The sound of laughter and joy flooded out as Meili opened the door. Her extended family was there with a variety of food laid out on the table. She wanted to ask her cousin what was happening but she got cut off by her mother dragging her to the back room.
"Ma, what is going on?" she said as her mother sat her down and closed the sliding door. Her father was seated already and his face more excitable than her mother.
"We have a very important matter we need to discuss, Meili. The reason why we are celebrating today, is that you are to be the crown prince's consort," said her father with a big smile on his face.
Meili's jaw dropped just as her face turned pink, she was in shock at what her father had said. She knew the prince but knowing the only conversation they had was him wanting to chop off her head. She turned to her father and said, "Is that the reason why the prince has been on both your lips all my life because you wanted to manipulate me into liking him. I apologise to you father, but l don't want to be a consort let alone the crown prince's consort,"
"Well, l think you consider this an option. We are not asking, Meili but informing," said her father in a harsh tone.
"What your father is trying to say, is that it is an honour to the family and to you being promoted in such a manner," said her mother as she gently stroked her back.
"So this whole family wants to benefit from my misery. He threatened to chop my head off already, maybe now he wants to exert his threat. I never wanted to be a consort, l want to continue teaching at the school and painting."
"He was just a child back then, please Meili think of your father. What would the emperor say if his general's daughter refuses to do as commanded? Look at it his way. Besides if you play your cards well, the prince might divorce you when he becomes emperor and finds love. By then you will be free to do as you please, you are so young," said Meili's mother. Meili turned to look at her and she could see how overwhelmed with sadness she was.
"You are my baby and it's difficult for me as well letting you go, but you have to do this for us, I beg you, Meili."
"Father, I hope you do know the burden of what you ask of me. I will do it though I can't guarantee that he will pick me," said Meili as she attempted to conceal her teary eyes.
"No need, there will be no ceremony of selection, the choice has already been made," her father said with a proud look on his face. Meili's heart sank, even more, when he said that to her, she couldn't believe the prince had picked her specifically. She genuinely thought he must be holding a grudge and finally wants to make her pay.
"You will be well taken care of, he will not chop off your head," said his father as he laughed with joy, "Thank you, my daughter, now let's go join the family and celebrate." He took her by the hand and led her to show her off to the family. Meili had tears flowing down her cheeks uncontrollably and the reluctant smile on her face gave the impression of joy.
Everyone was hugging her and shaking her hand except her older brother Xiao. While the family was preoccupied with liquor, Meili managed to escape to look for him. He was sitting under a plum tree. They used to cloud gaze and eat fruits under it when they were younger. Xiao stood up and hugged her, "if you want, I can run away with you and will never return."
"I think that would kill our mother," she said jokingly, "Did you know about this?"
"Well I heard them talk about it before but I never thought they would follow through. I knew they were thinking about it which is why I taught you a few things. I wanted you to be ready if they do that to you."
"Wait, you knew from that long. Why did you never tell me? I feel trapped," said Meili as she began to sob. She had been holding back the tears for so long to avoid embarrassing her father.
"You are as strong as you are beautiful, the smartest woman I know. No one in that palace can fool you, you will survive this and come up on top. Believe me, I am your brother, I know." Xiao embraced his sister and said, "Come let's go and drink the expensive wine that father stashed away from Uncle Li. That man drinks like a fish, doesn't he?"
Meili wiped her tears away as she came to accept her fate.