
The Punishment For Yesterday

I walked down the hall, looking for Aisha and the others. There was commotion in the middle of the main hall and I went down to see what was going on.

"Stop it Reiko! Emma did nothing!" Rebecca protected Emma. "Why are you so angry at her?!"

"That bitch hired a Hitman against me and my dad! I know she did!" Reiko yelled and was being held back by Asa and Koume.

"I-I did no such thing! I swear I didn't do anything!" Emma held onto Rebecca's shirt.

"Oh sure you didn't you asshole! We lost over 63 million yen because you were too poor to pay my dad his mon--"

Otsuki punched Reiko's face and Reiko grunted and everyone was shocked. I stopped then looked at Otsuki. Her eyes...the sparkle in them was gone. Reiko whimpered and held her nose. She looked at Otsuki with a tear rolling down her cheek. Otsuki was about to speak, but she decided to stay quiet. I walked towards the crowd.

"Motosaki!" Aisha saw me and walked towards me.

"You brought your little boyfriend to help you? You're all pathetic!" Reiko yelled.

"Your anger should be directed towards me." I said and walked forward.

"What are you doing Saki-kun?" Aisha asked through her teeth.

I held my hand up and Naomi watched me. I stepped forwards and took her hand off her nose and noticed it was bleeding. Otsuki hit Reiko pretty hard.

"I snooped in business that wasn't mine and I guess someone heard my conversation with a friend when I asked what I could do to help. I was in the wrong. Not them." I said and took out a tissue and wiped her nose.

Reiko blushed a bit and watched me. Otsuki looked up at me and her eyes went back to normal. Tsubami walked up and saw the crowd.

"I'm sorry for getting you in danger Reiko. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you...I'll do it." I said.

"You would get beaten up for me then?" Reiko said.

The hall went silent and I looked at her in confusion. What was she talking about? What all transpired yesterday? I closed my eyes and thought for a bit.

"If that's what it takes to leave my friends alone. I'll take the full beating." I said. "I won't even fight back."

"Reiko...are you sure? Motosaki is a nice guy." Asa said.

"Y-Yeah...he doesn't deserve to be punished like this." Koume looked at her worried.

"He said he'll do anything! He requested it! My father was humiliated as well as me! Since he won't let me hurt his friends, I'll watch him lay on the floor in pain." Reiko said.

Otsuki took a step forward but I held my hand out and made her stop. Naomi looked a bit worried as well. Reiko took out her phone and called someone.

"Yeah, Satori? I need something from you. Meet me in the main halls please." Reiko said. "Okay, love you too."

"Satori is your boyfriend huh..?" I said and lowered my arm.

"Yeah, what of it? You have no rights to speak to me anymore. Now it's punishment time." Reiko smiled.

Satori walked down the stairs and walked towards Reiko and looked at me then her. I looked at him and his buddies were quick to follow behind. Reiko touched his arm and looked at me.

"This is the one who caused my life to be ruined! He said he'd do anything to pay for his actions, so I want you to beat him up. You and your friends." Reiko said.

Otsuki's fingers wiggled a bit and her breathing became irregular. Tsubami walked up and grabbed Satori's shoulder.

"If you do this...I will suspend you." Tsubami said.

"No...Tsubami. I want this. I will pay my retribution. I won't fight back." I said and looked at her.

I didn't care at this point. I didn't have much else to lose as I have already lost my parents. Satori was hesitant as he didn't want to hurt me neither did his friends. I placed my hands in my pocket and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry man.." Satori shook his head and gave me a right jab to my face.

Otsuki's eyes widened and she grit her teeth. I felt the strength of the blow heavily and stumbled back then his friends hesitantly joined in. The crowd was completely shocked and watched me get beaten up. Otsuki took a step forward. Satori gave me a kick to my stomach and I coughed then fell to my knees. I panted and had blood coming from my nose and mouth. Satori was about to deal a last blow then Otsuki grabbed his wrist and bit him hard and he yelled.

"Ow! What the fuck?!" Satori yanked his arm away and looked at Otsuki like she was crazy.

"What's your problem you bitch?!" Reiko yelled and went to hit Otsuki then Otsuki caught her fist and her eyes became emotionless.

Otsuki pushed Reiko down and grabbed her arm then stomped on it and began to pull. A murderous intent came over her. Reiko screamed in pain and I saw a slight sadistic smirk on Otsuki's face as if she enjoyed watching Reiko get hurt. Her intent was to break Reiko's arm beyond recovery. Before it got to that point, Tsubami stopped her and security came and caused the crowd to go away.

"Security I'll handle Otsuki..just don't take none of my friends. They didn't do anything." Tsubami bowed.

"As you wish." A guard nodded then took Satori and his friends away.

Asa and Koume ran to me and got down on their knees to check on me. Aisha and the others did also. Aisha was extremely worried. Otsuki walked to me, got on her knees, and held my hand.

"I will protect you, Motosaki." Otsuki looked at me with the sparkle in her eyes from when we first met.

I looked at her and couldn't get the image of her smirking at Reiko's pain out of my head, but at the same time I gave it the benefit of the doubt because the tension and stress levels in the area was high and people tend to think irrationally.

"You're such an idiot Motosaki!" Emma said. "Why would you put yourself in so much danger..?"

"Yeah...Who knows what would have happened to you.." Rebecca said.

"You still have your extreme bad habits.." Aisha sniffled and smiled a bit.

"For a loser..you surely do put others before you. I don't know if I could count you brave or a complete imbecile.." Naomi said and closed her eyes.

I couldn't speak as I was in too much pain to do so. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my body to soothe the pain in any way possible. Satori and his friends hit hard. Hopefully they don't get punished too hard.

About 5 minutes later, I woke up in an infirmary. I looked to my right and saw Otsuki by my side. She looked at me then smiled happily, holding my hand.

"Good morning Senpai, did you rest well?" Otsuki asked.

"Senpai..?" I looked at her and rose an eyebrow.

"It's my nickname for you. Do you like it?" Otsuki tilted her head.

"It's...something." I said, still a bit groggy. I tried to sit up, but Otsuki pushed me back down and gave me a smile.

"It's best if you rest a little more." Otsuki said.

"What's with you, Otsuki..?" I pat her cheek. "You're acting kinda different."

"It's for your safety that you stay here." Otsuki said. "Don't worry about getting bored...you have me to entertain you."

I looked at her and her energy was different. It wasn't too different, but it felt a bit weird now being able to feel her full presence. She rubbed my hair and looked at me blushing.

"Like I said...I will protect you Senpai. You'll be safe as long as you're with me." Otsuki said and held my hand, interlocking our fingers together.

Tsubami was leaning against the wall outside the infirmary with her arms crossed then as she heard Otsuki say that, she felt a bit uncomfortable. She walked off back to her office and noticed Otsuki became a bit more clingy after the incident. She shrugged it off as it was completely normal for one to be worried, but to this extent was questionable for Tsubami. She decided not to press the issue and stayed quiet.