
Shokyo's Return

I walked down the hall of the school with Tsubami and everyone was looking at us. Whispers were being heard amongst the students that we were dating. I shrugged and placed my hands in my pockets then Tsubami stopped me and I saw her looking at the entrance of the school.

"I have returned." Otsuki stood in front of us and smirked at Tsubami. Tsubami glared then grabbed my hand and I looked at her.

'Just you wait Senpai. You will be mine.' Otsuki walked past us and she hit save on her phone.

Tsubami looked back at Otsuki then at me. I looked at Tsubami and she let out a sigh. She gave me a reassuring smile then shook her head. I nodded and began to head for class. Tsubami grabbed my arm and I stopped.

"Stop by later. At the house I mean." She said.

"Alright." I nodded then she kissed my cheek and released me. I then walked over to my classroom.

I entered the classroom and walked past Otsuki then she looked up slightly. I sat in my seat and Otsuki turned around then put on her innocent face. She gave me a bright happy smile.

"Senpai, I missed the past few days of class due to suspension. Can you spare me your notebook?" Otsuki asked.

"Hm? Yeah sure." I took out my notebook and handed it to her. She smiled and took the notebook from my hand.

"Otsuki surely sounds a whole lot nicer. Time away from friends surely can change someone huh." Aisha smiled.

I looked at Aisha and noticed her smile slowly fade into a worried expression. I rose an eyebrow and she looked at me.

"Lately the school's atmosphere has been different. Rebecca and Emma felt it too..have you felt it also? It's like...those once happy days no longer exist..mainly because of this whole Shokyo thing that's been going on for the last few weeks." Aisha said then eyed Otsuki. "Otsuki has been alone the past few days and I hope Shokyo didn't target her."

Otsuki...She was still as mysterious as the first day I met her. I wonder if she knows anything about Shok-

"I know nothing about Shokyo other than they are a dangerous person. I'm guessing that's what you were going to ask?" Otsuki said as she took notes from my notebook and wrote them into her notebook.

'How did she...' I looked a bit surprised.

"Shokyo is a dangerous person...very dangerous. It'll be best if you don't get in their way. Don't worry I wasn't targeted...luckily. I was interrogated though because people thought I was Shokyo." Otsuki looked back at me. "They also interrogated Rebecca and a few other girls. They've even questioned some guys. No one knows Shokyo's motives."

Meanwhile in Tsubami's office...

"If the events of the past aren't changed and this 'loop' is a continuation of the past...then Shokyo technically couldn't have a motive to murder anyone...so who did Otsuki kill?" Tsubami sat back in her chair.

"Ma'am we were able to get the latest installment of the paper! This news...it's pretty bad..." Hitomi ran into the office and placed it on her desk.

Tsubami read the headline then her eyes widened and she snatched the paper up off her desk then stood up.

"D-Detective Marshall...killed in her own home..?" Tsubami looked up from the paper.

"Shokyo is now going after not only students in the school but also Detectives and Authorities? What will that mean for people who are helping with the case? Plus Shokyo is known for either leaving no traces behind or knowing how to cover it up as a murder suicide or just a suicide." Hitomi said.

Tsubami set the paper down then walked out of her office and walked down the hall in a hurry. Hitomi looked at the paper once again and a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek.

Meanwhile at the cafeteria...

I looked out the window and taped the tip of my finger on the table. Otsuki looked at me and scooted closer and poked my arm.

"You seem out of it...what's the matter?" Otsuki asked.

"...I don't know actually. I have these weird feelings inside my heart. I can't quite explain it.." I answered.

Otsuki made me look at her and just a look at her caused my heart to begin racing. I began blushing incredibly hard then Tsubami pulled me away from her and broke me out of my trance. Otsuki sighed and looked at Tsubami.

"What do you want, bitch? Couldn't you see me and him were in the middle of a conversation?" Otsuki asked.

"Uh...sorry to break it to you but me and Motosaki are dating!" Tsubami glared at Otsuki.

The whole cafeteria went quiet. I blushed a bit then looked at Tsubami. Otsuki smirked and giggled a bit. She stood up and placed a hand on her hip.

"Prove it. You don't actually love him. You just want to keep him away from me. You will never truly love him-"

"I took his virginity." Tsubami smirked.

Otsuki went quiet. She blinked then her hair covered her eyes. Otsuki gave a wicked smile and charged at Tsubami with a knife and Tsubami slapped Otsuki then looked at her. Otsuki crashed on the table then rolled off the table. She stood up and blew the hair out of her eyes and yelled and jumped over the table to stab Tsubami. Tsubami's eyes became blank then she grabbed Otsuki's wrist and Otsuki looked surprised.

"H-Hey...You don't have to fight again!" I said to them.

Aisha looked worried and grabbed my hand and ran out the cafeteria. I looked back at Tsubami then looked at Aisha.

"Motosaki, let me tell you why I'm so afraid." Aisha stopped in the hallway then looked at me. She held my shoulders. "I know Otsuki is Shokyo. I've known for a while after she got suspended and killed a detective. It's not safe around them anymore...Tsubami, your...girlfriend is just as dangerous and toxic as Otsuki."

Tsubami dodged Otsuki's attack with her knife then Tsubami smacked the knife out of her hand then grabbed Otsuki's neck and slammed her against the wall and squeezed.

"...Otsuki. I will not allow you to come between me and Motosaki's relationship. I love him more than you could ever know. You just want him for the wrong reasons. You're a sick psychopath...a delusional little girl. Now get out of my way and never step foot near us again." Tsubami dropped Otsuki and Otsuki coughed and held her neck. Tsubami walked away from Otsuki. "You're dead to me Otsuki..."

"Heh...I won't even need to step foot near you...I hold all the power in my hands..." Otsuki stood up. "Just wait until he finds out you're only just using him."

"Say whatever you want. Not even that phone you have can stop me. I'm immune to your tricks, your power." Tsubami stopped walking. "There is a reason I haven't gotten you sent to jail yet or even worse, death penalty. That's because...I will kill you myself, Shokyo."

"Fine be like that...I will just kill Motosaki and restart this entire universe. I will force him to love me! He WILL love me and only me! Anyone who gets in the way of that love will die! Boy, girl, mom, dad, sister, brother, dog, cat, it doesn't matter who it is! I will kill them all! He will love only me...I will carve my name into his chest if I had to for him to only think about me..." Otsuki laughed.

"You're sick.." Tsubami turned around and saw Otsuki pointing a gun at her.

"Break up with him...or die. You're still a human like the rest of us. In the original story, you never existed to begin with. So...I'll just only be getting rid of the extra so the originals can have our time again." Otsuki said.

"...Kill me..?" Tsubami giggled and walked towards Otsuki and grabbed her arm then pointed the gun at her head. "If you want me dead so badly...pull the trigger. Then, only then, could you possibly have everything you want."

Otsuki gave a wide smirk. This was her chance to finally kill Tsubami and Tsubami was just going to allow it. Otsuki was about to pull the trigger then Tsubami pushed her arm away at the moment she pulled the trigger. Otsuki looked shocked then Tsubami kneed her stomach. Otsuki groaned then Tsubami punched her face then took her arm and broke it. Otsuki screamed in pain then Tsubami punched her face one last time and let Otsuki fall to the floor.

"Let this be the one lesson you remember forever. You can't kill me even if I let you." Tsubami spit on Otsuki then walked away. "Goodbye...forever."