Day 1.. again

Leroy felt the pull from his soul from the main soul. Part of the Flame Vortex Core going with as well. The sensation was the same as ripping the hairs off the body. Just could be felt throughout the entire body.

Part of him thought he was just delirious a little. Another part could see Liang Yu's body up ahead. He closed his eyes in acceptance at the chance to redo some things. An entire Dimension Collapsing was nothing something he enjoyed at all-seeing.

While Liang Yu constantly spread his Stral Sense to seal and suture all the cracks in the Dimension, he had no choice but to observe what happened to people swept inside, The screams were something he got use to but not the look of utter terror in their eyes.

*Woosh!* Instead of heading to the body he went to last time arriving, he went another route. Into the body of Ye Xinghe! The rage that festered deep in his heart was from the disgusting feeling at the turn of events.

'Damn this! Why me!? Why this foolish one!? Still can not believe I fused with this kid's body! Hell, especially after what I did to him previously! Or was his Destiny changed after I killed him? Or the Dimension complete since I left my earth? Have no way of telling at all!' Looking down at the body, he was trying to cope with being a small body teen again. As well as being someone he hated. 'Good shit Leroy, how the heck is a brotha suppose to be a young Chinese man again!? This just does not add togethor in a good way!'

Hit with a sense of Deja Vu, Leroy rubbed his temple in frustration. The Flame Vortex Core already devouring that of the Steele inside at a rapid pace. Almost hungry to consume it! But that was not the only thing under refinement.

The Ultimate Demonix Codex was still there a little. Not wanting the problem from last time to occur, he made sure every last bit was refined! He still needed to find out who planted the miasma inside him.

If history is really anything to go by from last time, things were a bit rocky.

'Well shit, I can barely remember what happens to this brat with all the information I had living as Liang Yu, what to do? Maybe the Lighting and having my soul scrapped a little might help in the long run. Fried a bit of my dumb ass brain cells when I came here again to?' The only solid memory he had before waking up this time, was that the Pavilion was going full throttle in a way and the sides of the Dimensions was collapsing. 'Maybe I am just delusional and the Pavilion did survive?'

The mental turmoil was only drowned out by the intense flames produced by the Flame Vortex Core. But the Connection he shared with his people was not there. He gathered his thoughts to confirm the place over from the beginning somewhat.

The World was that of Star Martial God Technique Universe. The main character was one of the typical Cultivator types. Idealistic and naive. Causing trouble and the death of his family members a little. Who were not that great of people anyway, to be honest.

They were somewhat loving and stick together after some things happen. Still, a bunch gets killed by the Dark Moon Family. Which Liang Yu, who he was last time happened to be a part of. Also one of the heirs but not that great in the scheme of things. Personality-wise.

Before he made something of the Dark Moon Family and changed its laws a great deal and those of the surrounding region. What will he do now is the question. Ye Xinghe had so much given to him and the chance to do so much more, but Leroy was his own man after all and understood how to work through Destiny some.

'Kind of sucks I am so young. Then there was Mingye that died. Followed by Tianyin that stayed by my side all those years. But most likely would die from offending someone anyway if I head to her as I am. Didn't even get..' Leroy stopped his train of thought as an odd sensation happened. "Oh, wants a piece of me ey!'

"Ye Xinghe" froze as he felt his head start pounding a bit. Images of a man looming over him in a white plane. Fire constantly swirling around and the sound of thunder booming about caused his heart to sink.

Words were spoken that he could not understand even a little bit. As the headache went away, Ye Xinghe was left wanting to know even more about what was affecting him internally. Countless images of people talking with loud voices.

An entire life flashed before his eyes. The name of a "man" permeated through his soul.

'Who the hell is Shango?!' Ye Xinghe felt as if he was losing his mind really.

As Ye Xinghe racked his brain some more, a small ripple of energy permeated inside of him. The energy swirled as the Flame Vortex Core pulled on him. Everything that made him well him, his own person was swept inside. Everything that was Leroy mixed in with what was essentially part of Liang Yu as well.

Leroy did not forget his own name and only rembered that of the person he took this time. Affection towards his family and friends in the Dark Moon Family became hollow and distant however. His soul started to scream in rebellion at this.

The faces of his friends blurred. Lost in the inner fire inside him. But his knowledge remained even stronger than before. Which was great, no way would he want to relearn cultivation methods along with the different people around the place.

Keeping a firm handle on the feelings he had for Mingye then later Tianyin, he made sure to concentrate them into small balls of light. The qi would hold everything he shared with them a great deal.

Doing that for each of the people he had a Connection with previously, there was no way he could give them up. The Flame Vortex Core which lost a lot of its size when extracted from the main portion, grew largely. The refinement of the Steele inside speeding up drastically.

"Good." A female's voice rang in his ears. "Hold on to them dearly in your soul and you will see them again. I will make sure of it." It was the voice of the Goddess that gave him another chance to live in this Dimension. "It is best you operate under the name Ye Xinghe, no need to tempt matters Leroy.

Leroy was not a fool and knew something would have to be done in exchange. But right now, what mattered was keeping the memory alive of those close to him.

"Who is the guy looking completely agitated?" A student asked. He was gathered around a bunch of other students looking around.

"That is Liang Yu, of House Dark Moon. He is the Young Master of that family sent here anyway. They are a major family only second to the City Lord Mansion. Heavenly Ancestor City has six towns on its borders. And all six are their fiefs. Several of the students sitting around him are also Dark Moon members." A blond-haired kid said.

A small troubling look in his eyes. Keeping mindful of several people.

The kids talked amongst themselves still. The atmosphere changed slightly as time passed. Liang Yu got up and walked over to a brown-haired kid. A member of the Azure Feather Family, a subordinate family of the Dark Moon.

The boy Ye Xinghe and a horribly naïve person originally. But with Leroy at the wheel, things were not gonna go like that. It was just troublesome considering he used to be Liang Yu is all. Talk about fighting yourself!

*Bzzt!* A bit of lightning traveled across the ground and zapped Liang Yu in the foot. With the Connection the soul shared with him previously, Leroy took control of him like a puppet. It was exhausting but needed to be done.

"Ye Xinghe.." Liang Yu called out neutrally. Keeping his voice as even as possible. "Be careful who you hang out with. Even a few of the commoners you want to mix with are up to no good. If you value your family, keep this to yourself. Beware that blue dragon two-face teacher. And in the next few minutes.. try to keep it togethor. Just a warning to help make up for "some" of what the Dark Moon Family did to your family."

"Umm.. thanks." Ye Xinghe muttered. Liang Yu move moved away before anything else could be talked about. 'Controlling him should help with things as well as make life easier overall. I can't just let my previous "self" suffer of course. Especially when I can control him like this?'

A young girl moved over thinking the worse from seeing the expression of Ye Xinghe.

"Oh, An Xueyun, of House Eternal Heaven trying to busy herself in other affairs despite not knowing what is going on." Liang Yu stopped as the self-righteous girl stared at him. "All I did was give advice. No need to get your panties in a wad."

"Scum.." An Xueyun muttered lowly. The teacher was nearby and just watched what transpired from the side. He did nothing since their was nothing to do. Liang Yu did not do what the original did.

"Cunt.." Liang Yu mumbled enough for her to hear. Not very happy with the girl already butting in still. 'A little time more and the other gets his little incident that happens to him. Which is whatever I guess. I need to focus and help change things as I remember more. Like how to get ahead to keep from dealing with Dark Moon family assholes.'

A few minutes later.

"Oh!" Ye Xinghe was expecting it but still caught him by surprise a little. A few students looking at him strangely. 'It was just an illusion. But what was that all about? An almost Inferno of malicious energy was there. No matter, I will refine it all the same. No need to keep a chance like that popping up later.'

"Just leave him alone. I said a few things to him regarding his family. Made him realize something startling maybe." Liang Yu said. The Dark Moon members looked at him oddly but said nothing else. 'I need to get this blasted cultivation up higher fast.'

Currently, the Flame Vortex was still at work inside his Internal Space. Changing it further than what it was. The knowledge filling in more and more and evolving his Cultivation even further. The combination of both the Star Martial God Technique with the Ultimate Demonic Codex proved to be a deadly combination.

'Mix with a few fighting changes I know. Maybe I can do something neat when fighting early on?' Ye Xinghe's thoughts became quiet as he focused on pulling more information on the Azure Feather Family. 'I need to send word to several of them to help them to start cultivating. Especially Ye Yue. No way can I neglect her fighting by my side. Then there is Ye Xingyin and the others. So much to do.'

While he planned, the changes in the Cultivation under the power of his Flame Vortex Core created small outward appearances. He started to grow a little and his muscles increased. Small bits of his hair turned white.

The list of those to kill in the upcoming months started getting long really quickly.

Lin Hong, the blue hair traitor teacher, the different people sent by the Royal Family that infiltrated and then the Rebel members. What to do about them, he had no idea. Then there was Lin Hong...

He had to die again no doubt about it. Then punishing An Xueyun ... a chance of two birds with one stone happening soon. With the control of Liang Yu to do things and living as Ye Xinghe to, the sky was the limit.