the war had now started in ernest and it was going to be a harder victory then alax had originally thought but that was not enough for him to stop not in the least if anything it motivated him even more but as the war continued he found out that all of the people that he thought he could trust were not on his side anymore thay were the ones that had tried to trade him on that infernal planet. and now he was all alone in this war one person against many and he had to retreat back to the planet that he had just escaped so with a sad heart he realized that there was nothing left in this world for him and went back to that terrible planet. it had now been a couple of years and everyone thought that he had given up but in fact alax was building a bigger and better army to take them on. alax in his years of isolation had finally managed to make an artificial human with better strength and magic power and with this he could make humanity again make it better. and with this creation he was on his deathbed and so wrote a prophecy so as to not lose control of his people and cast his relife spell and died. in this way 200 years passed by in peace. but on the 1st day of the 201 year he was born again and welcomed by his people who had grown in number since he had left. with his people now so great in number he started to train them in the art of war so as to be ready when thay went back to get there revenge on humanity. it took him many years to train all of them but finally on the 234 year they were ready to win this war and get revenge. alax opened dozens of gateways and marched his people into earth finally going to get his revenge. as he and his army arrived thay quickly gained ground and set up a base and as thay were doing this thay found out that the rest of humanity had colonized other planets and were calling in backup. this was not going to be an easy war right from the start. in the next couple of days thay were at a stalemate and the war was at a standstill. as things continued to go this was alax realized that he was never going to win and wished that he could go back and ask for the help of the first empirer. as the war continued on it was just as hopeless with neither side moving. and so alax began to try to do the impossible and go back to the past he worked hard for several months and finally made some progress but he was slowly losing the war and he was afraid that his dream might end here.