Day 21-24 Killing comes naturally

Ye Xinghe was all smiles after finding the death toll was pretty high in so many areas. Mostly members of the Rebels and a few people he didn't like in at all. Just the less desirable Noble members' children. Liang Yu didn't leave any bodies for the most part. hose he did leave looked to be left for odd reasons.

"Hmm?" A pair of eyes were on him from a distance. So far he couldn't tell who but the feeling of Astral Sense brushed against him. 'Well, how goes the hunt?' He reached down picking up a burnt-up coat.

Liang Yu was about two miles away, those of the Dark Moon Family with him, as well as Linlin, needed a break. Recovering from constant fighting and a few ambushes by the Commoners took its toll. The good news, Liang Jian was done underestimating them.

He now had to deal with the others giving Linlin looks. Liang Yu disclosed about the Flame Vortex appearing in its entirety inside him. It was a weird feeling but happened around the time the Star Pillar was consumed by the Prime Soul.

'Well, that makes it easier for growth. The Flame Vortex is a Support Type, have you used it on the items delivered to you?' Xinghe picked up some more rags giving a look around. The pair of eyes watching him were still lingering. 'Maybe..'

'It worked about the same as with other people. My qi grew a lot but it is different. I can feel myself easily doing what I did the first time, but I can also feel like.. ripples from what you do. That Frost you produce feels.. cold and makes my soul stronger. Easier to dig through the memories of those I kill and refine.'

'Hmm, you sound somewhat independent of me. Your thoughts are more in line with doing what was done before, but I have an overwhelming desire to act differently.' Thinking of the choices made and how restained he felt because of Shango and different lifestyle choices gave really bad reflection. "I want more. A lot more than what life is offering me."

Gripping a broken sword, a reflection of himself revealed the simplest thing. He was not the same and technically living his third life after usurping the body of another to survive. Purple qi shined in the golden eyes before vanishing.

'Change so much, but didn't pay attention. The Heart Method has its perks.' Sending back to the other, Xinghe shot towards the camp grounds. 'Odds are we will diverge more but still be the same. Should make it better to take this Dimension for ourselves, as well as prepare for the next!'

'That.. sounds like the course.' Liang Yu had the time to think it over while hunting this morning. 'I can feel I am more compassionate of us now. This is so ironic considering you are in Ye Xinghe's body now. Maybe a possible test to see how we develop?'

'Maybe, just fun and preparation for something bad. Who knows with these crazy Deities.' Xinghe couldn't detect anything with his Hearth method in the vicinity. The camp was coming up soon with nothing there either by a glance. 'After this, it should be easier to discuss in person. After you break those in the Dark moon Family in more.'

'Do not remind me.' Liang Yu smirked looking at the recovering people. 'With the Flame Vortex Core, I have already developed a way to make Liang Jian and Linlin more workable. Passing the memories of we shared was easy, once they relaxed and the Connection formed higher. Digesting the information will take time but at least they understand we have another chance and we are an extension of each other.'

"Oh?" Ye Xinghe slowed down just a little. The words something interesting to think over. 'Well, I am gonna assume you told them something more but they are your responsibility more than mine. I just have enough care and affection not to kill those two. They were good with each other. Might be hard to prevent that torture from happening if they are not stronger.'

'I am aware. Best of luck with the Azure Feather Family if things go bad. Once we get back to the Academy, it will be best to talk on plans and the immediate future. That Lin Hong is a slippery bastard.' Liang Yu exchanged small blows with him during an ambush. 'The time to take him out will pop out again soon. Haa, what about the others?'

'A few are dead already. I don't know how it happened yet, but I feel like there are different people completely than what existed differently. Not many but enough that I know we won't see everyone again. Best to put that to bed.' Yinghe moved to the outskirts of the camp looking around spotting nothing. "Ugh, where is everyone?"

'Dead maybe, I can kind of tell some of the changes are not from the intervention of that Deity but because of something merging into the history here,' Liang Yu did his best to decipher the information after reforming his body after smelting. 'I bet you know what it is is as well.'

'Yeah, the Light Novel of the series is mixed in. Enough of a monkey wrench to only cause a little concern.' Xinghe hoped he was only thinking it as a small occurrence, but if the other was able to come to the conclusion, they were in for a wild ride. 'Good thing there are to of us.'

Mo Yu came from Ghost Gate Town, which should have been a good lead considering previously she was just, well Mo Yu. Ghost Gate Town left a chill when people heard it. But only caused excitement for Xinghe to go visit. Mo Yu was an orphan that got adopted by a farmer couple, she did have an aptitude for cultivation but was a carefree girl more interested in exploring.

Conversing with his other half was nice, defintely a better console than just self-reflection. Each step across the area revealed nothing of importance. A few small drops of blood and more cut fabric.

Liang Yu and the Dark Moon Family members were heading back to the camp. Having recovered enough and not really wanting to fight beasts anymore. He already had enough in his Internal Space to raise for later.

Raiding the place, he found some food and spare clothes. Tossing into the Internal Space, the Heart Method finally picked someone up. A group of someones actually. Walking out without a care carrying a piece of Chu Xian's vest, a plan formed to mess around.

Coming across Lin Yi and some students, he gave a simple wave.

"Ye Xinghe, what have you been up to?" Looking at the built teacher who looked to belong more in a gym or doing pushups, his smile grew only bigger. The man was just the right person to run into right now. "Have you found any others?"

"Teacher Li Yi, I have been running around all over. Had to make sure to build up my strength to keep whoever was trying to kill students away." Xinghe's tone was neither servile nor apologetic. Almost flat when he looked at some of the students behind the teacher. "Especially since I saw Chu Xian attacking some students. Are the teachers trying to eliminate us for some reason?"

*Woom!* Small traces of purple qi moved into the bodies of the students and teachers. Stroking the feeling of fear and worry.

The students took a step away. Fear already making them believe Xinghe's words. After all, it was the Smelting Grounds the Academy had sponsored all these years. Yet students were dead and they were trapped.

Not to mention Chu Xian attacked a student previously in front of everyone. The lame excuse about what happened to Liang Jian not holding up weight. How did a Demon Beast attack him so close to camp without anyone finding out?

"Ye Xinghe, I didn't expect someone of Vice-principal Xu to act like this!" Lin Yi was angry and it showed as his qi rose. The notion the teachers were behind this would only increase panic and make the situation worse. "You keep your mouth shut! Do not slander us!"

"Woah, threatening me!" Xinghe put on a frown as he threw out the piece of the vest. "Where is teacher Chu Xian?! Why was his clothing here torn off!?" Pointing the clothing and at the camp, he just came out of, it was easy for their imaginations to run wild.

"Nothing should happen without the teachers knowing it." A student said terrified.

"Yeah.. this.. is weird." Another moved further away. "There should be another way out of here. Why did Teacher Chu Xian separate us earlier?" Considering it was a dumb idea to most of them to separate when an enemy was out and about.

Another teacher, some fatty tried to calm them down with Lin Yi. But it only made it worse. Turning to Xinghe, he caught the expression on his face. Well, lack of one that looked a little out of sorts.

"How did you survive during this time Ye Xinghe?" The fatty question. Accusing him was the best way to get the students to simmer down. Throwing blame on a student who by no means should be ok with everything that is going on. "You look unharmed, that should be very difficult if Chu Xian or any other teacher is as you say, trying to hurt students."

"Because I am strong, that's why." He gave them a smile staring unafraid. A few just now taking in that his hair was a bluish-white. "Found the perfect resources in the wild, helped improved my cultivation rapidly! Hurt like hell though!"

An encounter in the wild was a good way to sell changes. The flimsy excuse that would also bring greed. All just resources to him at this point.

They looked unconvinced of course.

"I am out of here, no way am I gonna trust such people like this." Turning to walk off, a few students moved around the teachers to go with him. Which was more of what he wanted. Students were more important than the actual teachers to him. They were easier to mold. "Better off out there to prevent getting stabbed in the back."

The insult was the last the tubby teacher could take. He reached to grab Ye Xinghe. A wave of qi pushed him away easily. The pressure exuded was stifling with just a simple glance over the shoulder.

"Did you just try to attack me?" Xinghe's eyes radiated a little anger. Just enough to pass his outrage a little. "You fat son of a bitch." Star energy gathered in his palm slowly.

"Ye Xinghe, it was not his intent." Li Yi tried to cover for the teachers' blunder. Words were the best for this kind of case. "You students should not move on your own, it is not safe out there."

Ye Xinghe clenched his fist tightly, blue-white veins gave way to the runic lines on his body. The golden glow of his eyes contained a final shine of purple light. He was done reigning in the Heart Method with the power of the Flame Vortex Core.

The Star Eyes of the Star Martial Artist were fully unlocked. His eyes looked like that of a Phoenix. Vision enhanced to the level it was during the use of the Astral Sense or the Heart Method on its own. The foresight and high details as if zoomed in gave a headache.

As he thought it over and adjusted, the fatty launched at him feeling ignored when calling out to him. Lin Yi was more in control of himself, however. Pleading to the other students to remain back.

"Ye Xinghe, you brat will get them killed!" Scared from the pushback earlier, the now changed Dragon Martial Artist charged at him to subdue. 'This troublemaker will not defeat a 5th Realm opponent!'

He was right, he would not defeat him.

*Schlick!* With a cut of the hand, the fatty's head rolled as the body dropped unmovingly. Two horns still extending from his head and the claw-like fingers extended in a grab.