
The Misunderstanding Event

I laid outside on the grass, sunbathing during PE. The gentle wind hitting my face, and I was entering a place of tranquility...I was calm. Mondays weren't really my day since Monday was the day nobody liked. I still wondered about the School Festival Otsuki mentioned. It does seem early for a school event, but I guess this school does do things a bit different.

"You're really laying outside? You don't want to run with the others?" A voice said to me.

I opened my eyes and saw Tsubami standing over me in her gym outfit. I sat up and looked at her, not knowing what to answer to her. She sat beside me and looked into the distance.

"You know...Looking at you be at peace like that, put me at ease. I haven't seen someone so calm before." Tsubami said.

"Sunbathing is a main hobby of mine and a habit. The heat of the sun really puts me in a state of tranquility." I said and looked at the sky. "Aisha and I would always sunbathe as kids and get some bad sunburns. I remember we used to always cry to our parents about it."

"You mentioned that your parents disappeared that one night we were on the phone. How did it make you feel?" Tsubami looked at me.

"Honestly, really bad. It's the main reason I moved here. I really miss them. The more I talk to you all the more I seem to reminisce about the times with my family. You all have some trait of my dad or my mom that I really liked. Like you have my mom's metal head personality, at the same time a soothing voice." I said and closed my eyes.

"My voice is soothing to you..?" Tsubami blushed a bit.

"Very..." I opened my eyes and looked at her then smiled.

Tsubami smiled back and pushed my face away gently and chuckled softly. The guys looked at me and Tsubami and were a bit jealous.

"Do you see that Satori? Motosaki is able to gain the attention of the Student Council President so easily and have her touch him. That guy is so lucky!" Satori's friend said.

"He does have his way of charming the ladies. Motosaki is a pretty lucky guy, able to talk to the 5 hottest girls in school also. Any guy would be jealous of him. I'm just happy he's getting along in the school. Most transfers would want to be alone, but he's a very sociable guy." Satori smiled. "But enough of that! Let's run some more laps! The Festival Game is important! We will crush the competition!"

Satori and his team ran more laps on the track. I watched and smiled. Tsubami stood up and dusted off her butt.

"I gotta get going. I only came out to get some fresh air. The paperwork isn't gonna file themselves." Tsubami said. "See you later, Saki."

"You too." I nodded and watched her walk off.

I stood up and walked off then I heard someone in the gym equipment shed struggling. My curiosity got the best of me and I went in to check. It was Otsuki in there trying to reach the top shelf but couldn't. It seemed like she wanted to get the volleyball for PE class.

"Knock knock. Do you need help shortie?" I teased.

"M-Motosaki?" Otsuki looked at me and blushed. "I'm not short! The shelf is just too high!"

"It does seem a little high. I'll get the ball." I said and walked forward to get the ball.

"Huh? Who would leave the door open like this? Irresponsible." A girl said and closed the door then locked it.

"W-Wait, Koizumi!" Otsuki ran to the door but it was a bit too late.

"Got it!" I said and looked back then noticed the door closed. "Wow. Of course."

"How are we gonna get out of here?" Otsuki asked.

"Don't you have a key?" I asked.

"Yeah..but she shed locks from the outside. We can't unlock it from the inside." Otsuki said.

"Who designed this..?" I asked.

I walked forward and yelled out for help. I banged on the door and yelled for help.

"You hear something?" A male walked by.

"Must be the gym. Competition gets roudy on dodgeball day." His friend answered.

"That's true." The guy laughed a bit.

"No dice." I turned around and said.

"I'm stuck in a shed..with Motosaki...All alone.." Otsuki said. "Oh no...this is like that one Hentai plot I saw in that meme."

"What..? I don't know what fantasy you're generating in your head, but I'm not planning to do anything of the sort." I looked at her and scratched the back of my head. I sat down and sighed. "What can we use to get out of here."

"I must fix the situation!" Otsuki said and began to take off her shirt.

"Whoa what the hell are you doing?!" I looked at her bewildered.

"Fixing the situation like that one scene!" Otsuki said.

"What?! You've gone crazy!" I yelled. "You're not taking off your shirt!"

I stopped her and slipped on a tennis ball and we both fell, making the situation a lot worse. Otsuki grunted lightly and blushed harder. I was even more bewildered as I felt a soft object in my hand. I opened my eyes and gulped.

"M-Motosaki...you...pervert..." Otsuki opened one eye and looked at me.

"This...is a misunderstanding. I.." I paused as I knew no words could fix this situation. Anything I say will literally enable Otsuki more with her wild fantasies.

"If you wanted to do this all along...you could've just asked." Otsuki said and her voice became a lot more shy.

How the hell did we even get here?! I got off Otsuki and slid back then caught my breath. I was expecting a slap to the face, like I've seen happen in most anime and manga, but I got something a whole lot worse.

"What..? You don't like my boobs?" Otsuki sat up and looked at her breasts.

"GAH- It's not like that! It's uh...I didn't mean..." I looked away and rubbed the back of my head, laughing nervously.

"I know mine aren't as big as Tsubami's or Rebecca's, but mine are a decent quality. You practically didn't let go." Otsuki said.

What was even going on? We went from getting a ball to this situation. I stood up and tried to find an item to force our way out of the equipment room.

"Oh Motosaki! I found this Sledgeham-- WHOA!" Otsuki walked towards me and slipped then bumped into me and we broke through the door and fell on the ground.

People stopped and looked at us and were confused. I opened my eyes and grunted a bit. We looked at the people and Satori walked up and smirked.

"Don't say a word...we were locked in there for real." I said.

Otsuki sat up and blushed incredibly hard. I closed my eyes and sighed a bit. Tsubami ran towards our location and stopped then sighed and smiled. The crowd soon walked away.

"Get up." Tsubami said.

"Yeah..I don't think I want to..because uhm.." Otsuki blushed more.

"Hm? Oh...Oooohhhh..." Tsubami laughed a bit. "He's got a bit of an erection..?"

"It's not my fault...she kept spewing some of her fantasies.." I said.

"I...actually believe that." Tsubami laughed a bit. "Come on I'll take you two into my office."

Tsubami tossed me her jacket and I caught it then we got up and I tied the jacket around my waist to where my crotch was covered. Otsuki fixed herself and we followed Tsubami to her office. I couldn't believe the events that unfolded. This was too much for a Monday. I just hope no one misunderstood the situation and spreads some rumors around which I know they're gonna do anyway because why not? Seriously I really hope no one says a word about it.