
The Date Night

My alarm rang the next morning and I clicked the button and sighed into my pillow then turned over on my back and sat up. Friday, everyone's favorite day of the week besides Saturday. I got out of bed to get ready for school and left the house with Aisha. We met up with Rebecca and Emma at the train station.

"Good morning, Motosaki, Aisha." Rebecca smiled.

"Morning." I sat down and exhaled.

"Good morning." Aisha waved.

"Still not a morning person is he?" Rebecca giggled.

"Not at all." Aisha smiled.

"Hey new guy! Check this out!" Emma ran towards me and held out a manga.

"Hm?" I looked at the manga and rose an eyebrow. "Ahh the new issue of I Reincarnated into a Dark Queen. That manga is pretty popular where I'm from. The series has said to sold over 30K copies and still growing."

"Ahhhh?! You read the manga?! Who's your favorite character?! Mine is Victoria! I love how she is in the manga, she's so cool!" Emma's sparkled with glee.

"My favorite character was Zain. He's a cool character, from when he was shown to be the Umbra Savior till now." I said.

"Finally someone who also reads the manga! Come let's read together while we wait!" Emma sat beside me and happily opened the manga and began reading.

I haven't seen Emma this excited about anything since I've met her, well besides when talking about Lucky Guys. She sat relatively close to me and our shoulders touched as we read together. Rebecca smiled and Aisha watched with a smile as well.

The train arrived and we got on. I noticed how Emma stuck with me for the train ride talking about the manga. She was a dedicated fan I can tell you that much. To me, I read it now and again. The plot was above average and only few characters got some decent development, nevertheless a good manga to pick up. Not too slow paced or anything. The train stopped and we got off then Emma trotted closer to Rebecca and talked to her. She was like a fireball that couldn't sit still.

"Emma's warming up to you." Aisha smiled and bumped her hip into me.

"Yeah only because we enjoy something similar." I said and bumped my hip into her.

I saw Otsuki at the gate to the school and I would be lying if I said, she didn't look extra beautiful today. She had her hair in a bridal style and wore a black dress. She looked up and blushed then I stopped and looked at her.

"Why are you staring..?" Otsuki said shyly and smiled, looking down a bit. "It's embarrassing."

"Sorry, it's just..Wow. What's the special occasion?" I smiled and made light of the situation.

"What? There's no special occasion." Otsuki laughed a bit. "I just wanted to try something new..do you...like it?"

"Yeah, I suits you. Come sit with us." I took her hand and walked towards the table where Aisha and the others were.

Otsuki blushed and looked at our hands. At first she was tense, but she quickly calmed down. We made it towards the table and sat down.

"Oh? Otsuki is joining us today? What's the occasion?" Emma asked.

"There isn't one, I invited her." I said.

Tsubami watched from the doors of the school building and smiled. She nodded and walked in the building.

"I knew she would be more active with that boy around. It's something about him that draws her towards him so freely like a magnet. Any other guy she would've rejected.

I can't lie, I'm interested in him also." Tsubami said and walked towards her office.

We sat at the table and talked about our plans for the Friday Night. As I explained, I was gonna go with Otsuki and Tsubami to a Death Bunnies concert. Aisha, Rebecca, nor Emma changed their plans. They were set on going to the Lucky Guys concert. I looked at Otsuki who was easily becoming more comfortable with the gang. I smiled and was happy she was getting more involved instead of sitting alone.

"Let's all get to class." Aisha said.

"Right." Rebecca nodded.

We stood up and walked to class together. I stuck behind and let the girls walk forward then Satori came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my neck and laughed. I laughed also and pushed him off. He gave me a handshake and then a fist bump and ran ahead to class. I fixed my hair and Emma parted ways first then the rest of us got to Mr. Hoshida's class and sat down. Mr. Hoshida soon made it into class also and set down books on the podium.

"Alright class, today is a free day. There will be no classes today so just chill out and talk to your friends, sleep. Just don't do anything illegal." Mr. Hoshida smiled and sat at his desk.

Aisha and Rebecca nodded then brought their desk closer to mine. Otsuki looked back at me and hesitantly brought her desk towards mine and connected the desks.

"I have a question Otsuki." I said.

"Yeah?" Otsuki looked at me.

"Tsubami's last name sounds like yours. Nagagami and Fugigami. Is there any connection between you two?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's my cousin. Her family rank is higher than mine though." Otsuki said.

"Even I didn't know that one." Aisha said. "No wonder she hangs out with you so much. You're family."

"Yeah, but no one but you three know about it." Otsuki said.

"My lips are sealed." Aisha smiled.

Otsuki looked at me and I opened one eye and hand my hands behind my head, leaned back on the chair and the front two legs of the chair was off the floor. She awaited for me to say that I'll keep the information secret.

"I won't tell anyone. Not like I talk to many people in this school anyway." I said.

Otsuki nodded and smiled softly. She jumped slightly as the door was slid open quickly. She looked back and saw it was Emma.

"The best girl is here! Hey Mr. Hoshida!" Emma waved.

"Hello Emma Seikori." Mr. Hoshida pushed up his glasses and kept reading a book.

Emma chuckled happily and closed the door then pulled up a chair beside Rebecca. She sat down and the gang was all together. We didn't talk about one specific topic. I took out my phone and thought it would be a good idea to give them my number.

"Oh?" Rebecca looked at me.

"Just in case you need my help with something or just wanna hang out." I said.

"Ahh okay." Rebecca smiled and took out her phone and added me to her contacts.

Emma and Otsuki did also. I put my phone away and stretched a bit. We began talking again. The girls began giggling and gossiping together. I decided to check out what Death Bunnies sounded like. I took out my phone and airpods then conencted the airpods to my phone via Bluetooth. I went on YouTube and searched up Death Bunnies and their music popped up.

"Hm...Ohayo. What's this one about?" I clicked on the video.

It was everything I expected. A band inspired by a band famous in Japan a few decades ago named BabyMetal. I wasn't surprised, but I didn't complain either as I used to listen to BabyMetal from time to time when I was a Freshman. My mom actually introduced me to alternative rock, and metal. She was a bit of a metalhead. I turned off the music and focused my attention towards the girls again.

After a long day of doing nothing, the bell chimed for us to go home. We all got our belongings together and got up to leave the building.

"I'll meet you at the train station." I told Otsuki.

"Okay. I'll see you there." Otsuki waved and went her separate way.

The rest of us went to the train station and got on the train to reach our destination. Rebecca and Emma went one way, and Aisha and I went the other way. We walked home together and Aisha looked at me.

"So do you have a crush on anyone?" Aisha teased.

"What? No, for me it's too early to have a crushes and love interests." I said.

"That's not what you thought back in America. You were a lady's man. You're the one who said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Aisha said.

"Yeah that was Freshman me. What freshman boy won't have a bit of an ego? Plus I already had a way with the females back then." I folded my arms.

"And you don't now?" Aisha bumped her hip into me.

"Oh I see what you're doing." I bumped my hip into her.

We both laughed softly and she unlocked the door to her house and we took off out shoes before entering the house and put on the house slippers. I closed the door behind us and locked it. We both went upstairs to get ready for our Friday Night. We took showers and got dressed. I walked out the bathroom with a white short sleeve hoodie and a hoodless black jacket with black sweats on with my black jordans. I had a love for street wear since my dad introduced me to it. Aisha walked out with white t-shirt with animals on it and an oversized grey jacket with her snapback, baggie jeans and white converses.

"So you still have the love for the street huh?" Aisha giggled.

"Oh and you don't?" I said and pointed at her outfit.

"I was practically living with you, of course I got my style from you." Aisha laughed a bit.

I scoffed and smiled then we walked downstairs and went out of the house and Aisha locked the door with her key then we walked towards two different train stations. We waved goodbye and Aisha met up with Rebecca and Emma.

Otsuki was waiting for me and hesitated if she wanted to text me that she was at the station. She didn't want to seem to expectant and rush me. Tsubami looked at Otsuki and saw her embarrassed face.

"Oh calm down. He isn't gonna judge you." Tsubami said.

"B-But still..I don't know...if I can..do this." Otsuki said.

"Hey." I ran towards them and put my hands in my jacket pocket.

I looked at Otsuki and she had on a long sleeve white t-shirt, blue jeans with a black belt, white shoes and her hair was down. Tsubami was also a fan of the modern street wear as she had on a black t-shirt, with an oversized black jacket, blue jeans and Nike shoes.

"Are you ready for the date?" Tsubami stood up.

"Date?!" Otsuki looked at Tsubami bewildered.

"Wait what? I thought we were just hanging out." I said, confused.

"What? You both are lost. There's no way a girl and guy can just simply hang out and not be on a date. You don't just go to events or places like the mall and just "hang out"" Tsubami laughed a bit.

Otsuki's face became more like a tomato and the train arrived. We went on the train and I stood up so the elderly could sit down with their grand children. Otsuki stood beside me, blushing and Tsubami sat down in seats that weren't taken. It took around 30 minutes for us to get to our destination. The train stopped and we got off then Tsubami led the way towards the concert and we just followed.

"Alright people! Are you ready to rock this place?!" The lead singer yelled and the crowd began cheering loudly. It sounded like a football stadium and was packed with people.

The main guitarist began playing and the drummer began playing their instruments. We found a suitable spot to watch the band. The crowd went absolutely wild and cheered loudly. Tsubami was headbanging to the song and Otsuki stuck closely to me and I smiled nervously.

"Tsubami used to play in a metal band when we were in our sophomore year...She's a bit scary when she gets in the zone.." Otsuki said.

The lead singer stopped singing and the guitarist did their solo and headbanged then the lead singer sang again and the drummer was going absolutely bonkers on the drums. Tsubami cheered loudly and held up her hand with only her thumb index finger and pinky finger out. It was like the music possessed her. The song ended and the crowd cheered loudly.

"We aren't done yet! Let's keep rocking the place!" The lead singer yelled and the crowd cheered. "Blow this place sky high!"

The guitarist and the drummer began playing again and the guitarist's hair was wild as she played and stomped her foot down then the singer began singing again. The tempo picked up a few seconds after they started playing and turned into a full blown metal song and the lead singer did a metal scream that lasted for 12 seconds. THIS was not the Death Bunnies I was listening to on my phone.

"Motosaki..?" Otsuki looked a bit afraid and hinted at Tsubami.

Tsubami's hair was wild and she was fully back into her element. I looked at Otsuki and knew she wanted to escape so I became the one who lead her out the crowd and somewhere peaceful. We sat at a courtyard and I could visibly see Otsuki shaking.

"Do you wanna walk around and clear your mind?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah.." Otsuki nodded.

I stood up and placed my hands in my jacket pocket and Otsuki stood up as well. We walked around the save haven from the concert and Otsuki began talking about her history. Her parents had abandoned her and she was living with Tsubami for the time being. She never really had much growing up, but Tsubami always loved her unconditionally. She studied hard so she could get into a highly prestige University. She slowly calmed down as she spoke and I listened then she stopped talking. I stopped and she looked back and I continued walking again and chuckled.

"What was that for?" Otsuki smiled.

"Nothing." I said and tapped her nose.

"Hey.." Otsuki giggled.

I pointed at a photo booth and she nodded and we went in the photo booth and took some pictures, most funny pictures and one where we did a cool guy pose. Otsuki laughed and hurried out of the photo booth and I walked out the photo booth. She looked at me and walked backwards then I hurried towards her and clapped my hands together then we walked together again.

"Hm? What the? Where did they run off to?" Tsubami fixed her hair and walked out of the crowd when the band went on a small break.

Otsuki and I walked side by side and she laughed a bit as I robot walked and pointed then stopped and shuffled then began walking ahead with her and shaking my hand.

"What the hell? Otsuki always disappears but Motosaki as well?" Tsubami looked around for us.

Otsuki sat down and watched me robot dance more and pop lock then she clapped and laughed happily. Tsubami was calling our names and I looked back and took Otsuki's hand and we hit behind a sign and I placed my finger over my lips and she nodded and smiled. Tsubami walked past the sign and I walked from the sign and snapped my fingers and kicked my leg and spun then clapped my hands together. Tsubami looked back and signed in relief.

"What are you doing? You're a street performer now?" Tsubami laughed a bit and watched.

I pointed and spun in a circle and a paper bag flew in front of Tsubami's back by pure coincidence and I took that chance to take Otsuki and run back to the courtyard. Tsubami took the bag from her face and rose an eyebrow.

"Where did you learn those moves?" Otsuki laughed and panted.

"I was a huge Michael Jackson fan when I was younger. I learned most of his moves just from watching him." I chuckled.

Tsubami walked to the courtyard and saw us. We looked at her and waved.

"Alright joke's over lovebirds." Tsubami smiled. "You guys ready to go home?"

"No, let's stay out a bit longer." Otsuki smiled and was holding my arm.

"I'll be ready when you guys are ready." I said.

Tsubami smiled and sighed then nodded. She noticed how happy Otsuki was and didn't protest. She let us hang out more until we ended up tiring ourselves out. An hour later we went to the train station, got on the train and went to our stop.

"Let him stay the night. Chances are Aisha and the others are having a girls night out. He doesn't have a key..do you?" Otsuki asked.

"I do, but I'll stay the night if you want me to. There's no rush for me getting home." I said.

"Well alright then, if he wants to." Tsubami smiled.

We all walked towards Tsubami's house and because of her heritage, she lived in a nice and big neighborhood. The houses were like borderline mansions. She walked to her home and unlocked the door and we took our shoes off and put on the slippers. I spent the rest of my night at their house and hung out with them playing games until we passed out in the living room.