Help Me and I'll Help You

After hearing everything Dr. Park Sunghae said, Tae-tae felt relieved, his grandparents were recovering after their surgery and so was his uncle. "So, uncle Sung, are you into my aunt?"

Dr. Park gasped and stared at the kid dumbfounded because he did not see that coming. "Did she tell you anything?!" The doctor asked and Tae-tae nodded with a smile.

"Kind of. Do you want a hand? I can help you out."

[Is this kid an angel? That's exactly what I asked God for... help with Mira.] Little did the doctor knew that the little kid had his motivations to help him with winning his aunt's heart. "I would love that. But what can I do to repay you?" And he fell like a little duck in the kid's trick.

"Do you, perhaps, knows a man who's single, a genius, good-looking, doesn't like playing mind games, is self-centered, loves his family, and is straight?" He chuckled at that.

"I know a guy who's just like that. My cousin. Why?"

"Can you give me his name, age and tell me what does he do? Then I'll help you with aunt Mira all you want."

[Was this his goal all the time?] It was. "Park Seojin. He's some months older than your mom, probably. And he's the CEO of the Park Group. Could you tell me why you want to know this, kid?"

Tae-tae nodded after pondering for some time. "Yes. I want to find a suitable boyfriend for mommy and a new dad for me. You see, mommy doesn't take care of herself at all, she doesn't do anything for her. Only for me and her work. This means she doesn't even look at other men with a desire to be loved. And I want mommy to be happy. Well, I also want to have a dad. Don't get me wrong, she's enough for me, I love mommy more than anything in the world, but I always wanted to know how is it to have a paternal figure by my side."

And that was when Dr. Park Sang realized that Choi Taeyoung was not a simple kid at all, he was a little genius and far too mature for his age. "Did your mom ever tell you how precious you are, kid?"

"Yeah. She kind of tells me that every single day." They laughed and came into an agreement. "So, this will be our secret, okay? I won't tell aunt Jiah this time, because she's already going to be full of work to do, once she'll be taking care of the Choi Group for the time being, until uncle gets better. Which means, she won't be able to help me out. But I'll help you with her, and you help me get in touch with this cousin of yours, what do you think?"

[Is this kid for real? And why do I feel some Seojin's vibes from him? It must be destiny talking.] "It's a deal." Tae-tae and Dr. Park Sang shook hands and then the kid was out, going to his grandmother's room.


Jiah felt relieved when she heard that Dr. Kim Minjee was the one taking care of her sister and that she was a doctor, not a nurse as she'd thought at first when they talked. "So, my family is recovering well, slowly, but well, and my sis is going to be okay too, right?" Dr. Jihye nodded and Jiah sighed in relief.

"Can I ask you a question?" The doctor asked and she became wary, already knowing what she was going to ask her, and already not wanting to answer, but she nodded.

"Why do you hate Mr. Park Seojin? What did he, honestly, do to deserve your hatred?" Of course, Jihye was kind of testing her, once she already knew what had happened because Seojin had told her.

"As I've already said before, he hurt my sister, used her, and didn't take responsibility for it, as he should."

[So, she also wanted him to take responsibility for it. Which, of course, is the right to do.] "Just with that, I can imagine that they slept together. So, you want him to marry her? Shouldn't you guys just demand him to do that? It's reasonable."

Jiah sighed. [It's not that easy.] "Well, my parents sure would make him marry Aeri. At least, if they knew about what happened. Which they don't. My sister only told me, she never told anyone but me. She didn't want to even hear his name, because she was not only mad but hurt."

Dr. Jihye sighed, understanding the situation better. "Do you still want him to take responsibility, now that you guys are back in Seoul?"

"I do. Of course, I do."

"Than you want them to get married?" And just with that, she left Jiah alone in the room, speechless, finally realizing what that means.


Hana woke up after some hours, she looked at her forearm and noticed that she was taking some serum in her veins, and then she remembered everything. "For fuck's sake..."

"Oh, I see you woke up," Dr. Kim Minjee said, getting on her feet and analyzing Aeri's features. "You're not as pale as before, but you're still weak and probably starving. You should be more careful when it comes to your healthy, Young Miss Choi."

"The nurse from the reception?" She spoke more to herself than to the doctor, who chuckled softly.

"Yes, that was me. And I'm not a nurse. I'm a doctor. Dr. Kim Minjee, that's my name, by the way. Once you won't remember me," Aeri stared at her blankly and confused.

"I fell... on the ground?"

After some time, Dr. Kim understood what she was saying. "Nope. You fell into someone else's arms. Thank god that guy was there at that exact moment, or you would have fallen on the ground."

[What? A guy? What is she saying?] "Who? What guy are you talking about?"

"Mr. Park Seojin!"

Aeri's face became paler, which surprised Dr. Kim, who was expecting a different reaction, maybe a happier one.

[Fuck. Me.]