Chapter 49: Tutoring Noobs Part Two

He turned back to the screen and gave Hugh an approving nod. "I think I understand now why Doctor Jones was so adamant about having a gaming consultant on staff. You've brought up several details of gameplay and its interaction with the real world that I frankly don't see how we could have predicted."

"As I think I told everyone yesterday, you guys need me and that won't change even once all of you log in yourselves. You might get lucky and discover some Glamour options on your own, especially those which only require the skills you already have like transgender surgery and laser eye surgery, but you need a gamer to find you the really rare stuff. I'm talking wing implants, race change scrolls, plants to change skin color, serums to erase freckles, and—if you have a dentist on staff—you can look forward to implanting tusks and fangs. And for the record, I'm just assuming those things are possible, because they're things you see in every VR game on the market.

But there's other things you should think about, too. The Transfiguration Facility will likely be the place where tattooist artists and body modification specialists come to set up shop. You know, the people who do piercings, brandings, scarification, and subdermal art? Some of them might be rough around the edges, but if you want to be a full service clinic I advise you don't turn them away if any come looking for work. You might even consider scouting around the real world to find some quality, skilled people who like the idea of their skills being used in a clinical fashion."

"Tattoo artists? Body modification?" The doctor who spoke wrinkled his nose in disdain.

Hugh rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you won't be saying it like that when the first supermodel shows up on the big screen with diamond studs growing out of her skin or a singer steps out on stage with black light tattoos across her entire body. That's the thing you have to recognize with the Glamour system—nothing is permanent, which means people are going to be a lot less fearful about changing themselves and trying out new things. What you guys want to do is build yourselves a reputation for being on the cutting edge of what's possible and you want the reputation of being the sophisticated alternative to grunge dives. You are doctors with medical degrees—scientists—whereas the other guys are all artists working in a trade they learned through apprenticing. When the rich and famous want work done, they'll come to you instead of them because that's just how society works. Right?"

"You make a point worth discussing," the Director said. "For now, what can you tell us about this Vault I keep hearing about. Several of my colleagues were quite impressed with yours."

Hugh smiled. "My GameNet Vault. It's a Net-based application that started up about twenty years ago, I think. Basically, when you play a video game with a GameNet Vault seal on it, it means you can find items within those games you can put in your Vault. No micro-transaction Legendary items allowed—they have to be items you earned by playing and approved by GameNet for inclusion. Originally, it was just a trophy showcase where gamers could show proof they beat certain games or Bosses, but the system evolved so the items inside could be used in other games as skins, transferred over as Unique items, or used as keys to unlock secret bonus areas. Trading them also became possible, which is actually how I paid for my Guild copy of Thrive—I sold a few rare Legendary shields to a collector. Now, I didn't notice a GameNet Vault seal on Thrive's packaging, but apparently it's linked to the system and the items inside are all usable."

"So, if we wanted a lab coat like the one you provided Doctor Jones...?" a female doctor prompted.

"Create a GameNet Vault and beat Meister Maybe in Justice Meister 4. It's a VR fighting game, so you just have to work your way up the Tournament ladder versus the computer in Blood Mode. It's two levels above Hard Mode, so good luck."

Justin leaned forward and interrupted, "You can play the game here inside Thrive, so don't hold out on logging in because you think you have to unlock items for your Vault first. Every known game and console developer contracted with Thrive for corporate privileges, so gaming systems and games will be available for use within your private homes."

"By the way," Hugh added, turning back to the teleconference screen, "You should know the scrolls I gave Doctor Jones were rare items worth a few thousand dollars each—and that was before they had value in Thrive. They were not easy to get. It took me four months of dedicated playing to get the Phoenix Summon and almost a year to get the Alchemist's Compendium of Miracles that holds the recipe for Immortalis. Both items are from online games where the servers shut down, meaning it's not possible to get them anymore. In the future, I hope you remember I'm the guy who brought them to you, because there might be times I report in and I'm empty handed. I can't succeed all the time."

"What use is summoning a phoenix?" one of the assembled doctors laughed derisively. "Are you wanting us to burn down the clinic before we even open?"

Several more doctors snickered until Frankie cleared his throat and said, "When combined with the starting spell 'Heal' which all players get, it creates a merged spell called ' Vaporize Flesh'. Not only does can this spell cause burns, but it can heal them and removes scar tissue caused by burns. I believe Hugh was very wise in predicting how useful the spell could be for a medical professional specializing in cosmetic surgery."

"Huh," Hugh grunted. "I didn't predict that exactly. I just figured Phoenix tears are known for bringing back the dead and curing wounds. I wonder what you get when combined with Water Summoning? Oh, hell, I just thought of something. What if Vaporize Flesh combined with another Merged Spell leads to an Ultimate Spell that acts like a Fountain of Youth. What do you think, Dex?"

"I don't think you have the necessary scroll combination in your possession," he replied. "It's worth researching, though. I think the likeliest answer will be with a Angelic or Demonic spell. Going off mythology, both species have granted youth to humans."

Hugh shook his head, realizing he was getting side tracked again. "It's something worth looking into, but it can wait. So, Director, Doctors, does anyone have any questions for me?"

"Should we look into forming a Guild?" someone asked from the back.

"Whomever asked that should get a raise," Hugh replied enthusiastically. "Yes, definitely, but you need six founding members with each member having a minimum of fifty stat points. Which, let's go over stats and how to increase them real quick. Then I'll tell you what I think are the benefits of forming a Guild, although I'll admit most of what I'll have to say on the subject will be based on Guilds in other games. I can't say for certain how they'll work in Thrive."

Hugh spent another half an hour answering questions and doling out advice using his best guesses. By the time he finished, the entire group had the confidence of an overpowered Raid Team heading in to a Tank-and-Spank Boss fight. A few of the assembled doctors even relaxed enough to tease Hugh on his wardrobe choice and curiously asked his opinion on non-gaming related stuff like what he thought the clinic design should look like.

"Let me think about that," he said with a smirk. "I'd find a good perspective shot of a city and put that on the floor like a decal, then layer on some of those holographic glass panels they use in nightclubs to make it look like smoke is moving below your feet. I think the combination of white smoke over the city decal would make your patients feel like they're standing on top of the world. Keep the white walls or go with a really pale blue to keep things airy and spa-like, because there's going to be a whole lot of rock-and-roll and dark wall art in your competitions' clinics.

Skip chairs in the lobby. You definitely need some plush couches and don't fill your walls with a bunch of nasty before and after pictures of kids with cleft lips and old ladies getting rid of sagging underarms. You want those ritzy transitioning mirrors where people can walk up to it and their reflection transforms. It'll cost you to hire someone to specially program one, but you could have it show people transforming from human into vampires, eyes and hair changing color, and big guys like me turning into cute women—or vice versa. Show prospective customers what's really possible with a skilled Glamour surgeon. Keep the place well lit and maybe use a glass wall for the front of the clinic so people aren't scared to come inside. You'll also need a room with beds set aside so players can lay down and save their game before they leave. You don't want them to pay for a lengthy procedure, then demand a repeat because they died on their way home and lost the Glamour option in their Books.

Oh, and come up with a snappy name. VB5I Medical Group isn't going to attract people. Try something like 'VB Transformation Spa' and you can have a cheesy advertising motto like 'The cutting edge of Glamour' since you're actual licensed surgeons. And it might seem tacky, but you should also have prices for common procedures visible behind the reception desk so players can see the cost of what you have available without having to ask. You'll get a lot more walk-ins that way. You can worry about exclusivity later once you build up a reputation."

He tried hard to think of something more, but that was all he could come up with and said so.

"Let's go with that," the Director surprised everyone by saying. "Doctor Jones, we'll do our best to provide the scans you need to make it happen. If you need any further funds, let us know and those will be made available, as well."

"Yes, sir," Frankie said, leaning forward in his chair. "However, what I could really use is a few more skilled hands. Hugh has been indispensable and having Justin will help, but I'm lacking manpower. If you could get two or three volunteers—"

"You'll have a dozen by the end of the week," the Director promised. "Since the World Council has made it clear this isn't a hoax and the only options they're offering are cryogenic sleep with or without Thrive, VB5I is pushing for all Group members to log in within three months. I, myself, will be logging in on Thursday after I've made preparations here and I'll be bringing my son who runs a construction company to oversee the manual labor at the new clinic. At that time, I look forward to meeting you in person, Honey."

Hugh flushed and gently corrected him. "Call me Hugh. EXP Honey is my gaming alias."

The Director cleared his throat in embarrassment and nodded. "Very well, Hugh. I'll see you on Thursday, then?"

"I'll make it a point to be at the clinic," he promised. "Safe travels."