Losing His Cool

Special mass release, August 8th of 2022. Part 2/7!


Sunghae stared at Jiah with a shocked gaze, and when his cousin left, he voiced his thoughts. "Is Seojin, Taeyoung's father?" But she said nothing, so he asked again. "Jiah, tell me! Is he the boy's father? Is he?"

Jiah clenched her teeth, cursing her situation. "Only Aeri knows!" She exclaimed without looking into his eyes, but he didn't buy it.

"Don't bullshit me, Jiah, come on. Ain't no way you don't know that! You lived with her abroad since she left high school. Is Seojin the father of that boy, or not?" Sunghae questioned apprehensively.

She sighed. "I'm not sure. Honestly, she never told me directly, but I always had the suspicion that it could be him, mainly because of little Tae's golden eyes. However, there are other people with those eyes, although it's not easy to find. She also spent years in love with him, but he never gave a shit to her, never even looked in her eyes, that's why I'm so furious with him. And because of how he didn't see her, I doubted he could have slept with her, but I don't know anymore."

Sunghae passed his fingers through his hair, anxiously. "He once told me he slept with her on their ball of graduation, but I never took that seriously. Now I'm starting to get really anxious because of that."

"My sister hates him more than anything," she muttered.

"Yeah, he told me she seemed to hate him after he woke up on her bed," he sighed. "But as you said, there's a possibility of him not being his father. Only Aeri knows the truth. And she seemed to hate the kid's father," [God, why is this so complicated.] "If you don't know, I take that your parents and brother have no idea either, hm?!"

"No. They tried to make her tell them when we learned of her pregnancy, but she refused to say it. And she didn't even want him in the beginning," Sunghae noticed the pain in her voice. "Now he's her everything. You saw how she was ready to prohibit me from seeing again, just because of my little lie."

"Why did you lie, to begin with?"

She sighed. "I don't know. It just... happened. I thought of the possibility of him being Park Seojin's son, and I saw how Dr. Jihye defended that asshole... it made me angry and wary. So, I just... lied!"

The doctor sat down, feeling anxious. "If he is the kid's father, I think you will get into trouble again because you told him the boy is your son. And Aeri said she doesn't want to hide from the kid's father, as much as she hates the man. But if he isn't, then it'll be one more person we'll have to lie to."

Jiah sat on the ground, feeling troubled. "She's right, I only make problems."

"We can't say anything until we are sure he's Taeyoung's father. Which means I'll have to lie to my best friend, and that will a little troublesome because he'll beat me up if he ends up being the father," Sunghae laughed through pain. "Oh, God. And if Seojin is his father, he will get really angry at all of you, and mainly at Aeri for hiding from him. Their past issues aside, he's an amazing serious person, Jiah. He'll do everything to be part of the kid's life and be his father!"

Sunhae turned his eyes to her and saw how she was about to have a panic crisis.

"Either way, let's keep this a secret between us for a while!" His words made her feel calmer, and thankful to him for his help.


After Jihye told him she hadn't found his phone, he went to find Minjee, and when he did, he found her at the back of the hospital, smoking what seemed to be weed, so he stayed about eight steps away from her. "So, doctors also use this, hm?" He exclaimed catching her by surprise, making her throw the strange cigarette on the ground and step on it.

"Oh my heart, you almost killed me, dude," she said with her hands on her heart. "Did you come for your phone?"

[So, it's really with her!] "Yes. Where did you find it?"

She sighed. "You forgot on the table close to where you left Aeri when she fainted!"

[Oh, that makes sense.] "Thank you for that! Can you give it to me now?"

Taking it from her pocket, she extended her hand for him, but when he was about to get it back, she took it away, like a kid. "Tell me something first!"

He had to use all his willpower not to be rude to her. "What is it?"

But she was straightforward. "Did you ever sleep with Choi Aeri, Seojin?" She asked with her eyebrows raised, and an accusative gleam in her eyes.

"How is it that everyone knows that now?" He exclaimed to himself, annoyed. "Yes. We had sex, why? Does that concern you?" Seojin was done with those questions.

A mocking smile appeared on her mouth, "Oh, dear, you must have messed up with her so bad to make her go from loving you blindly to hating you with all of her strength, hm?" The tone of the doctor put him on guard.

"I don't see how that's your business, doctor!"

She scoffed. "I thought you were a good person, but you slept with her and didn't even take responsibility for it, what a jerk move, Park Seojin! You act like a gentleman, but it seems like you are quite the opposite of that."

Seojin was about to lose his cool. "Listen, Minjee, I don't know why do you keep butting in on such a matter. But just to make it sure, I didn't really know who she was, and neither did I know her name. It was a mistake. And if she wanted me to take responsibility, she wouldn't have disappeared and would have come after me!"

"God, are you listening to yourself? You didn't know who she was? Seriously? We all studied together since kindergarten, asshole. She loved you and everybody knew, she even confessed to you back in middle school, but you didn't give a damn. You should be ashamed of yourself. Did you know that everybody wanted her? How wouldn't they? She was hot, cool, and the smartest girl ever. But she only had eyes for you and refused everybody who made a move on her. While you only saw one girl back in school, and it was the dumbest whore who ever studied with us. She only wanted you for your status, and money, and even ended up cheating you with your friend!" The doctor giggled at that.

And that was it. He was done. "Let me see, you were also in love with her? I know you prefer girls, so that must be why you are so angry. She loved me, and only me. Did she even know your name?" The woman clenched her teeth. "How's that any different from how she loved me and I didn't see her? Look at yourself first, asshole!"

That made Minjee angry. "We didn't sleep together. She didn't break me and made me loathe her. And I'm allowed to get close to her and her family as well, which you, apparently, aren't! So, yeah, it's very different from your situation," she threw his phone at him. "But don't worry, I'm sure she'll break you just like you broke her when you hear the truth!" The doctor gave him a vicious smile.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

But she was already turning her back to him. "You will prove of your own poison, dear. Now piss off, I have patients to see. Your presence is ruining my mood."

Then she left, leaving him angry and speechless. But he wasn't going to lose his time with any of that, he had reunions to attend in his company. He did what he could to help the Choi elders and their son, but now it's out of his hands.