War against the goblin alliance Army Part 2.

While the undead minions and the goblins where fighting fattz and the orc warrior have already started having there own battle but on another level cause they were using there mental power to clash at each other to test out the strength of each other but it seems that fattz had an advantange over the orc in the mental battle cause the orc was staggering backward, marcus was not too concern cause demons always had high mental stats plus the fact that all his undead captain had extra mental stats point to keep the undead under them in control there was no way the orc was going to beat fattz in mental power.

The orc snorted and said "even if u beat me in mental power i will smash you into a meat paste you weird undead" but fattz only laugh and tried to cover his hands with energy with latter turn into a pair of fire glove, when he looked at the orc he smirked and said "you finished".

Fattz and the orc clashed and fattz gain the advantage again for the second time it was clear he was muvh stronger than the orc he was ducking left and right every time the orc tried to punch back he always ducked to the right or left and counter attack with a jab to the ribs he was like a English boxer only that he also use a set of thailand kicks, he remenisce when marcus taught he all those moves even if marcus was not a great teacher Fattz was like a genius in hand to hand combat he was able to learn it and adjusted the fighting skills to his own pace making his melee Attack range more wide he kept on dishing blows to the orc and every time his hands came in contact with the orc skin it sets of a little explosion and every time fattz get caught off guard he raises his hands to defend, the orc got tired of this fighting style but he felt deep excitement it wasn't a lie when they said orcs were battle lovers, he removed his big cub from his back which even look much lager than a greatsword and dashed towards fattz, meanwhile seeing him let loose fattz eyes shine with glitter and shouted "SUPLEX TIME" when the orc swing the cub down fattz side step to the left and moved fast to the back of the orc and grab his waist tight while he carried him swinging him backward making sure his neck bone got cracked while hitting him straight to the ground.

marcus used the inspect skill on the orc


[name : !!!]

[race : orc]

[level :3]

[bloodline : great orc]

The orc tried opening his eyes but he feel a pain in his chest but his vision was getting blurry but he still saw the face of the culprit it was the face of the demon who just beat him he felt his consciousness drifting away no matter how he tried to shake it off he felt he could not control any part of his body again.

marcus frowned but still look at the notification on his screen.

[special zombie orc added to the fourth captain.]

[But since they are of the same level the zombie orc shall be demoted till the fourth captain evolves next and no exp point will be needed for the zombie orc evolution to captain lvl]

marcus was angry cause he could have either use the corpse to form bone armor,bone weapons or another captain lvl after all he was still short of 6 captain but he got over it quickly he felt the orc wasn't worth it after all it was bashed by Fattz very simple.

When he looked at the zombie he found out it looked different from the zombies at the bone palace it had green eyes and the veins on it bodg bulged like they were gonna pop out but most especially is that it does not look slow or sluggish like the normal zombies and it seems more stronger so marcus thought "so this is the so- call special zombie".

The zombie look smart and it's body sturdy unlike normal zombies which body always had rot and decay and where always wobbling like they will crash and normal zombie always had a fatal weakness which was the head, once you pop the head open its died but now the new zombie did'nt look like it had that type of weakness or it's head just seems to be naturally more stronger, marcus did feel exicted about this new type of undead and the bonus fact was that it had a hundred percent assurance to evolve to the captain level with no problem and the system also told marcus that if eventually fattz unfortunately dieds then the orc will evolve immediately and take over the demon banner of fattz as the new fouth captain of the anarchy undead family.

While marcus got new notifications

[fattz minions (1/10)]

[your captian fattz defeated and converted a captain realm three warrior to your family it has been granted a instant level up to captain lvl 3]

Marcus now knew how much power fattz has it seems he could beat those two levels ahead but when it meet someone three levels he will have to defend and find a way to escape or it would be killed.

The eyes of the two goblins captian almost popped out when they saw how fast the orc captain was defeated but that was not what they dreaded it was the fact that now they will have to fight against the orc too, they never want to be turned into undead where they have to follow someone else command without no will to resist, it was then they remember why the undead was dreadful in the first place as long as there was war there will always be reinforcements for the undead as long as those leaders undead never died, but the two goblin captain felt fattz was very unusual because he just raised a orc in the same realm as him even thou they felt it aura has dropped to soldier lvl it was now emitting a more dangerous aura, and they wanted nothing more than to get out of here.

They felt regret cause they have being given false information, the information clearly started that the anarchy undead family only had two undead captain but it seems it was wrong they were already seeing three captains here and they have not even seen the first captain which the information claims to be a bull demon(minotaur) even if they said the information was false before and they snorted at it they still took extreme measures so as to counter it by sending 2 goblin captains and the orc warrior which was also captain and a mutated lizard man which was in soldier realm but had bloodline strength that could even rival a captian realm two.

The lizard captians only to cringe in fright there army was almost wiped out completely the beast army was worse but they were no where as frightened to them than the lesser ghouls minion of bane, the ghouls were even eating the enemies alive no matter how fatally wounded they are or how close they are to being dead the moment they had a bite of flesh or consumed the flesh of the dead lizard men the will start regenerating instantly it was dreadful atleast the beast army had loses but the ghouls never had one as long as one dies bane raises another undead from the dead alliance army after all he was not picky like deucalion over who his minions had to be and with the level nine soldier lvl ghoul which have gain wisdom leading his fellow ghouls it made bane's work less and brought more terror to there enemies cause he only attack when one of the ghouls are about to die with a swipe of it claws it could instantly kill any enemies.