Crack In Reality

While I was laying down on bed, I began pondering on what Zhongli said to me earlier.

"Inazuma, huh…"

It's a nation that consists of six islands and is just a few ways off from Liyue. Based on what Zhongli said earlier, the nation is on complete lockdown and is holding a decree called the Vision Hunt Decree. The Electro Archon, Baal, just upheld this decree without any warning one day. There's also an ongoing war on the nation. Haah, I feel like that nation is going to be the most problematic yet. Well, I'm sure I can handle it… I think.

"What's wrong, hon?" asked Havria as she laid down beside me. She just finished taking a bath. Noelle was on a nearby couch reading a book while Ganyu had just entered the bathroom after she readied her sleeping clothes. Noelle has already finished taking a bath.

"Oh, it's nothing big really. I'm just thinking about how problematic Inazuma will be for me."

"Inazuma? Do you mean the nation that consists of islands?"

"Mhm, that's it. You've read about it in some books, huh?"

"Mhm! It's a good pass time! I've also read a lot of books about plants. Maybe… I can plant some Glaze Lilies…"

There was an air of melancholy coming out of her as she uttered the last few words. I turned to her and gave her a warm embrace. She nuzzles onto my chest and hugs me back. She still can't move on from the fact that almost all the people she knew were and if it were not for me, she too would have disappeared from this world.

"It's okay, I'm here now. I won't disappear, I promise you that." I said in a voice not louder than a whisper.


Slowly but surely, Havria fell asleep in my arms. Archons, she's so adorable. After a few minutes of just watching her sleep, I heard the door to the bathroom open. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ganyu in light blue pajamas. Ganyu laid down behind me and gave me a tight hug, pressing her chest against my back.

"I can't believe you chose a Liyue Citizenship rather than letting out posters."

"Well, the posters would really work."

"Fufu, I suppose so. You both may have exotic clothing, but people might think it's just something new."

As expected, she got it. Another reason was because posters really won't do much if I don't give a picture of the missing person. Knowing people like me and my sister, then we absolutely don't have any. We've taken our company for granted. We never really thought about being separated. Well, being separated for this long at least.

"You'll find her, I'm sure of it." said Ganyu as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Noelle stood up from her seat and laid down beside Havria. She held my hand and mouthed me a good night before falling asleep. I guess reading made her sleepy. I held her hands tightly and slowly fell asleep as well.


When morning came, once again, I was the first one to wake up. I don't really know what to do today so I just decided on trying to at least get the hang of this new flame of mine. I need to minimize the damage it does to me. Even though I don't get any wounds, it still hurts as hell.

I slowly slipped out from the clutches of my lovers, being careful to not wake them up, and went to take out my coat. Tomorrow is the wedding so I shouldn't damage my body too much. Maybe I should bring Barbara with me? Yeah, maybe that should be right. I picked up my phone and contacted Barbara.

//Good morning, Barbara.//

//Good morning, Aether~ What is it that you needed this early?//

//I'm planning on training my new ability. Would you mind coming with me?//

//Not at all. I'll text you when I'm ready.//

//Alright then.//

I said I wouldn't bring anyone to my Domain anymore, but since it's cleared now, it should be alright. I'm still gonna release it though. I need to find a more suitable place to train where I can also bring the others. This should also be the last time that I'll use that Domain.

While waiting for Barbara, the girls woke up and looked at me.

"Where are you going?" they all asked in unison.

"Just gonna train for a bit. Don't worry about me getting hurt, I'm bringing Barbara along with me."

"Mhm… Alright then. Still, be careful, okay?"


Just as I said that, my phone rang and I saw Barbara messaged me.

"See y'all later!"

They nodded as I exited the room. I walked through the halls until I arrived at the front of the room where Barbara was staying. Barbara exited the door and I was surprised when I saw Jean come out with her.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be here, Jean. Are you coming with us?"

"Of course. I would also be useful in healing you."

Jean heals as well? Huh, I didn't know that. Well, the more help I get on recovering, the faster my training will be. I held both of their hands and teleported to my Domain. Dang, there's already abyssal energy? It's a small amount, and by the looks of it, it doesn't seem to affect Jean or Barbara at all. Just to be sure though, I asked them if they felt any changes but they just shook their heads. That's good, I guess I shouldn't worry about this for now. I told them to stay a few ways away from me and they agreed.

I walked to the middle of the room and sat down. Instead of just releasing it while screaming like a fucking anime protagonist, I'm planning to release my flames while meditating so that I can focus on healing my body as well. If the healing is not enough or if it is too slow, I'll ask for Barbara and Jean's help.

I took in deep breaths as I let out my flames. It hurts, but I need to endure it. Right now, I'm only using around 20% of its power. If I use it at full power, I'm afraid that I might faint again. Actually, this 20% already feels like it's stronger than the one I used during the Osial fight. Did it get stronger after being fused with Gluttony for so long? If so, then I'm afraid I'll explode rather than faint.

Gah, I should stop thinking too much and just focus. If I lose focus, I might lose control over this. Breathe… Alright, the flames have calmed again. While doing this, I was also using the healing of my Gluttony, so it may appear that I was surrounded by black and gold flames.

When I did this at first, I heard the sisters gasp in worry, but they just rolled with it. I-isn't that dangerous? Why would they just roll with it? You know what, I think they just accepted how broken of a being I am. I don't really know if that's good or not.

Ah, the pain is getting worse. I opened my eyes and mouthed Barbara to cast her healing on me. She nodded and suddenly, a ring of Hydro with musical notes surrounded me. I was worried that the ring would vaporize due to my flames, but luckily, the ring was surrounding me far enough so that my flames couldn't touch it. Smart girl.

The healing Barbara gave me was soothing and quick, though my healing was way more effective. I don't have the heart to say that to her though.


Wait, now that I think about it, I look like I'm cultivating or some shit. Archons, reading those things in the last world really took a toll on me. The information I needed to learn… Ugh, just thinking about it is making me dizzy.

'Stop thinking about it, Aether. The more you think about it, the less control you have over your flames.'

After about half an hour of me just meditating, I finally got the hang of 20% of those flames. I stood up and slowly walked over to Jean and Barbara. However, just before I reached them, I heard something shatter behind me. I looked behind me and was shocked at the sight. At the very same place I was earlier, laid a crack. A crack on empty space.

"Is that… a crack in reality!?"

I don't know how this happened, but then realized it a second after. It might have been because of these new flames that were infused with divine energy. Not to mention the other two elements. My Gluttony, which was also concentrated at that spot, and the small accumulation of abyssal energy. Even so, I don't think that's all the factors.

It might have been because the Domain was malfunctioning that this was able to happen. I doubt that I'll be able to do this in the outside world even if I tried my hardest. Not that I actually needed to do this. Cautiously, I walked towards the crack and sighed in relief when I saw that nothing was on the other side. At least not yet.

"What is… that?" asked Jean as she cautiously walked towards me.

"A crack in reality itself. Although, I don't think it's fully formed yet. I'll investigate it later when it fully forms."

"I'll come with you," said Jean with determination.

"Me too!" tuned in Barbara.

That was both relieving and concerning. Relieving because I actually have company, but concerning because I don't know the dangers that lie at the other side. No matter, I'll just protect them to the best of my abilities. I may even bring others with me.

"Let's go. I'm afraid more weird things may happen if we stay here any longer."

They both nodded so I held their hands and teleported back to the hotel.


At night, I was lying in bed and couldn't really sleep. The whole day after the training went on fairly normally. However, tomorrow will be far from normal. Tomorrow's my wedding with Ganyu and Havria. Fuck… I'm getting nervous. On the other hand, my brides and lover are sleeping peacefully.

"Haah, I should just not think about it…"

I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind as much as I could so that I could fall asleep. After a few minutes, I finally became tired and drifted to the world of sleep.