
It is now 7 AM and I am still up. I did not sleep again after that tea session with Lisa. Where was I? I was in our hotel room lying in bed and just staring at Ganyu and Noelle. They were still sleeping soundly. They must have been really tired from yesterday. Hm, maybe I'll take care of them today. Well, after the training with Lisa at least.

After a few more minutes, Ganyu was the first to wake up.

"Good morning, Dear." I said with a smile.

When she heard this, her face went completely red. I should call her this from time to time to see this reaction of hers. Well, at least until she gets used to it. I'll just call her that everyday if she gets used to it though. She didn't respond. She just went silent while her face was as red as a tomato. I think I broke her.

"Ganyu? Are you okay? I was just teasing you, y'know?"


Ah, shit. I sat up, held her shoulders, and then began to shake her gently. I kept repeating her name over and over again until she finally snapped out of it. I sighed in relief, but when I thought that all of it was already over, Ganyu said something that shocked me.

"Can I call you Dear as well?"

"Um, sure. I'm only gonna call you Dear from time to time though. I mean, you saw what happened earlier."


After a few more minutes, Noelle woke up as well. When she woke up, she noticed that Ganyu was a little more clingy than usual. She asked me why Ganyu was like this, so I told her what happened earlier. When I told her about me agreeing to Ganyu calling me Dear, she looked a bit left out.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's nothing…"

"No, I know you want to say something. Come on, just say it."

"T-then… Can I call you Darling?"

"Eh? Um… Okay, sure!"

Wah, that sure caught me off guard. My face is burning. Ah, so this was how Ganyu felt earlier huh. I sighed and gave both of them a pat on the head. After a few minutes, we decided to order our breakfast to our room. Well, I decided. When they asked me why, I just told them that I'll be taking care of them today and that they won't have to do anything. They were about to decline, but before they could say anything, I told them that they couldn't stop me.

"You're dead set on this, aren't you Dear?" I blushed a bit when Ganyu said this.

"Hell yeah I am."

They both giggled and said that this was one of the things they love about me. My caring side. I smiled at them and we chatted while we waited for the food to arrive. When the breakfast arrived, I just made a table out of Geo since I'm too lazy to look for the table that's somewhere in this room.

"Alright, Ganyu will go first. Say ahh~"

"W-what!? You know we can eat on our own right?"

"And you know that I said I'll take care of both of you, right?"

They both looked at each other and just sighed. They both knew that no matter what they say, I won't listen to them and just do what I want to do. So, I fed Ganyu first and then Noelle. I kept switching between them until finally their plates were clean. I was eating with them as well of course. I cleaned up the table and made it disappear. After that, I turned to see that both girls were chatting happily with each other.

"Hehe… I could get used to something like this."

However, I have this lingering feeling that something bad is about to happen. Something that the humans need to resolve with all their might. Just what is that thing though. Well, no matter what it is, I'm gonna stop it. My friends and lovers are here after all.

"Darling? What's wrong? You look like you're in deep thought…"

Noelle held my face and had a worried look in her eyes. I could see that Ganyu had the same look in her eyes as well.

"Come to think of it, you still haven't told us what happened on your journey yesterday." said Ganyu.

I sighed and told them everything. Well, I didn't exactly tell them about the warning that Mountain Shaper gave me. I thought that if I told them, they might just worry even more. Wait no, they will worry even more. I did tell them about the glow that my sword has though. They already knew about the eyes after all.

"Oh, I'm also making a breathing technique."

They both titled their heads a little and asked me what exactly a breathing technique is. After explaining, I told them that it wasn't really complete yet. Hell, it wasn't even all that stable. Yesterday, if I didn't hold back a bit, I would have not been able to move. The toll it takes on my body is kinda annoying.

"Darling, please don't use it yet," said Noelle.

"She's right Dear, if you use it in its current state, you might get a serious injury," said Ganyu.

"Ahaha, alright alright. I won't use it except for when the situation calls for it."

I gave them both a pat on the head. They giggled and said "More~~". Seriously, why are all the girls I've fallen for so far this childish whenever we are alone or whenever I pamper them. Not that I mind it though. To be honest, I love this.

After a while, I received a text from Mona. She said that she and the girls are heading out for a bit and was asking if I would like to come.

/Sorry, but I want to be selfish today and take care of Ganyu and Noelle./

/Aw~ do that to me and the others as well, okay? Well, love you, bye./

/Love you too./

I put my phone down and laid down on the bed. Haah, what else should I do today?