Chapter 3: A Word from the Developers

Hugh turned back to look at the patio, wondering if there had been a 'point of no return' warning etched into its flagstone surface, only to find a cozy little campsite had been erected around where he'd originally spawned. It had everything he needed to initially survive—a military style pup tent, a medieval style water well, and a basic fire pit. The fire wasn't burning wood, though. In the shallow, circular pit, a pile of odd white marbles burned blue. Whether the cause was the release of gas vapors or the result of the game's version of magic, Hugh didn't know. He didn't particularly care, either, as long as it kept giving off warmth.

As for food, a nicely wrapped basket of fruit and bread sat atop a treasure chest as a welcoming gift. Hugh walked over and carefully set it aside, caring more about the chest itself than the starter food. The ornately decorated piece appeared to be crafted out of a solid chunk of gold and embedded with gemstones the size of Hugh's fist. He made only one attempt to lift it before accepting it wouldn't be going anywhere.

The chest's golden lid was cold against his hand, but it flipped open as easily as if it'd been made of wood. Inside, he found two stacks of clothes, a wind-up robot made to look like a faceless doll, and a collection of smaller items.

He reached for the clothes first, shaking them out to see what he had to work with. It was easy to tell the two sets apart. The 'Robes of Infamy' from the Elite game package was a roguish outfit boasting sturdy leather pants and a black peasant shirt. It came with leather boots and a slender, sheathed dagger the size of a butter knife. The 'Robes of Affluence' from the Guild package was a far flashier full-length sorcerer's robe embroidered with silver thread—purple and silver being what his friends had suggested when he asked their opinion on color options. It came with a set of silver wrist cuffs and a silver belt.

Hugh felt a lot more confident once he dressed in both sets, wearing the sorcerer's robe like a jacket over the rogue outfit rather than belting it closed like it was intended. Turning back to the chest, he rooted around the rest of the contents until he found a book on the bottom.

"Score," Hugh said. He made himself comfortable, using the chest as a backrest, as he flipped open the small volume and started reading. He expected it to be the in-game manual, but what he found was far more esoteric. The entire book was blank except for a system note on the inside cover.

"Attention players: If you are reading this, we are assuming you've moved pass your initial panic and fear. We apologize for any trauma you might have suffered getting this far. Please press play below to watch a recorded message explaining the situation as it currently stands."

Below the note was 'Play' written in gold foil. A rainbow shimmer danced across the surface of each letter, letting him know it was more than just a pretty lithograph. He pressed it. The word dissolved and a high definition video rose up in its place, framed in more gold.

The President stood on the front steps of the White House, his hands clenched tightly in front of him as he solemnly proclaimed, "I am President Michaello Rodgers Tomille of the United States of America, voting member on the World Council, and I approve this message."

His image faded and was quickly replaced by a nondescript, grey-haired businessman sitting behind an executive desk. Hugh moved the book around in his hand to see if the screen would auto-adjust on the page like it would on a cell phone, but it didn't. He righted it, resting it on his lap as he settled in to watch.

"Hello," the man said with a tight smile. "First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kyle Umberg and I'm the current President of Tryton Corp. I'm sure many of you are already cursing my name, but please know the actions Tryton Corp and the World Council have taken are not without cause. The message you're currently watching has been unanimously approved by every voting member, non-voting member, and advisor on the World Council. At noon on New Year's Day, an alternate version of this message will be broadcast simultaneously worldwide to every screen, cell phone, computer, and website connected to the world Net to ensure every citizen of our precious planet has the chance to hear the information I'm about to impart. Please be aware this is not part of the game's plot. This is as real as your inability to log out."

He took a deep breath, giving players a second to digest, then continued bluntly, "The Earth is dead. Not failing. Not getting close to a point of no return. Not in the process of dying. Earth. Is. Dead. This fact can be confirmed by any scientist with a high enough security clearance to access the relevant data as well as any government official or Tryton spokesman who agreed to sign the nondisclosure agreement. Players can access the relevant information through your Navigator once you've summoned one.

For the point of this broadcast, the science leading to this conclusion is inconsequential. What is important is it's real and inescapable. In less than five years, Earth will no longer have an atmosphere capable of sustaining human life. The launch of Thrive is a band-aid solution meant to preserve as much of humanity as possible while we search for a solution.

I'm sure the first question on every players' mind is, 'why the subterfuge?' The answer is fourfold. First, there was simply no fair way to decide who would enter cryogenic stasis first. Blind self-selection seemed like the fairest way to ensure a broad cross-section of the world's population entered Thrive first without the need to rely on the chaos associated with a lottery. Secondly, it was deemed people who enjoyed gaming would have the easiest time adapting to life inside a simulation and, therefore, they would be best suited to the task of forming a stable environment for all those who followed.

The third reason it was decided to launch project Gateway under the guise of a new gaming system was viral media. Fake news is an epidemic in our world culture and, all too often, crucial information is dismissed out of hand. This is too important to allow that to happen. The easiest way to prove this is real was to ensure as many people as possible had first-hand experience with it happening. It's difficult to dismiss something when it affects you personally, even by second or third degree.

The last reason is prudence. Money. Cryosis gaming suits don't build themselves and neither did the underground safe zones where families with underage children can go until they reach an appropriate age to join the rest of the world's population in cryogenic sleep. Private donations and the World Council funded much of the necessary capital to bring this project to fruition, but there were shortages and we needed some way to recoup costs. Selling the Cryosis suits as new game systems went a long way to ensuring we have the funds on hand to make further preparations.

The next question you're probably asking is, 'Why a game?' To that, I'd like to say we here at Tryton firmly believe in the ingenuity of mankind as a whole. Sometimes it's not the scientists with the expensive degrees who have the brightest ideas. It's all of you who go about your daily lives and have those moments of epiphany maybe no one sees. There could be a genius among you who has the solution to saving our planet, but you simply don't know how to explain it in words. Or maybe you've tried to explain it, but it isn't reaching the right ears. Or maybe you've figured out a small piece of the bigger puzzle, but you don't know the significance or how it's supposed to fit in.

The possibilities are endless, but hopefully you see my point. Gamers are particularly notorious for finding loopholes in systems and exploiting every advantage they can find. It's our hope that by integrating the problem facing our planet into a game, they'll use their formidable determination to find a solution our brightest scientists were unable to find. To assist them in this search, every player will be given a Navigator Assistant. Navigators are part of a vast artificial intelligence network compiling new ideas and concepts and piecing them together on behalf of humanity. It is our hope they, with the help of players, will ultimately save Earth and all of humanity.

Of course, we don't expect everyone to be willing to apply themselves to the problem and become scientists overnight. For that reason, Thrive was built to appeal to a wide range of players, so even those who choose not to take part will still have the tools to find happiness despite the rather dire circumstances. Once you progress your game-play to Nexus, it will even be possible to requisition housing and return to a mundane life similar to the ones you left behind. If that is your wish, simply let your Navigator know and they'll guide you down the quickest and safest route.

Now, for the hardest part. When this recording finishes, there will be three options made available to you. One option will be to stay. If you press this, you are committing yourself to remaining where you are for the next hundred years at the minimum. That timeline could be extended if our plans for revitalizing the Earth initially fails.

The second option is a reset. Most of you weren't aware of what you were getting into when you crafted your world. The reset option will take you back to the beginning and allow you to start from scratch with the knowledge you now possess, giving you a chance to adapt your starting terrain to something more viable for long-term habitation.

The third option is to logout. This option will return you to the real world. You can see your friends and family again. You can prepare properly and re-enter Thrive with your concerns laid to rest—or not, if that is your desire. However, this option does not come without significant drawbacks. Five percent of beta-testers were unable to reconnect to the Thrive network after waking up from their first log-in. If you are one of those in the five percent, you will enter a dreamless sleep and will not be awakened until final wake-up protocols have been activated.

I'd like to relay a few more things before I sign off. Please know all Cryosis suits include a homing beacon. This homing beacon notified Tryton Corp and local authorities of your real world location when you logged in. It is our goal to have everyone in stasis transported to a safe zone by midnight on Launch Day. When your body is remanded into custody, a system message will appear on the inside cover of your Book of Life to inform you of such.

You should also be aware being in Thrive does not mean being completely cut off from the real world and the people you know and love. You must simply progress your gameplay and reach Nexus, where you will find Communication Hubs capable of connecting you with anyone you want at no charge.

You will also still have access to your bank accounts. The World Council has approved the use of the global digital currency called Zettabits for use within Thrive. The exchange rate will be locked in place at its pre-launch appraisal for twenty-four hours after this message ends to give you time to exchange your funds. This can be done on page one of the Book of Life currently in your hands. Please take the time to exchange your funds during this time as the value of paper currency is predicted to drop in value to zero within the next year.

Now, in conclusion, let me say I have faith a solution will be found. When it is, the members of the World Council will meet within Thrive to vote on whether to implement the plan or send it back to be refined. All players will be notified and permitted to watch these discussions as they arise. Council elections will continue to commence every nine years. The nationality of each player was noted according to the location of your first log-in and you will be permitted access only to your nation's national representative election."

He took another deep breath, then said, "I want to urge the citizens of the world to remain calm in these trying times. This is not the time to fall into despair or search for reasons to turn on one another. The World Council has taken great pains to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity for survival. But, most of all, they believe—as I do—that only together can humanity truly Thrive. Thank you."