Settling In

Special mass release, August 8th of 2022. Part 4/7!


It took Aeri a week to settle in with Tae-tae. For the time being, she switched times with her sister so they could take of their family in the hospital. While Aeri was there, Jiah was at the villa with Tae-tae, and when Jiah was there, Aeri was with her son. And at the end of the week, their parents and Mori were transferred to a suite in the hospital, when they got better enough to not need any other surgery.

And so, they wouldn't need to be there 100% of the time and would be able to focus on taking care of the company and of Aeri's projects. Once it was vacation time in Korea, Tae-tae didn't need to go to school, but Aeri already made Ashlyn go there and enroll him in the next semester of school, and made sure they would put him three classes above his age, once he was a qualified advanced student. She also made Hyujoon prepare an office, especially for Tae-tae to study when the time came.

When it comes to Tae-tae, one week was enough for him to make everyone in the villa fall over his heels, in love with the kid. Makes Aeri happy, once she knows how loved her son was supposed to be. Especially when at the moment, he's the only grandchildren of the Choi family, once neither of her siblings had any child yet.

She just prayed that he would give her some time and wouldn't begin his search for a dad just yet, because she wasn't in the mood to go along with his matchmaking at the moment. But her son didn't agree with her. And that's why he found a way to get Sunghae's phone number, so he would be able to get in touch with the doctor's cousin.

But he tried to do all of that without his mom or his aunt knowing about it, otherwise, he could get in trouble. Especially at this moment. So, he got closer to the steward, in a way to assure the man would help him out when his mom and aunt weren't around.

"Hyujoon," he called him, half an hour after his mother left for the hospital and his aunt to the company. "I need your help with something, but you will have to keep it a secret from mommy and aunt, or they are going to get really pissed. And you don't want to see my mom pissed, right?"

The steward knew the kid was planning something but helped him anyway. "I do not. So, what can I help you with, young master?" He asked, sitting on the chair in front of Taeyoung.

"You see, I'm on a search to find a boyfriend for my mom and a dad for me. But mommy is quite unwilling to help me out with that, so, I'm trying to find someone who can melt her heart and soften her up," [what an interesting kid.] "And I got in contact with my uncle's doctor, who's in love with my aunt, and we made a deal that I would help him with her if he helped me find the right man for my mom. Someone who wouldn't mind a child like me, and would love me as well!"

[It must have been hard with only him and his mom in the US,] the man sympathized with the kid. "Master Mori's doctor is Park Sunghae, right?" The kid nodded. "Who is the man he told you about? His cousin?" [If yes, that would be quite funny to see, especially given his ]

The kid's smile grew bigger, "Yes. Do you know him?"

"He's friends with your grandparents. I don't know if you know, but he was the first one to know about their accident, so he told his cousin to call Miss Jiah in the US," [by how surprised he looks, I guess they didn't meet yet.] "And, he also studied with your mom since they were kids."

[That makes it easier!] "He studied with mommy? Do you think they would match?"

Hyujoon grinned, "Oh, I'm sure they would!"

"So, you will help me?"

"Yes. But your mother can't know I helped you, or she's going to kill me, okay?" Taeyoung giggled at that. "And it won't be difficult, once your grandparents warned us to always allow him to come here. He has a green pass with them. Even with your mom and your aunt here, your grandparents are my bosses, and their word weighs more than their children, that's their order! None of their children can disobey their rules!"

"Mommy is gentle, she doesn't get mad for nothing. The doctor's cousin would need to make something really terrible or something against me to make her mad," he rolled his shoulders.

[If only the kid knew the effect that man has on his mother...] Hyujoon thought to himself, but said something about that, after all, if Miss Aeri wanted her son to know about her past, she would have told him. "Alright, kid, so, what's your plan?"

"I just needed you to allow him to come here and not tell anyone to mom and aunt. But once letting him in isn't a problem, I just need you to turn a blind eye to that, okay?" [Then I'll be able to question him and know if he's worth trying to match with mommy!]

The steward agreed and left the kid alone in his playing room. Then Tae-tae decided to call the doctor, to make sure nothing would happen. He turned his phone on and disked his number, and he picked up right away. "Hey, kiddo. Is everything alright?"

"Hi, doctor. Yes, it's fine. So, mommy just left to go to the hospital, then she'll have three meetings in a roll with some investors interested in her projects. My aunt went to the company, she'll go to the hospital at 3 pm, to see my grandparents and uncle Mori. Take that time and ask her to have dinner with you today, I checked her schedule and it's clear for the night, give it a shot!"

[Damn, I never thought an eight-year-old kid would help me with my love life like this,] "You are an angel. But, kid, there's something I forgot to tell you!"

"What is it?"

"Well, your aunt kind of lied to my cousin when he came here as well. I don't know why, but she panicked and told him you're her son," Sunghae told him. "So, hm, act like that for a while, okay?"

Tae-tae slapped his forehead, [God, why is aunt like this?] "Okay, I'll try finding a way to touch the matter. Can you send me his number?"

"I'll forward it to you right away," after a second he did it. "There it is! Now I have to go, wish me luck with your aunt. And good luck with my cousin!" Then he hung up.

[Why did she lied? Damn it, she won't be able to escape from mommy this time. Is she really only going to learn when mom decides to prohibit her from seeing me for a while? How can she be my mother's sister when she can be so... stupid?] He thought but didn't voice it out loud.

Saving the number on his phone, he checked the name. Park Seo-Jin.

He smiled. [His name is beautiful, I hope he also is. Mommy deserves the best of the best. And if it works, and they get together, if they decide to give me a brother or a sister in the future, the kid will be gorgeous as well. Just not as much as I am.]

Still, with a grin on, he called the man, and after three rings he picked up. "CEO of the Park Group, Park Seojin here. Who wants to speak with me, and what can I help you with?"

[So, he's a CEO? That means he might not only care about his future partner's money. That's a white flag!] "Hello, sir. I'm Choi Taeyoung, the only grandson of the Choi Group's chairman! Doctor Park Sunghae gave me your number, could I have a meeting with you right now, if possible?"

Seojin giggled in the other way of the line, "How old are you, kid?"

"In Korean age, I'm eight. But in the international age, I'm seven years old. Why? Is my age an obstacle for me to able to meet with you?" [Come on, show me if you adore kids or not.]

[What an interesting kid!] "Of course, not. I'll free my schedule for two hours, and go meet you. Is that enough time for whatever you want to speak with me?"

[He didn't deny meeting me, another white flag!] "Two hours is enough, thank you very much. I'm staying at my grandparents' villa, according to what steward Hyujoon told me, I take that you know where the property is! Be sure to bring the best chocolate with hazel nuts that you find on your way, I appreciate them very much. Now, I'll hang up and wait for your arrival!"

And just like that, he hung up, feeling happy and anxious. [I have a good feeling about this Seojin. If he bring the chocolate for me, I'll give him one more white flag in my notebook!]