alax returns

20 years later in a dark cave alax's body is starting to reconstruct itself into a younger stronger body as 20 years previously he had finely made a spell that would have a chance of bringing him back to life and so with his dying breath he cast the spell his last hope to live again. as alax took his first breath in his new body he smiled. at last the time has come alax said finally nothing is in my way. but as he tried to use his magic to escape from the cave he found that his magic was gone and that if he wanted out of the cave he would have to walk but what troubled him the most was that his magic was gone. and as he sat in the cave he thought of how his magic could have disappeared but only one thought came to him it had to have been that last spell that he cast that had used up all of his magic power and now he had to start from the beginning again. he knew that he couldn't stay in this cave for too long and started to try and find a way out it took alax an entire day to find his way out of the cave. when he made it out he found that he was in the middle of a forest and so he kept walking trying to find a city where he could make his grand entrance but what he found shocked him. after days of walking he found that he was trapped inside of this forest by magic barriers that were powered by the crystals that he had help to create and as long as he didn't have his magic he could not escape. he didn't know how or but some how his enemy had learned of his return and trapped him in this forest. and it was indeed his enemy because anyone who did this was now his enemy. what he didn't know was that he was on an entirely different planet for away from the reach of his empire. as he found that he couldn't escape he sat down and started to practice his magic so that he could escape from this place. after several months he had mad little progress in his magic and began to get frustrated with his progress. he soon learned that it was the crystals that were being used that were the reason that he's magic power was gone and that if he could get rid of them he could easily escape from his place. but no matter what he couldn't think of a way to get rid of the crystals without magic but with the crystals activated he couldn't use his magic. but it was only a matter of time before he would figure it out.