At the new forest shadow could be seen towering over a humanoid beast he just killed, he found out that this humanoid beast who had bull heads, human body and bull hooves where the one's that rule this forest but where different from the lizard men who are united and act like a pack, well he attributed that to the fact that each one where very strong he has fought with five of such beast with four of them being soldier lvl, he also found out there awareness was very alert but after killing three of such beast he got stronger and they could not detect him he felt like this was the perfect hunting ground for his family shadow now has plans of going back to report to the family leader.
marcus watched as fattz lead zombie3 away and they killed beasts with ease he would be lieing if he said he wasn't jealous the synergy between fattz and zombie was so complete he was giving orders with just his growling they were fighting side by side like they were part of each others body, well again he saw why the TX-100 were the primary leaders of zombies the were able to control and give orders to zombies easily without mistake they could utilize every zombie to the maximum potentials, even when he compares he leadership to fattz leader ship he knew he was still a lvl lower he couldn't match fattz at leading the zombies we'll he wasn't bothered after all he had fattz under him in return he will just let fattz control all the zombies who come under him in future he doesn't have to stress him self, he imagine it a smile creeping up on his bony face he felt relieved since his fattz evolved and he has been lazing about but he was just waiting for shadows report he got a system message some minutes ago telling him shadow has leveled up.
shadow came like a smoke coming closer to marcus the other undead look at him saw he was a family member so they decided to ignore him cause he was not a threat he walked up to marcus and said : my liege i found a perfect hunting ground for our evolution in fact they are strong humanoid beast and are scattered so we could just hunt them one by one.
marcus was thrilled he was wondering if he could collect and species under his family so he said to his under lets move out at least we should be able to wipe one forest rid of this intelligent beast and use the stupid one's for our experience.
minutes just after they left the lizard man named siman and his companion gathered at where marcus and his gang rested and one of the lizard man who was good at tracking look at siman and said they moved out of the territory moving on to the other forest when hearing this siman first shivered before maintaining his calm he remembered the time the lizard king rallied some warriors and tried to take tje forest they where hunted down by those minotaurs he could never forget those devil with the head of a bull with there big axes and hammer each warrior having a strength equal or greater than his,his king called that forest killing ground that was the forest that weaken the lizard men they had a high population cause of they birthrate but they were almost eliminated that day the minotaurs hunted them down well the might hunt separately but the lizard king was the one who grew stupid and challenged them making them unite against him even still there leader never came out but they sent a minotaurs captain and his squad expect for the captain all the soldiers where lvl 9, some lvl ten even a few soldier lvl but the almost eliminated the lizard men the had innate strength and they where animals of rage the lose the self to killing, siman calmed him self while smiling a pervert smile which only made him lizard face much more ugly he was a hundred percent sure that those undead won't survive he felt tbey have passed there boundaries, the minotaurs forest where much more bigger than the lizard men firest they occupy more land and was much more stronger.
siman decided to go back and report back to the lizard king about his findings.
at the border of the forest marcus met his new targets
[minotaur- novice axe warrior]
level : 3 (soldier-lvl)
bloodline : legendary beast (low)
marcus was shocked a beast with a legendary bloodline he felt this was not gonna be easy as shadow said but still yet he knew he was gonna be facing stronger enemies .
the minotaurs noticed the and roar seems to be calling for back up since the outnumber him even if he called for back up at the face of the minotaur marcus could see a expression of contempt like he never took the skeleton serious marcus was shocked and mad , shocked cause it intelligence was high but mad cause it look down on them so he order fattz and zombie 3 to deal with it if only fattz and zombie three deal with it then the exp point would be shared among the both of the from another angle marcus heard the roar of three more beast sounding exactly like the minotaurs beast roars so he got ready for battle while draw out his sword he really wish to change this bone blade too it was not look well for a leader to be using the same weapon as his subjects when he look at fattz he saw it has started battling with the minotaur with the red axe it was able able to match it in strength even ae to push it back marcus was not surprised cause fattz hand to hand combat was peerless with the assistant of zombie 3 who serve as shield and a extra hand and leg he was gaining a upper hand over the minotaur, right now the look of contempt one the face of the minotaur has disappeared he was being frustrated at being pushed back at the contestof strength in which the minotaur prided them self so much in he was not interested in having his fellow clansmen see how useless he was against this weak creature while he was being distracted in his thoughts he felt a sharp pain at his wrist ,he felt serious rage this stupid zombie which looks bigger with a blue body has taken advantage it was tearing him with that knife he deem harmless what more it felt every time he was cut his mana was being sucked away and the other pestering zombie kept blocking all it blows, it felt it was week but it was able to block all of it blows despite being lower than a soldier lvl.