?", asked my grandmother in a weak voice running over to us

"Han Sanhee~aah... I'm sorry, please forgive me...", he muttered as he limped towards me with a knife in his hand

"Grandma, go! Don't come near me !", I screamed trying to get up and run away from him

"What happened? Sofia~aah... Lee Chunhee~aah answer me!", said my grandmother with a confused and scared face

"Sobi...", Yoongi stood up with difficulty, there was blood on the corner of his lips

"I'm sorry Sanhee... thank you for everything...", he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me towards him then stabbed the knife into my body

I was shocked by what had just happened. What happened next felt like it was happening in slow motion to my eyes. My grandmother screamed. Yoongi ran towards us with an angry face. Two of my grandmother's bodyguards were seen running up to us with worried faces.

With slow movements, Uncle Lee pulled a knife from my stomach and intended to stab his chest, but his efforts were successfully thwarted by one of the bodyguard who had arrived where we were.

I felt my body go limp, my head was spinning. My grandmother cried in front of me. Yoongi mumbled something while pressing the wound on my body with the shirt he was wearing. Meanwhile, Uncle Lee didn't move as the bodyguard pressed his body on the ground.

So is this the end? I don't want to go this way ... I'm sorry yeobo, I'm sorry Grandma ... at least I will meet my parents after this, so don't be too sad, I thought.

I grabbed Yoongi's hand, and he looked at me with a face filled with tears. I couldn't hear his words even though he was moving his mouth. I smiled at him and whispered "saranghae" before I finally gave in to the darkness.


Stay safe and stay gold, ARMY

Borahae 💜💜💜