Fighting Dvalin

It was now dawn and I was getting ready to go to Stormterror's lair. Mona was up and about while Paimon was still sleeping soundly. Mona was still worried, that's the reason she woke up early. She prepared me food, spare clothing and even a first aid kit. This is actually good though. Even if I can heal using the statues, I can't always warp in and out just to heal my injuries. So just bandaging it is enough.

"Be careful, okay?"

"I will."

I kissed her on the forehead. I was going to kiss her on the lips, but I felt like that might be foreboding something bad so I didn't. I placed the bag she prepared for me into my storage ring and warped to Stormterror's lair. When I got there, Venti was already there and already had his bow out.

"You ready?"

"Yes." I said in a somewhat serious manner.

We went up to the tower and while on our way, I activated the Statue of The Seven that was located here. When we got to the top, we noticed a monolith. Venti went to it and inspected it.

"There seems to be a seal. We need to activate this first to be able to save Dvalin."

It seems that we needed to activate this to break the seal for Dvalin to appear. I looked around and saw three other monoliths in the distance. I told Venti about it and he said that he'll take care of one while I do two. I could kinda understand his reasoning, but seriously, this guy is a god and yet he's making me do most of the work.

I hopped down the tower and walked to the first monolith using Air Walk. When I got there I saw three floating transparent pyramids scattered about. I didn't touch them yet because I thought they might be a trap, but after inspecting the monolith, I knew that these things we needed. After putting them in, the monolith shot a beam of light meaning that it was successful.

After finishing the first one, I went to the other one. However, as soon as I entered within a certain field, a Pyro Abyss mage, five Hilichurls, and a green Samachurl appeared. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I haven't actually fought a green Samachurl before, so I was weary.

It swayed its staff and vines appeared from the ground making barricades. Not just that, I seem to be affected with a status ailment. I don't really know what this does, so I better make sure I don't get hit. I finished the Hilichurls off first. They were fairly easy to deal with since they were just holding clubs.

The real problem started when I was caught off guard by a fireball from the Pyro Abyss mage. When it hit me, it hurted way more than normal. I should have guessed it. The green Samachurl was a Dendro Samachurl. I should have known when I saw the vines, but I guess it wasn't really my fault since I haven't seen someone with a Dendro Vision yet. Although, I'm very pissed. It did just help in ruining my coat. I was burned on my left arm, but luckily, I activated the Statue earlier so I could just heal here later without even worrying about losing sight of what's happening. Well, let's not worry about that. It's time to vent out my anger on these shitheads.

I quickly dealt with the Samachurl with one fell swoop. I don't know if it was just me imagining things, but I kinda felt that the Samachurl was experiencing fear. I quickly shook off that feeling and switched my blade to Hydro. I didn't warp this time, I just dashed while using an air propulsion that I made on my feet. I closed the 5 meter distance in less than a second. I did two slashed on the Pyro Abyss mage. One for the bubble and one for the creature itself.

After that, I gathered the remaining pyramids and placed them in the monolith. Just like before, the monolith shot a beam of light. Before going back to the top of the tower, I went to the statue first to heal my burn. It was completely healed, not even leaving a mark. It made it look like nothing happened at all. Seriously, the healing power in this world is insane.

I went to the top of the tower and met up with Venti. He was just sitting there. Since we still had time, I changed my coat to a new one and bandaged my arms for more protection against hits.

"I didn't get to say it earlier, but I like your new look." said Venti.

"The only thing that changed was the way I tie my hair though. I'm still basically the same when you saw me."

"No, the coat is different."

"Okay, this is going nowhere."

A few moments later after the seal was broken, Dvalin came out. Alright, time to get ready. I quickly made an Anemo shield and quickly readied myself. However, instead of attacking, Dvalin was running away.

"Not this time!"

I quickly gave chase to him. Venti had the same idea as me, but he was gliding. I don't really get how they use it, but now isn't the time for this. As we took chase after Dvalin, arrows made out of the Anemo element were being shot by Venti without even holding a bow. They were just appearing out of nowhere and being shot forward. This requires quite a lot of precision and accuracy.

I told him to give me an opening so that I could get close. When I got close, I tried to slash at the crystal on his nape, but right before my blade hit, an Anemo vortex blocked it. I quickly hopped backwards and I was right to do so. Because just right after I hopped backwards, an explosion of air occured. It even broke my shield. It wasn't just any explosion of air either. It had spikes along with it. All of it was directed at me.

When I tried to dodge them, they all followed me. They were homing on me. This is going to be a problem. I created a new stronger shield and blocked the spikes. After successfully blocking the spikes, I went close to him again and this time, I warped us to my Domain. Venti's a god, so I'm sure he'll find a way to get here.

As soon as we got to my Domain, I immediately made chains so that I could restrain him. I fell on my ass due to a really bad headache. I've never tried warping such a large target before, so of course this took a toll on me, but I wasn't expecting it to take this much out of me. I didn't have time for a breather though.

Dvalin was struggling and I could hear the chains crack. When I looked at him, I saw four large wind arrows that shattered to create more than a hundred small ones.


I staggerly stood up and made multiple shields, ten to be exact, to block all the arrows. I feel like I'm gonna vomit.