The King

An old looking elf with slightly grey-blonde hair came out from one of the many side rooms in the hall. He wore a majestic outfit along with a heavily decorated crown upon his head. The king? He spoke with an intense domineering voice, sending a slight shiver down all of the guards backs.


Elizabeth knelt down in his presence, as did a few of the soldiers further away from me. The rest that were close kept their weapons drawn and pointed at me.

"Ah, Lizzy, my sweet little girl! How have you been?"

His intense voice from only a moment before was replaced by a loving and adoring voice as he spoke to Elizabeth.

"I have been fine, father."

"That's good to hear!"

While Elizabeth spoke in a professional voice while in a knelt down position, not lifting her head, the King spoke with a happy and carefree voice while standing tall and proud. What a contrast.

"Father, I come with urgent news."

"What is it Lizzy?"

Despite how Elizabeth was speaking, the King had a wide smile on his face with his eyes closed from how wide his smile was. It almost seemed like he was happy that she was discussing her problems with her.

Isn't this a little obsessive?

"It's about the curse, father."

His eyes snapped open at the mention of the word, and his smile faded, replaced by the serious face he had worn when he first came out into the hall.


He lost his happy expression and his happy voice, throwing it away for a serious face and voice. His eyes stared deeply into Elizabeth's, but then he noticed me, a human.

"Does this human have something to do with it?"

Unlike all of the other Elves who showed hatred and distrust when they first met me, the King saw me as just someone else, useless in the grand scheme of things. It felt normal. I like it.

"Yes, father."

"I understand. We will discuss this later. For now, I want to know what happened here Lizzy"

His serious tone completely disappeared, replaced by his happy and friendly one from a minute ago.

"I would like to explain everything."

I spoke up. I would prefer to get the truth out before the Elven guards have a chance to spin their lies.


His serious tone returned once more. I guess it's reserved for Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth and I had entered the castle after traveling here for three days. When we first entered, the guards noticed me immediately and drew their weapons. Elizabeth told them not to worry and to instead bring us to you, but they refused. They then began talking down on Elizabeth, commenting on how she wasn't even your real daughter. I told them to stop, and they then started making perverted comments. After that, I just sent one of them flying."

"W-what? That isn't true your majesty! That wench speaks lies! Of course we treated her highness with the respect she deserved!"

The guard I had sent flying had returned with broken armour and open wounds on his head. He was desperately trying to defend himself.

After hearing both of us, the King turned to Elizabeth.

"Who is telling the truth Lizzy?"

His transition from serious to happy is bizare. I have no idea how he does that.

"The human speaks the truth. That guard over there speaks lies."

The King's face became contorted with rage as he turned ferociously towards all of the guards.

"I will have you all executed!"

His face was red with anger, and he meant exactly what he said. I could tell because of my instincts. Isn't that overkill?

It seems Elizabeth thought the same thing, as she also spoke up.

"Father, that will not be necessary. You do not need to take their lives simply because they spoke ill of me. Demoting them seems much more suitable."

He turned towards Elizabeth, a conflicted look on his fate, before finally resigning to use Elizabeth's idea after a few moments of consideration.

"If you insist, Lizzy-Wizzy."

He then turned back to the guards, the ferocious look back on his face.

"As for you sorry lot. You should all be grateful for Elizabeth's generousity. If you cause her even the slightest inconvenience from now on, I will have you and your families executed! Do I make myself clear?"

They all knelt down to the floor in unison.

"Yes, you majesty!"

"Good. Now get to cleaning! If this entire castle isn't sparkling clean by the end of the day, I will have you all fired!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

At that, they all stood back up and rushed to get cleaning supplies. The King turned towards us after having finished what he needed to do.

"Now then, let us go to me private chambers."

"Yes, father."

With that, the King led us through the castle all the way to his private chambers. Once we arrived, he closed the door behind us and went around to the end of the long table and sat down.

"Please, take a seat."

The King motioned to one of the many different seats at the table, telling us to sit. We both did as he said, sitting down at the table. Once we were seated, the King spoke once more.

"Now then, I want you both to explain the situation. Thoroughly."