
We were now headed to the Adventurer's Guild after checking out the dorm. Paimon said she wanted to sleep, so I let her stay at the dorm. I guess floating really is tiring for her. I looked around the scenery as me and Amber walked around. She was close to me as well. This is fine, right?

I could see people using phones and some are even walking with headphones on. I was almost hit by a car last time in another world when I did that, so I know that you should really pay attention to your surroundings. Speaking of cars, the cars in this world are just the same as any other world that has cars. I wonder what kind of circuitry it has inside.

Amber was looking at me closely as we walked. I was getting a little uncomfortable, so I asked her why she was staring.

"Oh, it was just that I was wondering how you would look without your long hair."

Come to think of it, this world still has boys who have extremely long hair. The other modern worlds I visited only had a few of them, but it seems it's still pretty prominent in this world.

"Although, I think you look better like this." She said with a smile.

I could feel my face heat up from that. G-geez, don't just say stuff like that out of the blue.

"Ehe, look at how red your face is~"

Ah, damnit! I should've known she was teasing me!

I composed myself as we continued on walking. Once we arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, I couldn't help but look at the building with a dumbfounded expression. It was way out of place in a modern city like this. It was made of wood and even had lanterns as a source of light! We headed in and what I saw was even more weird. I couldn't have imagined seeing a scene like this. The whole lobby was filled with people wearing modern clothing with some light armor. Oh, I equipped my gloves and arm guards as well since it seemed appropriate in this situation.

We walked to the counter where a beautiful woman was standing.

"Ad astra abyssoque! Welcome Traveller, what can I do for you?" said the beautiful woman.

"Nice to meet you, I'm here to register as an adventurer."

"Very well then. Please sign here," she said as she handed me a form. Paperwork… well, at least it wasn't as thick as a book. I signed the form and after that, they led me to a room with a white background with a camera. I guess they'll take my ID picture here.

After doing all of that, they gave me my ID. Wow, that was rather quick. I stared at the ID and felt a bit weird seeing myself on it. I haven't gotten myself an ID before. They said that they'll give me four commissions that I could start doing tomorrow. Good, I feel tired today anyways, so I don't think I could do them today.

We exited the building and made our way back to the dorms. Oh, I haven't described the dorm yet have I? The dorm was too big for one person. Well, I guess that was understandable given that it had a bunk bed. I called dibs on the top, but… I didn't even have anyone to sleep with. Paimon mostly disappears when it's time for bed.

"I'm beat! Say, you wouldn't mind me staying here for the night right?" said Amber as she laid down on the bed. We got to the dorm pretty late. Well, that was mostly because we bought more clothes for me. I feel bad for making Amber pay for all of it, but she said she doesn't really mind.

"Not really, but what about clothing?"

"I have this." she said as she held up a ring.

"A storage ring huh."

So they still use those things in this world. I only see them being used in world's that aren't as advanced as this one. This world sure is weird and surprising. I sighed and headed up. It was already night time. I didn't even get to eat dinner.

I looked below me only to see that Amber was already fast asleep. Paimon appeared before me and just greeted me goodnight then disappeared again. If you were just going to do that and disappear, don't do it to begin with!

I looked up the ceiling and started thinking. Is my sister doing well? Is she eating? Did she meet interesting people?

I fell asleep with those thoughts in my mind.


I opened my eyes to a grey ceiling. I went down and looked at the sleeping Amber.

"Amber, wake up. We need to get ready."

"Ngh… five more minutes!" she said as she rolled over.

I sighed and picked up a pair of clothes in the closet and headed to the bathroom. Luckily, this room already had a towel, soap, and shampoo.

After taking a bath I came out feeling refreshed. It was only now that I realized, it was still dark out. I didn't have a phone, so I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 3 AM. I really wake up too early. Argh, I don't have anything to do!

I sat beside Amber on the bed and just started to poke her cheeks out of boredom. I would've just pinched Paimon's cheeks, but she's still asleep as well.

"Ehe, that tickles~" she said with a smile. She's still asleep though, so I kept on doing it. However, I should have already stopped when she spoke. I think she's mad.

"What are you doing?" she said as she looked at me with flushed cheeks. She's not mad?

"I- uh… I was just bored since I woke up too early. Um, what are you doing?" she sat up and placed both of her hands on my cheeks. She then proceeded to pinch them and stretch them. It hurts!

"Ow! I'm sowwy!" I said as I begged for mercy.

"Ehehe, this is payback~" she said with flushed cheeks and clouded eyes. She's embarrassed huh. Well, I'll just let this one slide since it was my fault to begin with.

That continued on for a few more minutes. I hope my cheeks don't get super stretched and get all soggy. Paimon woke up a few moments later after that.


"So, it seems like I'm still going to watch over you today." said Amber as she put down her phone. She said it was a call from Barbara saying that the teacher still hasn't recovered. I'm surprised that they don't have a cure-all medicine in this world, but hey, who am I to judge?

"Wanna hold hands?" she said in a teasing tone. She said it, so I just grabbed her hand and held it tight. Her cheeks flushed as soon as I did that. The air was filled with awkward silence as we held hands while walking. I decided to break this silence by asking about my uniform.

"So, when will my uniform be given?" I asked Amber as she was looking down. Shouldn't you look straight ahead? You might trip, you know?

"I guess about a week from now," she said as she finally looked up. Guess that's that.

We arrived at the school gates and headed inside. It was only 5 AM, so it was still pretty dark. We walked to my classroom. I was actually shocked to see someone in there.

"Mein Fraulein, it seems someone is here," said the purple raven.

"Oh my, if it isn't the new student and the bunny girl," said the blonde girl with fair skin and light green eyes. Her name was Fischl, right? Should I play along with this? Yeah, I'll play along.

"Nice to meet you, milady. I'm sure you already know who I am, but let me introduce myself once more. I am Aether. May I have the honor to know Milady's name?" I said with a bow. I could hear Amber whispering "Wow," beside me.

"Very well. I am Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung. I have descended upon by the call of fate. This one here is my familiar, Oz." Wait, is she really like me?

"My, is milady the same as me?"

"Oh? Are you not from this world as well?" she said with a curious look on her face. Even Amber looked curious. Oh right, I haven't told her yet.

"That is correct, milady. I am an Outlander."

Amber and Fischl looked shocked when I said that, but they both quickly calmed down.

"I guess that explains why you can use an Elemental power without a vision. If you don't mind me asking, why are you in this world Aether?" I took a bit before I answered Amber's question.

"I'm here to look for my sister."


Here's that awkward silence again. Amber apologized, but I said that I didn't really mind. I told Amber and Fischl my story the same way I told it to Paimon. With that, two more people became aware of my situation.

"Wow, that was actually something…" Eh? So Fischl can also speak normally huh? As if sensing me staring at her, Fischl looked away in embarrassment.

"You know, I like you better this way Fischl." I said with a smile. Fischl looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Mein Fraulein seems to be in a blank state. I suggest not talking to her for a while." said Oz. Oops, this is my fault huh.

I waved at Fischl one last time and went to my seat at the back. This day might be interesting with an opening like that. Fuhuhu, I wonder what's in store.