Day 25-70 Liang Yu at the Academy Fights Part 2

Lei Shun was grateful for the exchange. So happy, he openly discussed techniques with him and found himself talking with an expert more than an actual student. Caring about Martial Theory and Application, the elder of the Thunder Family could talk for others if allowed.

"You cannot have this disciple." Old Xu warned. Considering how Liang Yu wanted to change the World, it was worth it to have relationships but not to many problems. "You can come by later to discuss if need be."

"Hmm, Xu Li.. I wouldn't dare." Lei Shun turned to his old comrade. Taking in the fact he was much stronger than the last time they met. "..I will definitely come back for a visit in the future. But I have to go. The trouble with my nephew back home is growing. Apparently, the girl he is infatuated with, has some strange going on in her family or something."

"Sounds complicated." Old Xu shook his head in dismay. "I have know idea what goes on with these youngins. They just don't like to take things easy and slow."

"Tell your nephew to leave her alone if he knows what is good for him." Liang Yu warned. Liang Jian may not want to build a relationship with her again as well as Linlin, but no reason to let an asset go to waste all the same. "He should temper himself more than chasing someone who does not want him. It is for the best."

"It is youth." Lei Shun nodded agreeing. He turned to the others giving parting respects. "Till next time everyone." In a burst of yellow lighting, he was gone from his current spot.

His control was much better than before. The other reason he didn't stay behind was that he was breaking through to the Next Layer and did not want to do it here.

Liang Yu gained a little from the discussion so it was not to bad.

"Cousin, you missed your name getting called." Liang Jian nudged him along.

"Right." Liang Yu stood up and looked around before walking towards the arena. 'At least I am not blind this time. Still feel chills thanking about that incident.' Flames swirled around Liang Yu as the Fire Body was advancing on its own. "Oops.."

*Fwish!* Most of the clothes on his body burned up causing him to step to the side and change to some rune armor he made. Much to the cat calling of those in the stands.

Luckily the elders and teachers were understanding as they didn't want him to fight naked. Well, a few didn't want him to fight naked. Two female teachers gave him more than appraising looks.

Liang Yu was a young noble that looked ever the part a dashing man.

"Liang Yu v.s. Xuanyin Rei.." The Elder noticed something about his body, it was swallowing the qi in the area like a sinkhole. He was ready to say something but was stopped by a look from Old Xu. "Same as before..." looking to them both to see if they had anything to say. He reluctantly continued the match. "Match will only end if one gives up or is unable to continue."

A few others catching on that Liang Yu was about to step into the next layer. If something goes wrong, he could hurt himself and ruin his chances of future growth.

"I am not stupid like your last opponent." Xuanyin Rei said. He was very confident in his abilities. Noticing something odd, a smile appeared on his face. "You are holding back from breaking through!" Voice loud and slightly obnoxious. "This will make.."

*Wham!* Liang Yu struck him across the jaw with a devastating right hook. A stream of fire following along creating a trail in the air.

"You bastard! I am gonna.." Xuanyin Rei was embarrassed he was hit out of the blue like that. " you apart!" Before he could recover, however another attack came towards him.

*Wham!* Liang Yu struck him across the face from the other direction with a devastating left. Lightning gathering around his fist out of control.

"Kukk!" Xuanyin Rei stepped back away from Liang Yu. His hands rubbing the bottom of his jaw that was numb on one side and burned on the other. Soothing the pain as best he could. His qi was gathered to prevent any electrical problems as it did Huyan Ro.

Liang Yu stood in place unmoving. His head moving just a little. His ears, and long hair worked as receivers as well as the hairs on his arms and legs. To much to explore from the technique to understand so soon.

*Rumble!* Up above, flames condensed into a type of cloud. Lighting striking Liang Yu as the qi was swallowed up in the area to help his growth further. Internally, Dantians he created pushed along with the Flame Lightning Vortex. The Dragon and Star Dantians are more than full now.

"RAAAHHH!" Letting out a scream of pain and exhilaration, he stepped into the 6th Heavenly Layer. The qi was so rich and heavy, the crowd had to brace themselves from getting burned. His opponent defending for his life waiting for a chance to strike. "Haa, that sucked keeping held back."

"You... monster.." Xuanyin Rei was scorched all over. His clothing and skin were nothing but charcoal for the most part. Stuck in a state of shock, his instincts were not enough to get through the damage to his body.

"I think putting qi into my hair will help with a hedgehog-like technique." Liang Yu's feet tapped against the ground. His hair hipping back and forth a little. "Maybe a lashing type thing?"

"Do not waste your chance Rei'er!" An older woman yelled out. She was an elder of the Xuanyin City Merchant Guild. Xuanyin Rina, his aunt. "Attack fast and relentlessly before his cultivation settles!" Her eyes looking at the boy's belt. "Now or never!"

Xuanyin Rei understood her meaning. Pulling a pair of claws from his waist, the crowd turned quiet in awe. The young man's flesh crumbled from his body revealing muscle tissue.

Liang Yu's arms shifted as he took a position. His right fist was close to his mouth while the left moved back and forth in an almost sawing motion. His back slightly bent as his hair started to float up with lightning. Causing his hanging arm to be about level with his waist, flames circled the knuckles.

"His stance is different!" Old He cried out. Very undignified for a vice-principal. He eyed old Xu out the corner of his eye. His rival not looking away from the arena a tiny bit. Feeling pensive he focused on the arena as well. 'Hopefully, Xuanyin Rei can injure him enough to make it easier for one of the others to take him out. But to think the Xuanyin Merchant Guild risked a Semi-Heaven weapon like this. I wonder who this boy happens to be?'

"Grrr!" Xuanyin Rei's demeanor changed a little after circulating qi into the claws. Brown beastial hairs lined the arms and the neck. Looking more Demon Beast than human right now. "Raawwrr!" He lunged at Liang Yu wildly.

*Schlick!* Flesh was cut as Liang Yu weaved out of the strikes and delivered a counterattack. His opponent took a cut across the shoulder that dug into his chest. He turned into the attack before pulling away with kick-off on his toes. Immediately delivering another counter-attacking afterward.

*Fwip!* The sawing arm whipped out in a smack. Hitting the left eye crushing the socket and burning it shut. The flesh barely had any hair left around it.

"Fuu!" Xuanyin Rei snorted like a beast. His nose wrinkling a little in agitation. Despite his beastial state, he still had control of himself. The animal gestures were to cause his opponent to think they were dealing with a savage beast. "Arrroo!" He let out a howl before attacking again.

*Fwip!* The sawing arm whipped out in a smack again. This time catching Xuanyin Rei in the cheek leaving a cut half a foot long and burning through the flesh to the back side. He was looking more like a burnt pig by the second.

Xuanyin pushed along more with his qi. Causing the wounds to forcefully heal and flesh to regrow from the use. He was burning his longevity by the looks of it. But Liang Yu was to fast for him to land a single hit on him.

*Schlick!* Another cut missed but another counter-attack landed against the neck severing muscle tissue completely.

*Schlick!* Then a second cut was missed as Xuanyin Rei moved from below and slashed upward. It was wide and left him completely open to attacks.

*Kachaw!* A Shotgun of blows rained down on Xuanyin Rei. Unloading the large heavy barrage of attacks, Liang Yu's hair formed thicker fists with each strike. He was improving each strike. Xuanyin's body was nothing more than a punching bag.

As each blow increased in intensity, Xuanyin Rei's anger was building. Taking a strike against the face, he attacked back the same time the next punch came. His claws cutting along the incoming fist.

"You cut my hair, how good for you." Liang Yu was suprised it took him so long but thought it best to end it. "You should really give up. It is getting hard to not take your life at this point. I am trying really hard."

The crowd was understanding as the fight was pretty once sided. But Xuanyin Rei was not willing to give up yet. Even taking the chance given to leave and surrender.

*Schlick!* Blood splashed out in an arc from the first hit caused by his opponent. Cutting right through the clothes exposing his chest. The marks seeping a little blood before the flames around him sealed it up.

"Grr!" Xuanyin Rei took a few more steps back as Liang Yu didn't make any moves. Looking down at the cut marks and frowning. 'I need to get control of the situation! Never have I been in such a miserable state before!' A look of hatred flashed in his eyes.

The crowd giving him looks of pity.

The claws glowing as Xuanyin Rei's qi fed into them more. His body turning more bestial. Seeing As Liang Yu didn't move, he suspected the attacks and use of his qi so much had caught up to him. As well as his opponents' fear of the last counterattack.

"Heh!" Grinning at his inevitable win, Xuanyin Rei charged. "Fury!" Qi erupted violently as the technique engraved in the claws were activated. Large spikes erupted from the arena. 'I will trap him and cut him to pieces!' He wanted to cripple Liang Yu!

As the spikes finished sprouting out, Liang Yu was completely fine as none touched him. The humming from his Metal Seed barely spinning as the vibrations still went out from the change in the arena.

Blinking angrily, Liang Yu couldn't understand the stupid nature of his opponent in not giving in. Survival was more important than this.

"Raaah!" Xuanyin Rei gave a bestial howl after kicking off a spike. The claws glowing longer as he came at Liang Yu. "Just my stepping stone for Huang Yong!"

Soon as he entered Liang Yu's Range, it was over. Charged hair wrapped him up and spread him eagle in the air. With a snapping of the fingers, a bit of lightning entered Xuanyin. His nerves were no longer numb like the rest of his body.

"Pain is a good lesson for idiots." Liang Yu pulled him close and let loose a devasting strike. Raining down fists to every part of his body causing a complete sensory overload. "I gave you a chance, remember that in the next life."

"Oh no...." Xuanyin Rina was so focused after seeing the strike across the chest, she zoned out a bit. ".. he gives up!" Her words almost fell on deaf ears but Liang Yu had Astral Sense active. He made direct eye contact with her before stopping.

Extending his hair out, the remains were dropped into her hands. Battered and devoid of almost all life, the Merchant Guild would have a way to sustain his life most likely.

None in attendance were stupid, they caught that Liang Yu spared his opponent after she called out. A few thinking about how this connected. Little did they know it was just Liang Yu sending people on wild goose chases to relieve some pressure for some of his investigations.




Old Xu asked if he was ok to continue after the strike to the chest. Worried it may have prevented him from settling his cultivation successfully.

"It is ok. I know what to do." Liang Yu shook his head and raised his hand to stop any protests from starting up. "My qi is fine, trust me."

"Hmm, you are going to go all out?" Liang Jian asked. "The best way to end it quickly and make things work in our favor for later." His eyes looked towards the Dark Moon elder that was watching. "Sure I shouldn't make any more bets?"

"Do what you think is best." Liang Yu thumped his fingers along the scratch marks frowning. "I was foolish and careless just then, made should have.."

"You did the right thing." Old Xu chimed in. "No sense in causing a problem when you can avoid it. The Merchant Families are a bit of a problem."