Day 24 Evening

A few minutes later-


"Are you going to tell them what happened?" Liang Yu asked. No use in subtly with this one. Ye Xinghe just looked down unable to meet his gaze. "I see."

"It's safe now, but we should move somewhere else." Ye Xinghe said trying to change the focus elsewhere.

"I've been injured so badly." Xia Yuning wanted to test to make sure Liang Yu was wrong about what he said. "You're a Star Martial Artist, can you heal me?"

"I think I'll pass on that sort of thankless task, not only is it too much effort, but I end up getting tangled up with someone I shouldn't." He continued to look down not meeting any of their faces. Liang Yu smiled at the big emotional change. Sometimes he wished he was a Psychologist instead of a Plastic Surgeon. Defintely would have let him understand this more. "So pardon me."

"Is it such a bad thing to get tangled up with me?" Xia Yuning said tersely. She gave Liang Yu a small glance who kept a neutral expression on his face. "I am the daughter of the Northern Guardian Lord after all!"

"Right, right! You are the Northern Guardian Lord's Daughter, such a noble status, and a commoner like me definitely can't hold a candle to you. Lady, so please keep far away from me." Ye Xinghe gave a salute but it came off slightly mockingly.

"Ok, ok, let's not argue." An Xueyun looked at Liang Yu who just watched and said nothing so far. "Xinghe, what's wrong with you? Quickly treat Yuning's wounds!"

"Humph who needs his help!" Xia Yuning pouted. She looked away but her eyes kept going between Ye Xinghe and Liang Yu. 'Liang Yu cannot be right about this, can he? Know way is Yinghe's mental state that fragile to be changed so easily. I refuse to believe it!'

She was in for a rude awakening.

"She doesn't have any serious injuries, just superficial ones." Ye Xinghe said somewhat callously. "Some rest and she'll recover. There isn't a need for treatment!"

"Xinghe.. you.." An Xueyun couldn't get over the change in him.

"I really hate this sort of princess tantrum the most." Ye Xinghe continued. "I for one can't be bothered to handle it. Let someone else deal with it!"

"Pfft, her personality has been like that since you met her. Yet now you find fault with it?" Liang Yu expression was still neutral but his words came out kind of hollow. It was mostly because he was doing his best from laughing. Seeing this in person hearing it in person was something else. "Have you not dealt with noble's you entire life and took everything like a little cur? Yet Xia Yuning and An Xueyun who are both nobles never treated you badly. All it took were a few words to mess with you. I do believe you are what they call schizo."

"After we get back safely, I think it best we each walk our own paths in the future." Ye Xinghe still kept his head down as he talked. His fingers now gripped in frustration as he tried to make sense of things. "After all, I'm not the same as the three of you. I'm only here thanks to the sacrifice made by my clan."

"Clan can't be worth shit if they put their hopes on a mental case like yourself. Who does that really?" Liang Yu stepped towards Liang Yu. Qi directed towards his finger. The thought of killing him lingering in his mind just a bit. "If the nobility status is the only justification for separating from them, then it is not a problem considering your lineage. I am sure you know a little about it?"

"Do not disrespect my clan members!" Ye Xinghe was angry.

"You forget who you are talking to.. boi." Liang Yu got right in his face. ". I talk about whoever I damn well please and whenever I damn well please. Your clan puts that pressure on you it is ok. Xia Yuning receives pressure from the North Lord's mansion and even that dumb ass An Xueyun receives pressure from her family. So fucking what? Either man up to change or.."

"Or what!?" Ye Xinghe swung his hand to the side not knowing what to do really. "The Azure Feather Clan can not afford to offend anyone! I, Ye Xinghe, am aware enough of the consequences. and don't want to bring any trouble to the others in my clan!"

"Then shouldn't you have just shut up and healed her then? Shouldn't you keep your mouth shut when any matter pops involving nobles since you can not afford to offend anyone you are basically nothing." Liang Yu's face went from neutral to one of disgust. "The very entertaining of rebels.. you should know what that entails? Yet you decide not to share with three noble Family members. One who comes from the North Guardian Lord Mansion at that. Tell me how that protects "those" clan members?"

Ye Xinghe deflated a little. He looked back down at the ground unable to meet Liang Yu's gaze. Part of him wanted to hit him another part wanted to just run far away. His trembling hands caused Xia Yuning and An Xueyun to feel bad.

"Ye Xinghe," Xia Yuning spoke first. "your status or background is not important. I can guarantee that I will not give your clan any trouble." Her voice came out somewhat shaky. Why, Liang Yu had know idea. He did not remember it being this bad according to his memory anyway. "All I'm asking is that we don't become strangers in the future."

"That's right!" An Xueyun chimed in.

"Ok, so be it." Ye Xinghe shook his head lightly. He moved down to heal her.

"Xinghe, do you know who the enemy is?" An Xueyun asked. Liang Yu walked away not wanting to deal with them anymore for now. "Where are you going?"

"Girl minding my damn business, you try it some time." Liang Yu snapped at her. The three were slightly taken back by his outburst. "Just talk amongst yourselves, I am going to handle something."


Other group-


Liang Yu had met the other group of students and teacher Lin. Originally they caused a bit of strife to Ye Xinghe's group but he didnt know if that happened this time considering all the different changes.

"What's up?" Liang Yu asked cheerfully.

"We are looking for the princess?"

Eh, whatever for?" Liang Yu still had qi focused in his finer tips. His control was improving more and more as time passed. Passing a look over some of them, he made eye contact with a student he couldn't quite remember about. "Who are you?"

"He is a member of the Dark Moon family." Teacher Lin said. "Came in to deliver a message to yo but became lost he said." He and a few others were pretty nervous about something. A few darting looks from the students in the back let Liang Yu something was up.

"You are kidding right?" Laing Yu shook his head at a loss for words really. "What could he possibly have to deliver that he was allowed to slip into the smelting trial?" Walking forward he tried to get a look at the person.

The stranger just stood there as he approached. When he was close they made a move. A shadowy hand reached out to strike him quickly. It was a summon hidden by clothes really.

*Fwish!* A flame went out making contact with the figure and burning it to smithereens in an instant.

"Ok... so what the hell is going on now?" Liang Yu asked. The explanation was pretty lackluster and just served to make him angry. 'Never remember that happening before. So what else is about to change I wonder?'


Students Clamoring-


"Apparently this whole thing was done by teacher Chu Xian." A student said slightly in a whisper. "Cannot believe that bastard."

"But why would he do something like that?"

"That I do not know, you just can't trust anyone anymore." The student had his hands up in a hopeless manner. "Who could have predicted this?"

"Tons of people." Liang Yu chimed in. The students turned to look at him questioningly. "Rebellion is a part of every society. Gives way for growth. If there are people left alive that is to reflect on the matter. Now if everyone dies during this time, it would be kicked up to demonic beast attacks."

"But to rebel.."

"Discontent leads to so much, always. Al it takes is a charismatic leader to stir things up." Liang Yu gestured towards Lin Hong and Mo Yu who were walking over. "Or someone who can manipulate easily. I am sure you know someone like that yes, back home at least?"

"The nobles.." A student muttered.

"The commenrs out number the nobles but are to stupid to act right. So much fear ingrained into they have no choice but to be lead like cattle. Considering how greedy a lot of them are and gutless, would you want them leading you?" Liang Yu asked the group. "Don't get me wrong a lot of nobles do some shady shit as well. All it takes is a few to spoil the whole lot."

"No, I wouldn't want someone like that leading." A student said. He was a commoner and was more use to running into trouble from his fellow villagers than the actual nobles in the area. "We have other things to worry about than that really."

"Yeah the best thing would be to push against the demonic beast to take territory for humanity to prosper." Liang Yu moved his head side to side as he thought it over. Considering how the demonic beasts outnumbered the human population like 12 to 1 was ridiculous. If not even more really. "I rather lead a campaign to gain more fertile land for crops and freshwater than deal with the petty squabbles."

"Petty squabbles.." A student who suffered under the abuse of the nobles could barely hold it in. ".. how can our suffering be consider petty?"

"Well because it is." Liang Yu looked at the student making direct eye contact with him. "It doesn't really effect me so it is a petty squabble. Doesn't affect the person next to you so it is most likely a petty squabble to them to. No one has time to worry about every single person and what they are going through."

"Of course you would think that way!"

"I think a lot of ways. All depends on how I am feeling really at the time." Liang Yu shrugged. "I might see some one who is injured and might stop to help them with all my ability. Another time I might just keep on walking. That really depends if I notice them anyway. Maybe it is a priority thing really. Now if it is directly in my way I might do something."

"Like with me." Linlin muttered lowly. Lian Yu nodded at her. Liang Jian placed a hand on her shoulder giving a small nod that he felt the same.

"If you spend your entire life helping others and not living your own life, well bully for you really." Liang Yu turned to the forest. Some demonic beast had caught the scent of some of the injured students. "I rather live my life doing what I want. Well, when I can anyway."

"Humph, of course, a member of the Dark Moon family can talk so carelessly and freely." Another student said spitefully. "Filthy nobles." He muttered really lowly. Only a few hearing.

"Trouble?" Liang Jian asked moving to Liang Yu's side. Linlin following behind him. He received a nod. "Demonic beast or.."

"Demonic beasts." Liang Yu said. His eyes looked over the fearful students. "You cowards stay here. As we filthy nobles handle the situation." Lin lin rocked her head to the side confused. "You roll with us, your are noble duh."

The next few hours were spent with the three killing demonic beasts. Only two other students eventually joining in to help them. When they returned, a few students had cooked some food to eat. Ye Xinghe had help them prepare it.

Liang Yu ponder it over but couldn't remember exactly what happened with the food really. So his little group ate food they prepped themselves.