
The Book

A week later, we were at school and I walked into the library to check out some books to read on my pass time. I went towards the manga section first because I didn't want to be bothered to read the timeline of Dawn Saga. That book is like a textbook but smaller in size. I picked out some manga and went to find a table to sit at then spotted Rebecca. I sat in a chair beside Rebecca and she looked at me.

"Oh hey Motosaki. I saw the news, you saved Naomi from killing herself." Rebecca smiled.

"Thanks but something was weird...Naomi texted me to try and save her...She didn't want to do it but she was being forced to do it." I said and sighed.

"Hm...strange indeed." Rebecca tapped her finger on her chin.

"Anyway what are you reading?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm reading a book called Erase. It's about a girl who falls in love with this guy and she loves him so much that she'd kill anyone who stands in her way from getting the one she fell in love with. It's actually pretty messed up." Rebecca said.

"Who wrote it?" I asked.

"Dunno...the book strangely doesn't have an author...creepy actually." Rebecca looked all around the book for the author's name. "I love creepy stuff like this, I can't really talk about it in front of Emma since she hates creepy things. I can't even tell her a simple ghost story without her crying."

"Huh. I never took you as the girl to read such creepy things." I said.

"Oh you'd be very wrong. I love things like this. I'm even interested in this Shokyo situation...Plus I'm a bit of an aichmomaniac." Rebecca smiled.

"You're obsessed with pointy items?" I asked.

"Very." Rebecca nodded.

I looked at Rebecca and raised an eyebrow. She smiled innocently and closed her eyes. I felt a hand rub down my back and shuddered. I looked back and saw Otsuki behind me.

"Otsuki. You gave me the chills by sneaking up on me." I said.

"Sorry Senpai, I didn't think I'd scare you that much." Otsuki giggled.

"So you were trying to scare me..." I gave a dull smile at her.

"Ehehe..." Otsuki rubbed the back of her head then saw Tsubami enter the library and look at me and wanted me to follow her.

"Just Motosaki." She looked at Otsuki.

"O-Okay. Hey Otsuki can you check out these books for me? I'll leave my ID here." I said and left my ID beside the books.

"Sure, I'll do that." Otsuki nodded.

I followed Tsubami quickly and we entered her office. I closed the door behind us and she sat in her chair and sighed. I looked at her confused.

"Motosaki, what the fuck are you doing?" She asked me.

"Whoa there, calm your tone. What do you mean by what am I doing?" I asked.

"You're getting too close to her..! Don't you get it, you've enabled her. Turned her on and not in a good way." Tsubami said and looked at me. "Now there's been word the killer could be in my goddamn school..?!"

"Listen, how am I enabling Otsuki? Second it should be a fact the killer is amongst one of the students. The killer targeted actual students and the killer targeted Reiko twice and killed her..!" I placed my hand on the desk. "If anything Otsuki has enabled herself, I did nothing..!"

"This whole situation is getting on my nerves. First kidnapping then death of two students and now Naomi's near suicide..?!" Tsubami sighed.

"I actually have a question. Do you know the book Erase?" I asked.

"Erase? Yeah it's a book known to the world and ranked number one as the creepiest thing to ever exist. It has no Author...no it's not that there is no author...it's like the author never existed to begin with." Tsubami said. "What does this have to do with anything?"

"Okay so call me crazy...but the events in the book sounds close to what's happening right now. Except in the book we know who the killer is...in this situation we have no idea who the killer is." I said. "But in the book and real life the killers have targeted someone they deem an obstacle. In this situation, the killer has targeted people I either had interactions with or someone I was close with."

"Now that you mention it...they do kinda add up a bit.." Tsubami nibbled on her thumbnail. "So the killer has to be someone who loves you..? But that only leaves five possibilities.."

"Wait five?" I asked.

"What?" Tsubami blushed a bit. "Fine, I do love you...call it puppy love but I do wish you were my boyfriend, BUT! But, I wouldn't kill anyone for you."

"Well that's four possibilities...and two are a bit obvious..." I said.

"Who are the two?" Tsubami asked.

"Rebecca and Otsuki. Rebecca is a bit of an aichmomaniac...and Otsuki's mood switched after I got beat up in front of the school." I said. "I don't think Emma nor Aisha have the heart to even draw blood from a fake human body let alone murder someone." I said.

"True and Naomi wouldn't kill anyone...But we can't blame Rebecca nor Otsuki because of how they are. I know Rebecca wouldn't dare kill anyone and Otsuki has always been a bit overprotective." Tsubami said.

I sat down and sighed a bit. I crossed my arms then looked at the roof and the door opened. Otsuki walked in holding my manga in her arms and smiled. She closed the door behind her and handed me the manga. I took the manga and smiled back.

"Thanks." I said.

"Mhm, now what are you two talking about? Without me also? We are the trio, I know you're talking about the Shokyo mystery. I can help with that." Otsuki smiled.

"At this point...what choice do we have? We need to find this killer before they have the chance to kill or manipulate anyone else." I said. "I have ties with the police and military force, so I can work around a few strings."

Tsubami looked at Otsuki and Otsuki looked at Tsubami. I noticed them two staring each other down and the tension was pretty high in the room.

'I know it's you my dear cousin...Motosaki may considered the possibility because of my words but I know it's you Otsuki...' Tsubami thought.

'I know you suspect me...but you have no proof it is me. Good luck winning this one cousin...Motosaki is mine...once I take his virginity he will fully belong to me.' Otsuki thought.

'What is your goal besides Motosaki..? Why go out of your way to kill other people?' Tsubami thought.

'I must kill if anyone tries to get in between me and my love, I will kill any and everything that dares to stand between me and Senpai...even you Tsubami..' Otsuki glared.

Tsubami groaned and blinked and Otsuki smiled.

"Ha! You blinked first!" Otsuki giggled.

"Shut up..." Tsubami crossed her arms. "Alright, we shall gather up a group of detectives and investigate the matter. Until we find Shokyo...school will be closed. This will keep the students safe."

"Closed again." I sighed. "Well that's fine...as long as people are safe."

"Mhm!" Otsuki smiled. 'You think you've won because I live with you...but you don't even know the half of my skills.'

'She lives with me...so obvious I have nothing to go off of because I see her everyday...but knowing that she'd probably use some other tactic besides going out to kill...what tactic could she possibly use..?' Tsubami thought.

"Oh yeah, me and Naomi are going out tomorrow, you wanna join us?" Otsuki asked.

"I'm actually going with Aisha to the aquarium." I said.

"And I am gonna be busy trying to contact Detectives. Just bring back a souvenir for me 'kay?" Tsubami smiled.

"Gotcha!" Otsuki stood up and left the room and called Naomi on the phone. "Looks like it's just us!"

Otsuki closed the door as she talked with Naomi on the phone. Tsubami sent out an announcement to the school letting everyone know the school will be closed until further notice.

"Motosaki...your life is in danger as well. Whoever this killer is...They will most likely target you if the situation is too dire. Just like the book...the main character...well let's just say the book was never finished...because it ends in the weirdest way possible." Tsubami said and looked at me.

"How did it end?" I asked.

"That's the weird part. It didn't end. It was never finished because every other page is blank. The author mysteriously disappeared without a trace...The reason it came to that conclusion is because...the person existed at one point of time. Strangely enough you should know this person." Tsubami said.

"I should?" I asked.

"You are his son." Tsubami said.

Those words echoed in my head. I looked shocked. I am his son...but my father's name is...