
The Last Day in America

"Hey Motosaki!" One of my friends called out to me.

"Yeah?" I looked back to see what my friend wanted.

"Hey man, I just wanted you to know that this summer was one of the best. I haven't had so much fun since Aisha was last here." My friend smiled.

"Agreed. That was Freshman year..so much has changed since she moved back to Japan." I said.

"Speaking of Japan, you're moving there to study right?" He asked.

"Yeah, my parents aren't home anymore. To be frank, I legitimately don't know where they are. Hopefully they're alright, but knowing them they're having the time of their lives." I chuckled.

"With your mom being Japanese, I'm sure they'll be fine." My friend laughed.

"Whatever. I'll catch you later man, I gotta get to packing. I'll call you when I get to Japan." I said.

"For sure for sure." He smiled.

We did out signature handshake and walked our separate ways. I went home and began packing my bags. I packed my clothes, shoes, hygiene products, and my favorite books and games. I looked at a picture of my family.

My name is Motosaki Izuna. I am an 18 year old male who's just about to start my senior year of high school once this summer ends. I am a Japanese-American. I have no siblings, and my parents suddenly disappeared during my Junior year. Luckily for me I had a job so I could live on my own. Right now I'm moving to Japan. It's gonna be hard leaving Arizona behind, but I gotta do what I can to succeed.

"Alright, got to get to the airport tomorrow by 5 AM. Time to get as much shut eye as possible so I can make it on time." I said then sipped up my luggage then set it on the floor and got on the bed to lay down. "This'll be the last time I see this house actually. Don't wanna sell it just in case my parents do come back. Then again they have been missing since my Junior year..but I'm not gonna do it."

I closed my eyes and exhaled then rolled on my side and fell asleep. Hours have passed then I woke up and checked my phone. It was 4:15 AM. I sat up and yawned then got ready to go to the airport. I called up a driver from Pick Up and waited outside in the early morning cold. The driver eventually arrived and I placed my luggage in the trunk and told him I was headed towards the airport. He nodded and drove off. In about 20 minutes the driver arrived at the airport and I got out the car then got my luggage from the trunk.

"Thank you." I said and raised my hand up gesturing my thanks. He nodded and drove off.

I walked into the airport and checked my phone. It was 4:50 AM. I took a seat and waited for my plane to be announced that it was ready for passengers. I waited for a good 30 minutes then the announcement came on saying that we could board the plane. I went through the metal detector and passed them placed my luggage on the conveyor belt then walked towards the woman, and showed her my passport and other credentials. She let me through to go on the plane. I walked towards my seat by the window and sighed.

Everyone got situated on the plane and the luggage was boarded on the plane as well then the plane began moving, eventually taking off to the skies. I closed my eyes as I was still a bit tired. Before I knew it 13 hours had passed and I woke up to the sound of the pilot telling us that we were to arrive at Tokyo Airlines shortly. Shortly, the plane landed and came to a stop. The passengers soon got of the plane and I followed. We all waited next to the conveyor belt to get out luggage. I saw my luggage and got it. It was pretty big in size so it wasn't hard to see it. I soon walked out of the airport with my bags and called a taxi. I'm glad I was able to embrace my Japanese side and knew how to speak Japanese. I waited for the Taxi and saw the car pull up and I put my bag in the trunk then got in. I told the driver to take me to the nearest hotel. He nodded and drove off to a hotel called Sanctuary Hotel & Spa. Eventually we made it and I thanked the driver and got out then got my luggage from the trunk then closed the trunk.

"Maybe I should call Aisha and tell her that I'm in Japan now." I said and walked forward then bumped into a woman on accident. "A-Ahh, I'm--"

I looked up and noticed that the woman's face looked familiar. She looked at me and blushed a bit. I helped her up and she looked at me like she had seen a ghost. I tried to apologize to her, but she interrupted me with a tight hug of happiness.

"Ack! You're squeezing...kinda tight..!" I said and caught my breath as she let me go. She led me to the side and looked at me happily.

"I couldn't be anymore happier right now! Oh god.." The woman was practically shaking with glee. "It's been so long! Do you remember me?"

She did seem pretty familiar to me. Her long brunette colored hair and her hazel eyes with glossy pink lips. Her clothing style was also pretty familiar as she wore a sweater with black tights and tennis shoes.

"You're no doubt in my mind, Aisha Ayami. Double A." I chuckled then she hugged me again.

"You DO remember! I had thought you forgot about me..this is literally the best!" She let me go and held my arms. "Why are you here?"

"Just here to complete my last year of high school, planning to live in Japan actually." I said.

"Oh? Well you can come live at my place for as long as you need!" Aisha said.

"Really?" I asked, unsure if I wanted to take her up on her offer.

"Of course! I don't mind at all! Since you're also here for school, I'll show you to the school I'm attending." Aisha smiled.

I accepted the offer and followed her to her car then I put my luggage in the trunk of her car and closed the trunk. We got in the car and she drove off to her house and parked the car in the garage. We got out and I got my bags out of the trunk then she walked to the garage door and unlocked the door then let me walk in first. I took off my shoes and put on the slippers then stepped in the house and looked around and noticed how spacious it was inside. Modern Japanese Houses really do look better than American homes sometimes.

"Welcome to the Ayami Residence! Make yourself at home, I'll show you to your room." Aisha smiled and led me upstairs. We walked down the hall and to the second room to the right. "This will be your room, just as big as the master bedroom. Just how you liked it."

"I would've been fine with a guest room but thank you." I smiled.

"Only the best of the best for my closest friend." Aisha giggled then leaned forward and placed her hands behind her back. "Soooo.."

"Soooo..." I placed my luggage on the bed.

"How about we celebrate our reunion with a party?" Aisha smiled.

"We're going back out?" I asked.

"Nope we can celebrate here! I have drinks and snacks!" Aisha said.

"Well that's fine by me also." I chuckled and looked at Aisha.

"Yoi Yoi!" Aisha smiled happily then nodded and hurried down the hall and downstairs.

I followed her and she went to the party area of her house. I sat in a chair and we began catching up and talked about what had happened over the year we were separated from each other. She took out some drinks and snacks. I couldn't help but notice how happy Aisha looked to finally see my face again.

"Why are you staring?" Aisha laughed.

"You just seem really happy. It's been a while since I've seen your smile." I said.

"Who wouldn't be happy to see you?" Aisha blushed and smiled.

"Haters." I chuckled.

"That's true, but I couldn't be anymore happy if I tried. This is just the last thing I expected to be honest. I was gonna go to the bar to waste away but then it's like fate that we bumped into each other!" Aisha said.

"I was just planning to call you also, I guess it was fated that we reunited." I chuckled.

Nothing could tell us otherwise. Either it be mere coincidence or fate itself, it didn't matter to us at this moment. We ate snacks and had a few sodas. It was truly a wonderful time.